Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club


Well-Known Member
Is there a list of the deceased? I knew a lgbt Puerto Rican guy who was known to do burlesque and lives in the Orlando area. It would be nice to know he is ok, chances are he is but he's among a similar demographic. I didn't realize incident took place on latin night until yesterday.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
This is same document. From the fbi.

Given the current high-threat environment, agencies are stretched extremely thin in terms
of their ability to monitor suspects and disrupt plots. This year the FBI has been forced to
confront nearly a thousand terrorism-related cases in every single U.S. state, according to FBI
Director Come
y, straining law enforcement resources. “We had to surge hundreds of people
from criminal cases—which are important—and move them over to the national security side,”
he noted. Comey said he was unsure what the Bureau would do if there was a return to this
level of operational tempo.30
True, they are spread extremely thin. An expert on security explained how much the other day on FOX's The Five.


Well-Known Member
This thread went off the fuckin deep
end! I figure fuck it, if worrying about Islamic terror here in the states and Isis influenced homegrown nuts is considered bigotry then there's no point in talking about it. I'll just wait until some of these refugees or terrorists come into the country or are here already and more things go boom to say "told ya so."

With Isis on the decline, or so Obama says even though the cia says the opposite, they're increasingly getting anxious to ramp up the violence to hold their terror over the world. Hoping it doesn't happen of course, but I'm thinking it'll happen more often before anything gets done. Obama I think will take the blame after he's out of office whether Hillary or trump is in there, because anyone in office will say more should have been done and blame it on Barry.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
With Isis on the decline, or so Obama says even though the cia says the opposite, they're increasingly getting anxious to ramp up the violence to hold their terror over the world. Hoping it doesn't happen of course, but I'm thinking it'll happen more often before anything gets done. Obama I think will take the blame after he's out of office whether Hillary or trump is in there, because anyone in office will say more should have been done and blame it on Barry.
Every lie the Liar-In-Chief has spun has been refuted by experts including 51 of his own staff recently. Obama is to blame by getting us into this mess, he just doesn't take his "JV" team seriously.

Bush handed him a stable Iraq, period. The middle east was not in the shambles it is today either. Obama pulled our troops our prematurely and they'll be people who will buy into his bullshit. We quit fighting, ISIS never did.

Short of it? Obama is a fuck up and will go down in history as being the worst supporter of world peace and the American people.


Well-Known Member
Top U.S. counterterrorism officials have been warning for months that the intelligence on the
ground in Syria is insufficient to thoroughly vet individuals traveling to the United States from
the conflict zone. It is difficult both to confirm that Syrian asylum-seekers are who they claim to
be and to determine they do not have ties to terrorist groups.
• Recently, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services official Matthew Emrich disclosed that the
government does not have access to any database in Syria that can be used to check the
backgrounds of incoming refugees against criminal and terrorist records.17 Nevertheless, it was
revealed that over 90% of Syrian refugee applicants get approved, despite intelligence gaps
and absent the ability to thoroughly check for security risks.18
• According to former FBI assistant director Tom Fuentes, “Our human sources [in Syria] are
minimal, and we don’t have a government we can partner with, and that’s a key thing.”19
• National Counterterrorism Center Director Nicholas Rasmussen explained that “the intelligence
picture we’ve had of this [Syrian] conflict zone isn’t what we’d like it to be… you can only review
[data] against what you have.”20
• Affirming these concerns, FBI Director James Comey testified in October to the Committee that
“we can only query against that [data] which we have collected. So if someone has not made
a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or intentions reflected in our
databases, we can query our databases until the cows come home, but nothing will show up
because we have no record of that person…You can only query what you have collected.”21
• Earlier this year, FBI Assistant Director Michael Steinbach said that “the concern in Syria is that
we don’t have the systems in places on the ground to collect the information… All of the data
sets, the police, the intel services that normally you would go and seek that information [from],
don’t exist.”22
Oh sure, terrorists are going to come into the country via the horribly rough, unsafe and uncertain conditions associated with refugee migration and then wait in camps for 18 months? Most illegal immigrants come to this country via jet fights. You are caught up in a wildly speculative and illogical idea that those sneaky terrorists are hiding in masses of people in need. You've watched too many movies.

Nothing is 100% safe, which is all that state department memo says. You are caught up in a right wing fear induced fever dream.


Well-Known Member
Oh sure, terrorists are going to come into the country via the horribly rough, unsafe and uncertain conditions associated with refugee migration and then wait in camps for 18 months? Most illegal immigrants come to this country via jet fights. You are caught up in a wildly speculative and illogical idea that those sneaky terrorists are hiding in masses of people in need. You've watched too many movies.

Nothing is 100% safe, which is all that state department memo says. You are caught up in a right wing fear induced fever dream.
As everyone can now see; they are American and already here.


Well-Known Member
Every lie the Liar-In-Chief has spun has been refuted by experts including 51 of his own staff recently. Obama is to blame by getting us into this mess, he just doesn't take his "JV" team seriously.

Bush handed him a stable Iraq, period. The middle east was not in the shambles it is today either. Obama pulled our troops our prematurely and they'll be people who will buy into his bullshit. We quit fighting, ISIS never did.

Short of it? Obama is a fuck up and will go down in history as being the worst supporter of world peace and the American people.
A stable Iraq in 2008. Whew, that's a whopper of a story there Ben. Reduction in death by roadside bombs, coalition strikes, factional conflict and so forth was only better in contrast to previous years. The situation in Iraq was hardly stable. The rise of ISIS was an outcome due to bungling of the Iraqi government and weakness of Iraq's armed forces. The only answer to terrorist violence and civil war in Iraq can only come from Iraqi government. And the tide is running in the Iraqi government's favor. Continuing the occupation would only have delayed the time that a stable Iraq can emerge, which is happening. Obama protected US lives and military assets by avoiding military intervention while working with and in support of a developing government within Iraq. And they are winning.

ISIS is contained, it's revenues have shrunk dramatically, they have lost about 40% of their territory, the regime has started scapegoating and murdering it's own army staff and troops leading to an exodus of troop strength as well as loss of morale and the US keeps picking off it's leadership.

Rewriting or better put, re-imagining history can't alter reality. Are you breathing fracking fumes?

Post-surge violence: its extent and nature

What the detailed data tell us about Iraq’s civilian death toll during 2008 and the long-term effect of the “surge”
Deaths are unchangeable facts of history whose number can only be cumulative. For as long as conflict related deadly violence persists in Iraq, more lives and more families will be added to its toll of victims. Thus, “fewer victims than in 2007” is an abstraction imposed by a frame of measurement: the stark reality is that some 9,000 more Iraqi civilians have had their lives violently cut short since the end of 2007, most of them anonymously and with little public recognition.


Well-Known Member
if worrying about Islamic terror here in the states and Isis influenced homegrown nuts is considered bigotry then there's no point in talking about it. I'll just wait until some of these refugees or terrorists come into the country or are here already and more things go boom to say "told ya so."
so you've already pre-judged every refugee or muslim as a terrorist, and you don't understand why you are espousing bigotry?

i guess the problem here is once again that white people are just incredibly fucking dumb.


Well-Known Member
so you've already pre-judged every refugee or muslim as a terrorist, and you don't understand why you are espousing bigotry?

i guess the problem here is once again that white people are just incredibly fucking dumb.
When did I ever prejudge all of them as terrorists? Once again you're presuming things so you can troll. Too bad it's so obvious. I don't feel and never have that all refugees or all Muslims are terrorists- never said anything like that either because I don't feel that way.

Reread my quote, tool who cries wolf.


Well-Known Member
I'll just wait until some of these refugees or terrorists come into the country or are here already and more things go boom to say "told ya so."
Exactly- what I'm saying is I have no doubt that a few of these folks are planning some bad shit. I said that talking about it is seen as bigotry so I'll just wait until something happens, which it will when we're taking risks bringing folks in from these dangerous regions. Never said I think they're all terrorists.


Well-Known Member
Exactly- what I'm saying is I have no doubt that a few of these folks are planning some bad shit. I said that talking about it is seen as bigotry so I'll just wait until something happens, which it will when we're taking risks bringing folks in from these dangerous regions. Never said I think they're all terrorists.
a few folks in any population are planning bad shit you dumb fucking racist.

"i'll just wait until some of these refugees or terrorists come into the country"

you clearly are just trying to demonize any and all muslim refugees as terrorists, plain and simple. and that is bigotry. hence why you get called a racist bigot.

this is not hard to understand unless you are a really dumb white person.