Ttystikk's vertical goodness


Well-Known Member
Why not just get some soccer nets and the goal supporting them for your vertical scroging joy? It would almost provide 240 degrees of coverage ;)

Talk about goals... Lol
Because netting sucks, lol

I use sheep n goat fencing. Seriously, it's strong enough to hold a shape, rigid yet can be bent, squares are big enough to stick your hands through and it's easy to use vine clips and soft ties with it.


Well-Known Member
Tupur has absolutely made the difference in my veg and as you know when growing big girls, a good veg is a key to yields.

My best is 32oz from one plant. Between the Tupur, the veg and dialing in the environment I believe I can hit three lbs from one plant.
Whish we could get it down here. Might have to talk to my supplier.


Well-Known Member
Have a buddy who just flew to Florida with 21 grams in his carry on. Orlando is decriminalized 21g and under is a ticket so he said fuck it and got no grief. Not first time I've heard of people flying from legal to atleast decriminalized with no issues at all lol he sent me thisView attachment 3763955
TSA is a bunch of fuckwits, probably didnt even notice :). I was flying from Atlanta to Dominican Republic once and as I was going through security in Atl these 2 TSA morons were talking about how they like to fuck with people. I went through Atl, Miami, Puerto Rico, and landed in DR with a 4" lockblade buck knife in the side pocket of my carry on backpack. I didnt know it was there either until I got into DR and reached into that pocket and pulled it out.


Well-Known Member
Have a buddy who just flew to Florida with 21 grams in his carry on. Orlando is decriminalized 21g and under is a ticket so he said fuck it and got no grief. Not first time I've heard of people flying from legal to atleast decriminalized with no issues at all lol he sent me thisView attachment 3763955
But whatever you do, do NOT give in to temptation in the airplane bathroom, lmao!


Well-Known Member
TSA is a bunch of fuckwits, probably didnt even notice :). I was flying from Atlanta to Dominican Republic once and as I was going through security in Atl these 2 TSA morons were talking about how they like to fuck with people. I went through Atl, Miami, Puerto Rico, and landed in DR with a 4" lockblade buck knife in the side pocket of my carry on backpack. I didnt know it was there either until I got into DR and reached into that pocket and pulled it out.
Security theater, for the consumption and constipation of us peons- while the elite of course never get their private jets and suitcases full of coke searched.


Well-Known Member
Back when you could smoke on Southwest Airlines, I traveled a lot and would always carry a one hitter on my person and additional in my carryon, neary a problem. Any more in most countries they will slap your hand, some like the Philippines will fucking kill you!

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
On the other hand, all those Asian countries just love to build grow lights and send them here for us to 'illegally' grow, lol

Yes, it's odd and hints at an ethical problem with the pot prohibition laws;
Try getting chemical precursors for making meth and see how far you get, lol
Can only buy 2 boxes of Sudafed some places 1 with an ID and they swipe it to see when last time u bought it with them was