Definition - What does leaching mean?
The term leaching is also used when a farmer opts to irrigate a small field with large quantities of water to remove salt build up in the soil.
When done on a smaller scale by indoor farmers,
this can be called flushing, flushing your plants, or flushing the grow medium.
So “flushing” is still a term that is used and accepted in a botanical sense. Further reading brings me to the conclusion that leaching is the term used when ur removing the build up of salts, and flushing more commonly used for when you begin to give water only for an amount of time before harvest. So in other words “flushing” is a viable term in the context the op has used it.
I’ve noticed u have issues with people using the term flushing instead leaching, but what about the fact that near everyone calls the white hairs of a flowering plant “pistils”? When they are in fact “
stigmas”, (correct plural - stigmata). Stigmata grow
out of the pistil.
If u wanna be a nazi for correct terminology that’d be the one to jump on.