Can a subforum change the WORLD?


Well-Known Member
Thread starter able to edit post 1 forever goes a long way to solving a bunch of problems. If the software doesnt allow for that just remove the time limit to edit completely. Why is this an issue to implement?


Well-Known Member
Its like anything. New tech and advances bring people in. People got interested, got into it, and now are just biding their time. Same thing happens on many forums. LED was not new persay but COBS were newer tech 2 years ago and interesting.

I think its a lot of things though. You picked up a lot of members from other sites coming here trolling. That shit gets old. Then (no offense) you have many DIY guys on here start battling over whos grow light is better as everyone wanted to jump on the money train. It turned from DIY guys helping each other out to guys fighting for business. At one time, every other thread was about "custom cob lighting" with fake accounts and what not. That got old quick for me as it was pretty obvious. Now you have turned the LED section into a buying haven for prebuilt lighting. No one is interested in building their own anymore and making advances due to all of the pre-made lights. How many build threads do you see anymore? Hardly any.... While business may be good for you guys, it has killed the DIY vibe that this section once held. This site is the reason I returned my PlatinumLED and built my own but its sad to see what it has become.

The forum is just like any other forum now. You might as well section this off with general indoor growing at this point. I am willing to bet many others feel this way as well but will never say it.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, at this rate of progression, the whole forum will convert to COB grows over the next 5 years.

They're getting less expensive and more efficient every day. LED will become cheaper to buy per PAR W than T5 and then HPS, and then HPS will slowly be retired.

It's already cheap enough per PAR W now to make T5 obsolete. T5 and the tubes are very expensive. (Smash them)


Well-Known Member
Now you have turned the LED section into a buying haven for prebuilt lighting. No one is interested in building their own anymore and making advances due to all of the pre-made lights. How many build threads do you see anymore? Hardly any.... While business may be good for you guys, it has killed the DIY vibe that this section once held. This site is the reason I returned my PlatinumLED and built my own but its sad to see what it has become.

The forum is just like any other forum now. You might as well section this off with general indoor growing at this point. I am willing to bet many others feel this way as well but will never say it.
well i for one will disagree here. everybody gets nostalgic about the way things were, but there is still quite a lot of diy talk here - its just that a lot of the basics have already been covered

ive only been here for a few months but have learned a shitload and am always trying to pay that forward.

and the explosion of commercial fixtures is for good reason - DIY was out of necessity but now you have guys selling very nice packaged units and we have the best of both worlds.

i do agree that the repetitive same newb questions get any forum.

a lot of the troll/bandwagon BS is a relic of when everybody got burned using the crappy early gen LEDs from 2007-2012. we have some face to save.

will be a different landscape in 2 years when you see DOE and other research/policy institutes doing feature stories on the explosion of cob warehouses and the effect on the grid


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I totally agree with Bobby_G on this one.

It's a public forum. People come and go. Interests change. In a couple years, no one will even know this place ever existed...Ride the wave while you can, but don't try to change the way the ocean works. it works fine as it is. -2 cents


Well-Known Member
If anyone thinks this all started to change when DIY cobs hit, then you need to step back and realize you are far from an original member that contributed to the success of led tech in growing. RIU's led section is and always has been above any other plant growth related forum. COBs just led to a great population being able to talk the talk...but it has done nothing to increase people actually walking the walk unfortunately.

Back years before cobs this subforum was filled with a somewhat large group of "growing and showing" members, some of them still exist...and guess what...they are the ones with the biggest and best gardens. There would be a little banter about the company...someone would say it's ridiculous and what not...but the growers would keep growing and showing regardless. Sometimes it was a waste and the lights were shit, but many times all you could say was great job, looks killer. With all the real world applications being SHOWN and their results over and over, as well as thoroughly shown, led's were here to stay, and if they didn't live up, then it was clear as day...cause you actually got to see results. We all knew plenty well the specs and possibilities of the top lights just as we do now...but we actually used things in reality to back up the spec sheets.
Nowadays I see so many new people jumping in and mudding the waters because they learned some lingo, and watched OTHERS do things...regurgitating(incorrectly most of the time) is not knowledge or experience. So much talk and want to be cool DIY, and very little actual gardens and results. Even if you can't show pics...language, writing, and numbers are very powerful. Most scientific journals have no pics for fun...just a few examples.

We have asked for the simplicity to edit a single post or whole thread indefinitely for years...and it has not, and will not ever happen. Advertising sure doesn't improve your ability to be honest and show true hard facts. So when the ones that people look up to all end up as advertisers...the rest of the community needs to step up if things are to keep growing and evolving.

This could all be solved, and there have been some good suggestions, the same ones keep getting suggestions year in and year out. It is not going to change. But what can change is how the communities accepts certain behavior. I know so many members who say, "I just don't respond", "I don't want to argue", and let people be uneducated asses spewing wrong info. How is that OK? If something is's wrong, and when it's coming from someone with their first grow and build, or better yet, they don't even have a light or ever used what they are talking's just ridiculous. But will continue in a "public forum", unless the public makes it stop by speaking up...not the mods, or website.


Well-Known Member
Nothing is stopping anyone from starting a wiki for free.


There was a time when I would have enjoyed doing something like this but I don't have the free time any more. Which enterprising poster will step up to bat? :D
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Well-Known Member
How is that OK? If something is's wrong
Nah, when something is wrong you post a strawman and you're still right about something and if all else fails attack the person behind the post. Works best in a team effort.

Nowadays I see so many new people jumping in and mudding the waters because they learned some lingo, and watched OTHERS do things...regurgitating(incorrectly most of the time) is not knowledge or experience. So much talk and want to be cool DIY, and very little actual gardens and results.
Are you saying most people here merely parrot led info from a few diy pioneers without knowing what they are talking about? Never noticed that. Not even once. I'm pretty sure that never happens in cannabis forums where all that matters is emperical and scientifc evidence and intellectual honesty.


Well-Known Member
A lot of the reason people are buying pre built lights as opposed to building one and showing it off. Is most have already built one for themselves or someone else. When it comes time to upgrade or build a new one. It ends up taking over a month to build one. With the little spare time available. Maintaining a perpetual multi room garden is a lot of work and very time consuming. Plus work and life. So those people don't want to spend the time building one. When they can have a new one in the garden within a couple days.

I was just telling GG yesterday. I can easily buy a cutter kit and build it. But I'd also have to build the frame and spend time I don't have building it. I'd rather spend a little extra and get one of his panels. They are pretty fucking bright too!! I had to wear shades. Lol his lights are better than anything I'd build right now anyway. With the cases and everything. .

On the subject of why no one helps out as much. After you've answered the same question for the 745th time. You start ignoring them.. They can look and dig and see that you and 50 other people answered the same question a 1000 times.

Now it's more social being on here imo. Just showing my friends my garden. No testing this or that. We're just showing off genetics and methods more than tech now. Shit we would all rather use the sun if we could year round. It is what it is.
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Well-Known Member
Lady(ies), gentlemen, and those that identify with a gender other than what they were born as:

Been a RUI member for over 1 yr. now and still don't have enough posts under my belt to "like" or PM since I learned early it's easier to learn if you're not talking, but I would like to chime in on this. (Speaking of which, has anyone thought that that post level requirement might contribute slightly to the noise level? Just a thought.)

Whilst it can be in the best interest of site owners/operators to change some things to retain appeal and site visits, some things can't be changed due to software limitations and some things won't be changed due to a plethora of reasons ranging from ease of administration to keeping the general member populace happy to ultimately revenue generation which keeps this site available to be visited.

When finding a particular "feature" that some members feel cumbersome and could be changed to alleviate that feeling a member has 2 choices:

1.) Ask site admins for the change.
I believe this has been done (Congrats Sunni BTW!) and the reasons have been furnished as to why it probably won't happen.

2.) DIY MFs!
Much in the way the DIY LED community has sprung up to fill a void in the one area growing technology it can REALLY change the efficiency of, maybe it's time for those preeminent in LED research to invest in building a site just for that advanced study with things like OP forever editing and posts readable but posting features available by invite only or membership level status (Hmmm.....sounds a bit like the RUI PM/like dealy ;-) ).

I don't suggest that anyone leave RUI (PLEASE DO NOT! I have so much more to learn from you all!), but suggest a method to allow the higher level of DIY LED research to advance amongst the the cognoscenti so findings and new tools can be posted here by them as a fiat accompli sort of deal. I'm all for anything that helps LED tech (like efficiency) excel because my parents instilled in me the belief that waste = evil.
All it takes is time and money.

Heck, there's probably at least a dozen out-of-work RUI members from the IT profession that could spin up a LAMP site server with all the features sought (I'm a big fan of Drupal myself) if someone(s) wanted to pony up hosting fees since the software is free.

It just seems strange that a DIY community is asking for changes when that type of group is the one pushing the envelope and waiting for industries and communities to catch up or even forming new industries and communities in addition to the ones they are already a part of enriching both with new content.

Look, I'm skirting the edge of bannage here as this type of suggestion historically violates TOS, but it just seems common sense to me that if you can't get what you want by using a already built product (site), DIY.

No criticism of either this site, nor the posters thereof, should be inferred by my suggestion.


Well-Known Member
We have asked for the simplicity to edit a single post or whole thread indefinitely for years...and it has not, and will not ever happen. Advertising sure doesn't improve your ability to be honest and show true hard facts. So when the ones that people look up to all end up as advertisers...the rest of the community needs to step up if things are to keep growing and evolving.
Curious, how does selling advertising conflict with editing posts?


Well-Known Member
Nothing needs to change. It's fine the way it is. People come in, look around, stay, leave, etc. Sometimes, people volunteer information of their own volition...Sometimes people never contribute a thing....doesn't matter....that's the nature of a public forum. Ya gotta take the bad with the good.

Some guys go to the same bar every night after work...sit in the same the same shit...eventually think that the spot in the bar is "theirs" because they created their own routine there. Truth's not. It's still everyone's bar and everyone is welcome to sit wherever they want...and discuss things the way they choose to do so (within the rules of course). IF the real owners decide that THEY want to change the way things work, then it's their right, alone, to do so.


Well-Known Member
Here here Growmau5!! :clap:

This sub forum is very much like the old Seed Collectors Thread on this site. In general I find RIU to be very n00bish, but this sub forum like the old TSC thread is where one goes to discuss the latest and greatest in the world of indoor cannabis cultivation. :blsmoke:

I myself have replaced nearly all of the lights in my grow with LED. I still run HPS in flower with cobs as supplemental lighting. Not ready to ditch HID 100%, but am getting close and this forum has convinced me hid lighting is soon to be on it's way out.

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Some guys go to the same bar every night after work...sit in the same the same shit...eventually think that the spot in the bar is "their Truth's not. It's still everyone's bar and everyone is welcome to sit wherever they want...
But its Still My Cloud So Hey You Get Off My Cloud :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Nothing is stopping anyone from starting a wiki for free.


There was a time when I would have enjoyed doing something like this but I don't have the free time any more. Which enterprising poster will step up to bat? :D
Just wanted to mention, that address is live. Anyone can add information or edit existing information. You don't even need an account. Maybe there's better software/host out there, but if someone want's a wiki... there it is.