Molasses part 2


Well-Known Member
I would like to add at this stage that adding molasses to a hydroponic system is a bad idea, if you have moving parts that come in contact with water, i.e. water pumps, then there is a good chance that these could become blocked.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, glad all the dust has settled a bit.
For what it's worth, I use molasses, when in flowering.

Usually I use it about 3 times, maybe 4 at most during flowering.
I like to make sure it is the last thing my babies eat.

I do not flush my plants at all, my feelings on flushing, are simply this:
by needing a flushing, you are saying that there is stuff in your soil that you dont want/need, and/or that there is too much of it present.
In an organic grow, there shouldnt be a need for flushing.

Moving on, I got off subject a bit, Molasses has many uses, I went out to my (vegetable) garden, and something was eating the leaves on my green pepper plants, I sprayed a mixture of molasses and water on the plants.....and problem was solved instantly. Plants are looking better than ever now too.


Well-Known Member
Hey Vid....How ya be?

No need to flush? Not even prior to harvest? Organic grows dont have the issue of bad burning buds? The chemmical taste I would think wouldnt be there with Organics. But I always heard of bud needing to be re-lit when plants arent flushed prior to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I would like to add at this stage that adding molasses to a hydroponic system is a bad idea, if you have moving parts that come in contact with water, i.e. water pumps, then there is a good chance that these could become blocked.
Very true NGT, but there are other consequences.

Feeding Molasses directly into a hydro reservoir effectively does what it does in soil - feeds the microbes that may be present, but it also makes them explode in terms of their population. It's this fluctuating number of microbes in the res that causes the ph to fluctuate out of control - you can't stablise it.

Also, the exploding populations of microbes in your reservoir reduce the oxygen supplies to a point where harmful pathogens and bacteria that like anaerobic conditions like Pythium and Fusarium can thrive and attack the plants roots.


Well-Known Member
The chemmical taste I would think wouldnt be there with Organics. But I always heard of bud needing to be re-lit when plants arent flushed prior to harvest.
Is the reason for that because it was grown organically or for some other reason, do you think?


Well-Known Member
I have no idea...thats why I asked the question.

What I read didnt say if they were talking about organic or non-organic nutes being used. It was a general statement saying all plants need to be flushed 2 weeks prior to harvest and only given water for the final two weeks. If get bad tasting and or dab burning bud.

Is that good info?


Well-Known Member
I have no idea...thats why I asked the question.

What I read didnt say if they were talking about organic or non-organic nutes being used. It was a general statement saying all plants need to be flushed 2 weeks prior to harvest and only given water for the final two weeks. If get bad tasting and or dab burning bud.

Is that good info?
kinda sorta, but not realy....

true, you should ALWAYS FLUSH. failure to do so can cause issues like hard to light buds, joints that don't stay lit, acrid flavor, harsh smoke, and afterburn (headaches).

however, the two week thing is nutz. your buds generaly pack on most of thier weight in the last two weeks, so depriving them of nutes for that time, imo, is assinine. one week is plenty, i do five days of water in dirt. however, i have recently gotten a product that allows for a one day flush, meaning you don't have to cut the nutes off. the product is called florakleen and is made by gh.

hope that helps.



Well-Known Member
Much appreciated, KP. All info helps. Gotta have as much inof as possible to form an opinion.

2 weeks of no nutes did make me say hmmmmmmm. But not knowing any different I would have done just that prior to harvest. I think Ill try it each way with different plants and see what happens. Flush vs. No Flush.


Well-Known Member
i don't reccomend a no flush, but that's just me. i have had good results in soil with an emergency harvest and 20 hours after flushing. kinda acrid, but better than one that was not flushed at all.



Well-Known Member
Well I went around looking on the net to see if a side-by-side test had been done using molasses. Surprisingly there wasn't one. I'm not sure if I am going to be able to get a stable test since there seems to be a very putrid odor coming from the rockwool that I have started my clones in. So the clone's ages might vary by a few days if I have to take more. If anyone else wants to try doing the test too incase I fail it'd be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
i can perhaps do a test for you guys. i just start three thunderfux, so i'll have them to play with. male or female, all three are going to be breeders. this strain is to rare to let go of...



Well-Known Member
I have about 5 clones Im waiting on to root.

I'll take 2 and do a side by side "BlackStrap" test. Its early enough that I can do this. I'll keep you posted, Kieahtoka. I'll pm you when they root and I plant. Picking up more pots/soil toomorrow.

I guess I need to read up on it and see when I should start the BlackStrap feeding....and how much. Maybe you and I should do different doses and see what we get.

KP....the more the better. 3 independent tests with different growing environments. That'll give variety.

And the different strains we all are using should add to the info.


Well-Known Member
bloodshot, i reccomend you start with molasses week two of flower. until that time, feed with veg nutes.

Well I guess this is where our tests are going to differ, I planned on starting in veg, just curious to see what will happen. I'll start at a dose of a half tablespoon/gallon, and be at a 2 tablespoons/gallon when flower time comes around.


Well-Known Member
^^ Will Do.... ^^

Luckily I took clones just as preflowers popped up. So I wont veg for too long...just enough to get my weight up....then flower


Well-Known Member
^^ Will Do.... ^^

Luckily I took clones just as preflowers popped up. So I wont veg for too long...just enough to get my weight up....then flower
Same here, that's good though. So maybe our tests will be more conclusive than if we hadn't taken clones at around the same age.


Well-Known Member
I've read MOLASSES and MOLASSES TWO, and I've read the FREEDOM OF SPEECH thread and I got two cents worth of opinions.
I have to attend a weekly meeting on SALEMANSHIP every week, and the Moderator and Speaker there says every single week :
"I don't want a fat person giving me advise on how to lose weight and I don't want a failure giving me advise on how to be sucessful".
I've heard that a hundred times and It really soaked in.
Everyday for the past 4 months, I go to UNANSWERED THREADS, just to try and be helpful to Newbies and be a valuable member here. I was a newbie a few months ago and the advise I got from ffd2blk, videoman40, mogie, and cali-high and a few others really was invaluable. I got a years's supply of personal bud reading their advise. When I search those UNANSWERED THREADS, I do not respond to SOIL questions, or questions about outdoor growing, or HID lights. I do not have experience enough to give advise to those questions. But if the question is about CFLs, DWC, Bubbleponics, Drip Systems, Hydroponics, or anything I do have experience with, then I try to be helpful and respond. Newbies see my willingnes to help them and I get 10 to 20 PMs everyday saying "Roseman, I was too shy or embarrassed to ask on a thread, but can you advise me??????" and I answer them all. Often, it is easier to CUT AND PASTE from the GROWFAQ instead of doing a lot of typing, and I also add my own personal opinion to it too. (applause, applause for GROWFAQ, it is a great source of info, MOGIE)

I am saying all of this because I am bewieldered as to how someone, even a self egotistical menapausing stressed out woman who can only one-up by resorting to name calling, can say I do not use Molasses and then do a 20 page thread argueing about useing it.

Duh ?

"I don't want a fat person giving me advise on how to lose weight".
I would suggest that we all need to be more aware of the Newbies here, and be more respectful to each other too. Especially to those that try to earn it.
And if someone insist on being a self-serving egotistical ranting, raving bitch, then ignore her. Don't respond to her name calling. Don't argue with her, she might just be rollitup's girlfriend or wife, we don't know.
as far as i'm concerned, that issue is dead. i like the quote, but other than that, this post, imo, is unnecessary. if there's a problem to arrise, pm rollitup, or click report. please, let's all try to get along now...

love, kp