can someone tell me whats the deal with salvia?


New Member
:joint:iv heard that salvia is the shit that its like smokeing herb while dropin acid at the same time! my locol head shop sells it iv thought about trying it but befor i do id like to get some feed back from any of yall who have tried it does it live up to the hype or should i not waste my time with it? so let me hear yall comments! thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
Well, if you like tripping, you will like it. I have done it once, I did not like it. I think that is because I was expecting a pot buzz and instead I was hallucinating. Not the buzz I was looking for. It is potent.


New Member
so you dont get high or nothing like the weed effects you just kind of trip as if you droped a hit of acid?


Well-Known Member
so you dont get high or nothing like the weed effects you just kind of trip as if you droped a hit of acid?
Exactly. The only difference is that with the Salvia it doesn't last for hours on end like acid. It is trippy, for sure.
Oh, and it doesn't give you the giggles like acid does, it just makes you hallucinate. I like the giggles....


New Member
thanks for yalls info i guess i wont waste my time with it! i want to enjoy my high and know whats going on not wig out and be peronoid as fuck! thanks


Active Member
Well it does cause a hardcore trip, but as the hallucinations wear off, it moves on to a strange high that I find to be similar to opium. Be warned the taste is horrid, best way to smoke it is a water pipe, and start off with a low grade extract, if that's not enough move to a stronger one. Salvia is not a plant to be fooled around with the hallucinations are stronger and more vivid than shrooms or acid.


New Member
hell guys i might just say fuck it and try it i found some salvia extract 10 for $11.00 online at i dont know all the prices but $11.00 dont seem to bad to try it out one time i just dont know if it will be strong enough i know my wife wants to try it but she scared at the same time she dont have a high tolerance to weed just a few hits and she stoned out her mind she thinks salvia will make her wig out like something she aint never heard of but i say shes been watching to many youtube salvia clips


Active Member
its simple really, i just black out, come to, head buried in hands, or legs, friend on the other hand, saw all white.....the couch began to crumple in around him, the other couch started jumping at him, he freaked out....reality sets in....his brother is shaking him trying to calm him down, his mom is freaking out, the couches are just sitting there.

if you got balls you will try it, it only last about ten minutes, so whats the harm.


New Member
there i go i just bought that salvia 10 online so in 3-5 days i should be tripin! i will let yall know how it goes when it comes!peace


Well-Known Member
there i go i just bought that salvia 10 online so in 3-5 days i should be tripin! i will let yall know how it goes when it comes!peace
goodluck man. take a BIG hit and hold. only lasts for a few minutes which is kinda good. not like doing shrooms that lasts a long time. i personally didn't like it. i was standing by a pool and the world literally turned sideways. i had to grab onto a bench that sits right next to the pool,so i would fall in. scared the fuck out of me. never again lol. too expensive anyway.


Well-Known Member
Nice. I almost bought some of that shit, then I found out my local headshop stopped carrying it. I hear all kinds of good things though. Apparently it is prone to cause life altering experiences. I could use one of those right about now.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
craziest 10 mins of my life, not for everyone this stuff.stronger than acid i hit the pipe 3 times forgot id had it then couldnt work out why everything was so fucked up floating 3d multidoloured squares with peopleas heads freefloating on the squares. ten mins of tunnel vision hangin on to the kitchen sink white nuckles like i was going to fall off the edge of the world.... pleased i tried it wont be doin it again.

one thing i would say is have someone straight with you when you smoke it.


Well-Known Member
I just ordered a gram of the 20x extract, been wanting to try this shit for awhile!!!!!!


New Member
I did it once. I love acid every once in a blue moon, but this shit was fucked up! Everything went totally digital and there were these square grids everywhere (anotherwords the most vivid hallucinations i have ever had). Lasted 10 minutes and after that I threw the stuff away. That stuff is nasty! Tasts like shit too. I vaguely remember coughing then BAM. Hit like a freight train! Was not enjoyable how it went from 0% to 110% in zero time...