EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Vote for chump(write in the looser sanders) I don't even give a fuck anymore. You guys are fucking nuts!
I'm out before i get really pissed. Good day everyone


Well-Known Member
ttystikk, i am a vey liberal dude from the bay area. My mom was a hippie, please don't try to even go there.
My folks were both flower children in the 60s. One grew up and went into county government, the other spent twenty years at State. Means dick.

Yet you think Mrs Clinton is liberal in any way, when in fact she's anything but;
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Well-Known Member
Knowing 100% that it's hillary Vs. trump, how is not voting for hillary@schuylaar
@ttystikk(writing in bernie which accomplishes nothing), @abandonconflict
Going to make a point??? How?
We should find all that bitched about Obama here..I think Bucky and I were the only two members that like him..and now you're getting him again:lol:

She said she would still work for us, whether we voted her or not.