Fuck 2020 and the horse it rode in on.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but 2020 has been a pretty good year for me and mine.
I even miss the 3 week lock down back in February or March that made us Covid free. Had lots of sex and was nice just hanging around the home. Got to enjoy the beer and pot id stockpiled with out having to worry about DUI or drug driving tests. Only just finished off the meat id stockpiled in the freezers in Jan and Feb,

Was nice to be involved in this forum through out the year. Some very clever cookies and some insightful insights.

Thank you to the haters who made me smile with your shit insults and unclever comments.

Its nice to know that not all Americans are selfish Trump cult stupid heads. Gives me hope in the uncertain future.

Cheers cunts.:joint:
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Well-Known Member
Cultists never, or at least rarely, understand or even want to understand. You’d have better luck negotiating peace in the Middle East.
Well then we are screwed because there is no way the only person who can achieve that will help us, because his Daddy-in-law is the cult leader.


Well-Known Member
I think the thing I missed most was seeing live music.

I am particularly pissed about the cancellation of the Nick Cave tour. I recall that I also missed him in September 2001 for obvious reasons. But it was rescheduled the following year and it ended up being awesome. When the show finally happened, and the crowd let out of the Chicago Theater, they had changed the marquis for the following night's show. Maybe not a lot of you will understand, but seeing a few thousand Nice Cave fans streaming out of a theater with "An Evening With Donny Osmond" on the marquis was an image I will carry with me forever.

So it all worked out in the end.

Live music is the thing I’ve missed the most this year too. My wife and I regularly went to shows and out dancing to a good cover band.

The last show we saw, exactly a year ago, was Anthony Gomes in Toronto and what a great show it was:



Well-Known Member
The people who suck are the sheep that believe everything they hear.

COVID is nothing more than the common cold or flu. Everyone is going to get it at some point.
You're listening to Trump, the worst president in American history who just lost the election and will not serve a second term, was impeached and will face criminal charges when he leaves the white house, and you're believing him.

What does that say about you?


Well-Known Member
Didn't you hear? Fox news is a trumpers new enemy. They called the election for Biden which is a sin to them.

Too funny. These people are completely insane. They listen to alex jones.

I figure about 5 million or so (not sure exact numbers of Parlor and Newsman ratings) are just too brainwashed to function.

This was from yesterday:
link to Washington Post story
Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 9.58.54 AM.png
On his Fox News show Sunday, Chris Wallace repeatedly tried to get Alex Azar to acknowledge a basic truth: that President Trump had failed to win reelection.

When the health and human services secretary referred to Joe Biden as “Vice President Biden,”
Wallace interrupted him: “He’s the president-elect, sir. He’s the president-elect. . . . First of all, it’s the President-elect Joe Biden. ”

But Azar didn’t acknowledge the correction and Wallace eventually moved on, continuing an interviewthat was largely about the pandemic and the distribution of vaccines.

It’s this kind of gesture — the mere pointing out of an irrefutable reality by some Fox staffers — that helps explain why Trump claims to be disenchanted with Fox these days.

“They forgot the Golden Goose,” the president charged in a mid-November tweetstorm about how the network has supposedly failed him. “The biggest difference between the 2016 Election, and 2020, was @FoxNews!”

As a deadly pandemic raged on, Trump stayed focused on Fox’s ratings, claiming they are declining because they haven’t supported him staunchly enough — he is the Golden Goose, after all.

Trump may or may not be sincere in his criticism of the network. You’d have to be in his head to know for sure, and, happily, that’s not in my tool kit. But what’s certain is that Fox helped Trump incalculably during the campaign — and that the network continues to do so now.

Trump is leaving press freedom in tatters. Biden can take these bold steps to repair the damage.

On Monday, for instance, news anchor Harris Faulkner let Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) rattle on about the supposedly stolen and fraud-filled election without anything close to a sufficient challenge. The facts? It was as if she’d never heard of them. An on-screen chyron did some of the pro-Trump work: “Rep Brooks: We Witnessed ‘Largest Election Theft.’ ”

And Faulkner did the rest with her placid acceptance, lack of pushback and finally her praise of Brooks’s point of view: “It is fascinating to hear this . . .”

For a further reality check, consider the remarkable numbers in a new Civiqs/Daily Kos poll: Among frequent viewers of Fox News, not even 1 in 5 say they accept that Biden won the presidential election, about which there is no legitimate question. Even fewer think the election was conducted fairly.

Make no mistake about the connection between Fox and election denialism. These hardcore viewers come to Fox for the unreality show, where Fox (or Fox Business) hosts like Sean Hannity, Maria Bartiromo and Lou Dobbs give Trump lies everything they’ve got.

In late November, for instance, even after Trump’s legal team dumped Sidney Powell, Hannity had her on his prime-time show to further promote her wacky notions. She’s most infamous for the one about Dominion Voting Systems coordinating with dead Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez to steal the election from Trump. And don’t forget Maria Bartiromo’s embarrassingly soft “exclusive” interview with Trump, allowing him to claim, without challenge, that the election was rigged and a fraud.

Fox likes to brag about the distinction between its opinion shows and its news coverage, and, in general, the news-side hosts do nod to the fact that Biden is the president-elect.

Despite that, there’s plenty of nonsense happening on the supposedly straight news shows, too. Daytime anchors, supposedly impartial and fact-based, far too often allow their guests to prattle on falsely about widespread election fraud as if it were a real thing, and fail to challenge Republican lawmakers who won’t publicly acknowledge reality.

When Trump produced a lie-filled Facebook video (“the most important speech I’ve ever made”) about voter fraud, even Fox’s vaunted straight-news guy Bret Baier used several misleading clips without an immediate fact check.

Fox News needs to reinvent itself for the post-Trump era. Here’s one radical idea.

But the network’s helpful spirit is apparently not nearly enough for the president. Trump, claiming disenchantment, has directed his base to Newsmax and One America News, where the delusion that widespread fraud stole the election is given even freer rein.

But it’s Fox — not these upstarts — that has the millions of regular viewers, the big-name stars, and, by far, the greatest influence on people’s opinions.

“For all the chatter about a schism between Trump and Fox, no one is working harder to help the president steal the election than his propagandists at that network,” Matthew Gertz of Media Matters for America, who has regularly documented the feedback loop between Fox and Trump, told me.

Trump won’t be successful in stealing the election outright. But it’s already obvious that he will succeed in undermining the legitimacy of the election and of the incoming administration. Thanks in large part to Fox News, there’s almost no chance of Americans coming together in a way that would benefit the country. Millions of them are thoroughly convinced that Biden will be an illegitimate president.

And no matter what Trump does next, whether he starts a media company, runs for president in 2024 or tries to defends himself in court, this fantasy serves his purposes — certainly not the nation’s — extremely well.

You would think he’d show a little gratitude.


Well-Known Member
The people who suck are the sheep that believe everything they hear.

COVID is nothing more than the common cold or flu. Everyone is going to get it at some point.
I know! Dying with a ventilator tube stuffed down your throat happens to hundreds of thousands of people that catch a cold every year.

The word "ignorant" is an adjective that describes a person in the state of being unaware, or even cognitive dissonance and other cognitive relation, and can describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts, or individuals who are unaware of important information or facts.


Well-Known Member
2020 has been pretty good for me, being antisocial and all that. Losing last season's march madness and John Prine was the low point for me. Taking a long walk every night after supper has been the highlight of the year. {I worked nights and weekends, so few nighttime walks before covid} I have done a good deal of trail maintenance with the free time, so not as much bushwhacking.

My wife was much more social, and hosted a 10-20 people group that got together once a month. She has taken social distancing to heart, and we've only ate once inside a restaurant, and a couple times outside. I run over to the Diner and get takeout once a week. Most weeks a 20 dollar bill will cover it. The money we've saved by not going out has almost balanced out my lost income. One of our retired friends we had lunch with (outside at Beef's) week before last was saying he had saved $20K this year, just from not going and doing. We are spending money down at the riverhouse, but I'm trying to be as slow about it as possible. (will find out after while what 52 pressure treated 12 foot 2 X 6's are going to cost. Deck the halls decks)

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
2020 has been pretty good for me, being antisocial and all that. Losing last season's march madness and John Prine was the low point for me. Taking a long walk every night after supper has been the highlight of the year. {I worked nights and weekends, so few nighttime walks before covid} I have done a good deal of trail maintenance with the free time, so not as much bushwhacking.

My wife was much more social, and hosted a 10-20 people group that got together once a month. She has taken social distancing to heart, and we've only ate once inside a restaurant, and a couple times outside. I run over to the Diner and get takeout once a week. Most weeks a 20 dollar bill will cover it. The money we've saved by not going out has almost balanced out my lost income. One of our retired friends we had lunch with (outside at Beef's) week before last was saying he had saved $20K this year, just from not going and doing. We are spending money down at the riverhouse, but I'm trying to be as slow about it as possible. (will find out after while what 52 pressure treated 12 foot 2 X 6's are going to cost. Deck the halls decks)
Cheers to John Prine


Well-Known Member
I notice that covid isn't really fake news much any more among the Trumpers, sure there are some hard core morons, but many who believed it was all a hoax appear to have dwindled somewhat. They believe now but most are still in some level denial, they don't want to think too much about. These assholes are protesting masks and making thousands of death threats over bullshit while their hospitals are overwhelmed.

If you get rid of newsmax, OAN and even FOX along with hate radio, they will end up watching the regular news sooner or later. You need the senate to end the insanity and when you obtain power, don't be afraid to use it to defend your country, they use it to destroy your country and you can't go into neutral mode when you obtain power. The ratchet only turns one way, to the right and you will lose your country to the lunatics' and morons who will destroy it and you. Win the senate and hearings can be held and commissions formed, this problem has been studied and we know who the bad actors are, laws can be created to step on them hard and some under existing FCC regulations can be removed from the air as public menaces based on their covid coverage. This situation cannot be allowed to persist amplifying, lies and hate will destroy any country, especially one that depends on an informed electorate to make decisions.

Why are there so many criminals in elected office in America, especially in red states? Simple, they all got away with white collar crime because nobody was looking or cared, or they used influence to avoid investigation and indictment. Then they went for power by telling racists and bigots what they wanted to hear, Trump was not the first to do this, it is common practice and today the almost exclusive domain of the republicans. Democrats turn on their own politicians for political incorrectness, much less crime, the republicans will not just tolerate corruption, they will embrace it, look at Trump. The republican party is now packed full of criminals at all levels, time to start investigating and busting them, don't worry about perceptions of fairness, worry about applying the law to as many of them as you can. They have had an easy ride and even if you don't win the senate, then bust all the corrupt republican senators that you can. Make Mitch and Lindsey fight for their lives in court, win lose or draw in the senate races and go after all senators making illegal stock trades, every one, excoriate democrats too, clean house. They wanna pretend at politics and play war, but their weakness is their corruption, win the senate and make corruption even easier to bust. They depend on money from billionaires and corporations, cut off the cash for everybody, they work for them and cause social division for their benefit.

The point of these ramblings and rantings is to demonstrate that lot's can be done to fight and destroy the forces that want to destroy you. There are plenty of Americans with more and better ideas for making this shit irrelevant in America, but it's not just dealing with the lies and disinformation, it's also dealing with the problem of income distribution and this is one of the things that is fueling the trouble. Perhaps over 50% of the population lives on 5% of the national wealth and 92% of Americans want a fairer distribution of that wealth. The problem is socialism, not really though, the real problem is forming a sharing community with those they hate and despise. Socialism is just a dog whistle word like liberal, you know libertards, those who defend liberty, the constitution and the rule of law. You can't have a final solution to the brown people in America without getting rid of the constitution that protects minorities from the majority.
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