How screwed is my friend?


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the story...almost a year ago my friend was out with his friend and his friend's date...they went to dinner and got drunk. Anyway, on the drive home, the one dude tries to race my friend on an open staightaway, loses control and flips his car. My friend saw and turned around. when he got back to the scene the guy was fine, but his date was already a goner. They called the police, but my friend figured there was no reason for him to stick around and get a dui. So like I said, all of this happened almost a year ago...but the other day the cops came and arrested my friend for vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence, and fleeing the scene of an accident with a death involved. So like the title says, how screwed do you think he is? I think he is gonna have to serve some time, but I think if he gets a good lawyer it may onle be a year or two. Any opinions? ANyone know of something similar like this, and what the outcome was? :peace:


Well-Known Member
If your friend was not in the car that crashed, and his car never touched the other guy's car. I fail to see how he is responsible.


Well-Known Member
I take it the other driver wasn't? The other guy was doing the legal speed limit? Tell your friend get a lawyer. This will be over before he knows it.


Well-Known Member
someone fucking died someone is going to jail for that
well obviously the other guy should go to jail...but my friend didnt make him race, or make him crash....I don't see how it is his fault, but the courts don't take racing lightly anymore


Well-Known Member
ye i wld guess a short sentence, it sounds like no ones fault but if two friends where racing in the courts eyes and this behaviour led to the death of this female, then sure he could go down for a couple of if u add the fleeing from the scene this always looks bad and effects the judgement


Well-Known Member
He's toast, and good... You race and kill... your gone.. Maybe if one of these fine outstanding citizens had called 911, the date might have lived, and before you say shit..are they Drs ??...... I hope the brothers rip his ass apart daily...


Well-Known Member
Does your state have that "Racing Law" big penalities for racing on a public road where I'm from. 1 to 5 but death is another issue all together.

Get a great lawyer and because he is the "other car" he may just get bitch slapped!


Well-Known Member
He's toast, and good... You race and kill... your gone.. Maybe if one of these fine outstanding citizens had called 911, the date might have lived, and before you say shit..are they Drs ??...... I hope the brothers rip his ass apart daily...
they did call 911, the one guy stayed cause his car was totalled, and my friend left because he wasnt actually involved in the accident. (well besides driving fast next to him) The guy was let go too, he barely got arrested a couple days ago like my friend


Well-Known Member
hay mate get a good lawyer, he u'll be ok, wasnt ur mates fault, he wasn't driving the car that crashed, but he will get some shit for leave the crash tho


Well-Known Member
a good lawyer will get his charge reduced or dismissed..the other guy who wrecked the car might be screwed...and how can the court prove he was drunk??? was there documentation by the police?


Well-Known Member
hay mate get a good lawyer, he u'll be ok, wasnt ur mates fault, he wasn't driving the car that crashed, but he will get some shit for leave the crash tho
In 83 I lost my fiance the exact same way... some ass gave her a ride home and crashed into a bridge after racing..


Well-Known Member
a good lawyer will get his charge reduced or dismissed..the other guy who wrecked the car might be screwed...and how can the court prove he was drunk??? was there documentation by the police?
they can prove he was drinking from the waitress at the restaurant, of course that doenst prove he was over the limit, in fact Im almost certain he wasnt


Well-Known Member
Get a good lawyer. He didnt touch the car.. WHo says he was racing? It is not hit n run till you HIT

Shit! So now some asshole looses control while driving around me ...I swirve do a 360 spinning dont break anything, dont touch anything, get control and keep driving and i am a felon?

Like i said get a good lawyer.... Spend the cash or hell spend loads of time in prison for whatever degree MURDER


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the story...almost a year ago my friend was out with his friend and his friend's date...they went to dinner and got drunk. Anyway, on the drive home, the one dude tries to race my friend on an open staightaway, loses control and flips his car. My friend saw and turned around. when he got back to the scene the guy was fine, but his date was already a goner. They called the police, but my friend figured there was no reason for him to stick around and get a dui. So like I said, all of this happened almost a year ago...but the other day the cops came and arrested my friend for vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence, and fleeing the scene of an accident with a death involved. So like the title says, how screwed do you think he is? I think he is gonna have to serve some time, but I think if he gets a good lawyer it may onle be a year or two. Any opinions? ANyone know of something similar like this, and what the outcome was? :peace:

if he taslked to the cops he is fucked. tell him to ask for a lawer and shut up. you shouldnt say even your name before asking for a lawer.

he wasnt racing. nobody was racing and nobody was over the limit. the guy the crashed wasnt racing something ran out in front of him or something. nothing could have been done about that but there was no racing going on what so ever.


Well-Known Member
is she a potential witness??? I dont think your friend will go down for manslaughter. The guy driving is responsible. your friend is probably gonna get a ticket/time for racing. the laws might have him guilty by association tho.