Karl Rove & Co: Obama's won


Well-Known Member
From Andrew Sullivan:

Rove is predicting that even if McCain wins all the "toss-up" states, he's still lost.

Of course, Karl Rove does not exactly have a sterling reputation for honesty or accuracy.

Still, this does explain why Faux News and Drudge have been running even more stupid stories than usual recently... Reality is off limits.

Big P

Well-Known Member
From Andrew Sullivan:

Rove is predicting that even if McCain wins all the "toss-up" states, he's still lost.

Of course, Karl Rove does not exactly have a sterling reputation for honesty or accuracy.

Still, this does explain why Faux News and Drudge have been running even more stupid stories than usual recently... Reality is off limits.

everyone has forgoten one thing

to let the people decide. we will see on Tuesday friends. What will you guys do if obama loses, will you be gracious and magnanimous?


Well-Known Member
Don't count your chickens before the election fraud is done. :mrgreen: Right Mr Bush?
Well, I'm not saying I'm not worried about that. But the fact is, it's pretty easy to steal a few thousand votes (especially if the woman who oversees the count was appointed by your brother), but it's a lot more difficult to steal millions and millions of votes.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
What will you guys do if obama loses, will you be gracious and magnanimous?

I would not be gracious to see yet another election stolen via the no-paper-trails machines, no. And I would predict that if Obama "loses," there might just well be some rioting, etc. Why? Because this will make the third time for those machines: 2000, 2004, and the '06 midterms. The exit polls have been very, very skewed for those elections. People don't have much reason to lie on their way OUT, and the results for the '06 midterms in Ohio were way off base.

I really, really like Andrew Sullivan. Yes, he is a conservative, but every time I have seen him, he is fair and reasonable. I like that guy a lot. Anyone else read his blog or articles, anything?


Well-Known Member
What will you guys do if obama loses, will you be gracious and magnanimous?

I would not be gracious to see yet another election stolen via the no-paper-trails machines, no. And I would predict that if Obama "loses," there might just well be some rioting, etc. Why? Because this will make the third time for those machines: 2000, 2004, and the '06 midterms. The exit polls have been very, very skewed for those elections. People don't have much reason to lie on their way OUT, and the results for the '06 midterms in Ohio were way off base.

I really, really like Andrew Sullivan. Yes, he is a conservative, but every time I have seen him, he is fair and reasonable. I like that guy a lot. Anyone else read his blog or articles, anything?
...Like Acorn and the 100s of millions made from pre-paid credit cards?
does that count? or only when the repukes do it?
The only worrie I have is that obama or mccain is going to win, what kind of position does that put me in?...and you?

Big P

Well-Known Member
What will you guys do if obama loses, will you be gracious and magnanimous?

I would not be gracious to see yet another election stolen via the no-paper-trails machines, no. And I would predict that if Obama "loses," there might just well be some rioting, etc. Why? Because this will make the third time for those machines: 2000, 2004, and the '06 midterms. The exit polls have been very, very skewed for those elections. People don't have much reason to lie on their way OUT, and the results for the '06 midterms in Ohio were way off base.

I really, really like Andrew Sullivan. Yes, he is a conservative, but every time I have seen him, he is fair and reasonable. I like that guy a lot. Anyone else read his blog or articles, anything?

you have revealed yourself,

thank you:lol:



Well-Known Member
What will you guys do if obama loses, will you be gracious and magnanimous?

I would not be gracious to see yet another election stolen via the no-paper-trails machines, no. And I would predict that if Obama "loses," there might just well be some rioting, etc. Why? Because this will make the third time for those machines: 2000, 2004, and the '06 midterms. The exit polls have been very, very skewed for those elections. People don't have much reason to lie on their way OUT, and the results for the '06 midterms in Ohio were way off base.

I really, really like Andrew Sullivan. Yes, he is a conservative, but every time I have seen him, he is fair and reasonable. I like that guy a lot. Anyone else read his blog or articles, anything?
I'm surprised lil' pea can even spell gracious and magnanimous. His posts show no indication that he understands what those words mean.

And I agree with you about Andrew Sullivan. Even though I disagree with many of his political positions, he is obviously an intelligent and principled man, a type all too rare these days, especially on the right of the political specturm.


Well-Known Member
What will you guys do if obama loses, will you be gracious and magnanimous?

I would not be gracious to see yet another election stolen via the no-paper-trails machines, no. And I would predict that if Obama "loses," there might just well be some rioting, etc. Why? Because this will make the third time for those machines: 2000, 2004, and the '06 midterms. The exit polls have been very, very skewed for those elections. People don't have much reason to lie on their way OUT, and the results for the '06 midterms in Ohio were way off base.

I really, really like Andrew Sullivan. Yes, he is a conservative, but every time I have seen him, he is fair and reasonable. I like that guy a lot. Anyone else read his blog or articles, anything?
From what I've read of his posts, he's about as conservative as McCain, which means, just like McCain he's in the wrong party.


New Member
What will you guys do if obama loses, will you be gracious and magnanimous?

I'll be celebrating. A few others on the site will be as well. Many will be screaming voter fraud and racism from the rafters.


Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
In every election I can remember (since 1996), the guy won who most people thought was going to win. This year, most people think Obama's going to win based on polls and other factors. If he doesn't, it'll indicate something's up, just like if Ralph Nader won it would indicate something is up. But all that means is that odds are overwhelming that Obama will win. ;)

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Hi Joe,

First my two wishes: (1) for Tuesday to be here and gone; (2) for people to stop using blogs and repeat/identical articles as sources.

Now, if you read the WashPo article all the way through, you'll see that this is also happening in McCain's coffers too:

Sen. John McCain's campaign has also had questionable donations slip through.

Dan Pfeiffer, Obama's communication's director, said that "no organization can fully insulate itself from these problems. The McCain campaign has accepted contributions from fraudulent contributors like 'A for You,' 'Adorable Manabat,' 'The Gun Shop,' and 'Jesus II' and hundreds of anonymous donors."

Why is this on page 2 of this so-called liberal rag? Yours for the guessing ;)

Now, look at the end of the article:

Campaign finance lawyers said there is a long history of debate within the FEC about how to ensure that donors use their own credit cards.

Election lawyer Brett Kappel said the FEC has never grappled with the question of cash cards. "The whole system is set up for them to accept the payment, then determine whether it is legal or not. And if it's not, send it back. That's what the statute requires," he said

So this just reinforces for me, personally, why we need federally financed elections, with no donations whatsoever. To me, it's just common sense. How in the world is anyone who is not uber wealthy supposed to try to get into office with all this nonsense going on (and by nonsense I include the lobbying).

Also, not for nothing, if you check out this article from the BBC, you'll see that proportionately, Obama's campaign is taking in more from private donors, while McCain's campaign elected to take federal funds, which skews the numbers [of private donations] to a considerable degree. That leaves open the question of just what the number of fraudulent donations would be, if we were to reduce these bogus donations proportionately.

Mr McCain has decided to take public financing, which means that from 1 September he has a maximum of $84m [£51m] to spend on his campaign. The McCain campaign is no longer accepting donations, except to its compliance fund - money to pay for lawyers, accountants and other expenses involved in maintaining compliance with federal election laws. The Republican National Committee, however, can still raise money to support the McCain campaign.

Barack Obama is the first candidate not to take public financing since the system was introduced in the mid-1970s. In September, the Obama campaign raised $153m [£93m], a new record for a single month, and can continue fundraising.

editing to add the bbc link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7596690.stm

I would guess that if McCain's campaign were not accepting the public financing and raising their funds in the same grass roots manner that Obama's campaign is, we'd see similar results.

All of this just makes me want to see an end to the circus that our national elections have become. Sorry if that's off topic, but that's the conclusion that I came to after sifting through your links, as well as the BBC article. This is such nonsense, the way we conduct our elections and campaigns. SNL appearances? Please, this is so stupid. We're a bunch of tv-addicted idiots, really.

Now, as for the rest of your sources, one, blogs don't count: they are opinions. Sure, sometimes they cite sources, but all too often, they are the ones already "out there."

One of your links (this one Obama accepting cash from untraceable prepaid credit cards) is merely an identical repeat of the WashPo article, and it even says so at the top. (Always check your sources.)

Another one of your links (this one http://electionlawblog.org/archives/012090.html ) is oh-so-official looking that at first glance one would think that only Obama's campaign has had these fraudulent donations. Look again: it's a blog, not a legal analysis, as one would think at first glance. (Always check your sources. How come this one didn 't mention that McCain's campaign has had some of the same crap going on??)

I don't understand the inclusion of the last link in your list of sources--the Reuters article about gift cards and why people would use them (those who do not have good enough credit to obtain bona fide credit cards, etc).

So. How's that?


Well-Known Member
Hi Joe,

First my two wishes: (1) for Tuesday to be here and gone; (2) for people to stop using blogs and repeat/identical articles as sources.

Now, if you read the WashPo article all the way through, you'll see that this is also happening in McCain's coffers too:

Must be a slow night. Why else expend even the minimal amount of energy it takes to refute this pack of dull-witted trolls?