Today in Paris, asshole in chief admitted that his son, Donald (the Dick Head) Jr, his son-in-law, Jared (the Weasel) Kushner and Paul (the Con Man) Manafort did meet with a Russian agent in June, 2016, just after winning the Republican nomination for POTUS, to seek out incriminating evidence against Clinton.
“My son is a wonderful young man,” Trump said of Donald Trump Jr., 39. “He took a meeting with a Russian lawyer, not a government lawyer, but a Russian lawyer. It was a short meeting. It was a meeting that went very, very quickly — very fast — two of the people in the room, one of them left almost immediately and the other was not really focused on the meeting. I do think this from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken that meeting, it’s called opposition research or even research into your opponent.”
According to emails Trump Jr. released earlier in the week, he took the meeting in June 2016 after being promised information that would be helpful in incriminating Clinton’s dealings with the Russian government. In an email, music publicist Bob Goldstone added that “this is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
Trump Jr. replied, “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.”
Trump, who was appearing today in a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron, said that he had been offered plenty of opposition research on his opponents and that it was standard operating procedure in politics. He also blamed the Obama administration for allowing Veselnitskaya into the country in the first place.
I got it, if Obama had stopped that Russian whore from entering the country, there would not have been a meeting with the Russian agent.
Give me a fucking break. No matter what this guy does of his own volition, it is still either Obama or Clinton's fault.
Well, day by day we are seeing the total meltdown of this corrupt administration, and it's only seven months into this disaster of a so called Presidency.
I personally am having a really good time now, I feel better than I have felt in months, watching the rats scramble to escape the hammer that WILL come down on this pile of shit called the Trump (short lived hopefully) Presidency.
This basically was the final straw in my opinion, the one that shows they are all lying treasonous pieces of shit, that hopefully will ALL be indited for collusion with a foreign entity to harm America, and sent to jail for treason, and fucking hanged.(do we still do that shit?)
Peace out