The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Whats the story anyways lads? Just moved house n set back up..well my 1.2m is setup with 2 gg4 n 3 dbxl vegging up nicely under a new 400w mh so next couple of days the 3x3 is being setup n ill get some clones taken to throw in there before I flip.
Just spent a few 100 quid on some new gear;bluelab ph pen, 500ml pg n vg -e liquid juice-(gonna make canna ecig juice.have some flavours ordered to make it super stealthy) a few other bits n bobs like canna mono trace,5 new 600w hps n a 400w mh.feeling skint but how bad lol not Gonna have Internet for a few weeks as we've to wait on the fiber optic net but once that's sorted a new laptop,tv n playstation is


Well-Known Member
Domestic yes n to England yes but I wouldn't chance America or the rest of Europe cuz if they've dogs they will pick it up if she's not at her location within 5 days or so n even mylar only works for about 14 days so be warned. The dn forums are a wealth of information on the subject


Well-Known Member
It's much harder to get now for some reason. I used to get it from the north for years. Now they want VAT numbers.


Well-Known Member
Domestic yes n to England yes but I wouldn't chance America or the rest of Europe cuz if they've dogs they will pick it up if she's not at her location within 5 days or so n even mylar only works for about 14 days so be warned. The dn forums are a wealth of information on the subject
Ye thats what i meant with international deffo. Me useless typing lol


Well-Known Member
No problem lads.iso is amazing for cleaning the bongs,especially my fancy one with the two percs.I've cleaned it with hot water n soap b4 n she stunk up the kitchen not to mention the gunk inside stuck to whatever it touched but with the iso I add a spas n shake,leave to set for a bit n shake again n she comes out super sparkily lol


Well-Known Member
For cleaning glass you should try PBW Powdery Brewers Wash, amazing stuff, safe cheap and cleans like nothing else. Can be got at most homebrew shops.
Add salt to ISO for a bit of extra cleaning power.


Well-Known Member
Whats the story anyways lads? Just moved house n set back up..well my 1.2m is setup with 2 gg4 n 3 dbxl vegging up nicely under a new 400w mh so next couple of days the 3x3 is being setup n ill get some clones taken to throw in there before I flip.
Just spent a few 100 quid on some new gear;bluelab ph pen, 500ml pg n vg -e liquid juice-(gonna make canna ecig juice.have some flavours ordered to make it super stealthy) a few other bits n bobs like canna mono trace,5 new 600w hps n a 400w mh.feeling skint but how bad lol not Gonna have Internet for a few weeks as we've to wait on the fiber optic net but once that's sorted a new laptop,tv n playstation is
I believe setting up the kit is always a pain in the ass in the planning but good buz when you get into it. Nothing like a nice fresh grow. Feeling guilty now cause I have the plants 2x weeks over vegged than planned and havent changed from the 250 to 400 mh cause I am lazy.


Well-Known Member
Haha I've still not set up the 3x3 n shits after exploding with new growth..makes me think my old mh was a bit worn out..did keep her for 4 odd yrs lol.gonna try n maximise return with my next few grows by shaking all me buds before I sell em off that way I've some more nice sugar leafs for the bho n butter/coconut oil bag n keep the keif for canna ecig juice n hash.
How's life treating u anyways man?