A bunch of em this time.....


Well-Known Member
Day 10, been duck hunting for the last 2 days and I have to say I am pleased! All of em are up now, 14 for 14, now we wait for the pecker checks.... The White Widow x Pinkie and Think Different x Pinkie seem to be the most developed at the moment, leaves of the 3rd set are forming, the Amnesia x Pinkie is pretty too. They all get a little drink of ph'd well water every other day so far. I'm likin this one...:weed:
What's with the yellow something don't look right


Well-Known Member
so the soil is working out for ya ? :D I'm glad brother ..... its the best mix i could come up with for our area that didnt require ordering something ;)
Not to beat a dead horse but u can get peat from any home and garden place like Lowe's I pay less than 10$ for a 3 cu ft bag


Well-Known Member
I quit huntin deer 20 yrs ago. Probably 40-45 under my belt. I will still kill em on a ride around a shoot a few on a buddy's place now and then, big farmer, 30+ doe tags, you know the deal. I'd rather make a duck circle around my decoys once and shoot pretty much any deer. I still eat em but don't chase em. Pretty much gotta shit thru feathers to turn me on anymore.... I think I might have a little problem. The leaves on my 2 Fast 2 Vast are starting to curl up on the edges. Noticed one Monday nite when I got back and now there is a few more.Took a few pics. I am I just a Nervous Nelly or is something amiss? If ya get too much of that deer meat holler, I'll throw a few in the ice chest, roll up a handful, fill the tank jump om I-10 and head west!
To much n always did it to me the leaf grows faster than the veins I do believe causes em to make like a bowl


Well-Known Member
Not to beat a dead horse but u can get peat from any home and garden place like Lowe's I pay less than 10$ for a 3 cu ft bag
peat rapidly breaks down and becomes acidic ........it is less then ideal when you are dealing with plants that can easily retail for over a thousand dollars


Well-Known Member
Sustainable agriculture lesson for the morning.

Making small partical size carbon. Replaces h2o retaining material in a home made potting mix. Ie peat, coco, leaf mould, etc. Can use grain hulls, sawdust, or whatever creative thing will carbonized.

I get the coals nice, hot, and in the plenty. I then smother the coals with about a cubic yard of rice hulls. When the fire inside tries to find oxygen it will carbonized the core with the heat. When I see a small amount of blackening on the outside I smother the spot with more hulls. The heat will eventually have carbonized an entire pile throughout the course of the day. There will be a fire if I do not continue the smothering process or wet the pile and stop it all together.

You can use a wood burning oven as well.hqdefault.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Miracle grow is junk my pops used it for years in 5 gal buckets gave him my mix and guess what less nute burn and less nutes deficiency where the soilless mix has zero nute value it's in your total control instead of ahhhhh (explative) my babe's are yellowing and I don't know why or ahh what's these spots all the best grow guides preach against miracle grow here is my babe's after a week on the big just under on the lils



Well-Known Member
peat rapidly breaks down and becomes acidic ........it is less then ideal when you are dealing with plants that can easily retail for over a thousand dollars
To fill all my pots cost me less than 20$ then I fill all the low places in my yard after have st ;)


Well-Known Member
Well it's my 1st Miracle-Gro grow. Figured I'd give it a try. I even started my DP beans in that mixture. My next 6 will be in coco again. I was just looking at the differences of the green of the coco plants (which I increased the dosage of nutes too nearly 50% and are fed daily) and my Pinkies and Dutch Passion plants. I haven't been adding Cal Mag to the water or the feed of the soil plants. Started that today. We shall see in a few days...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow is junk my pops used it for years in 5 gal buckets gave him my mix and guess what less nute burn and less nutes deficiency where the soilless mix has zero nute value it's in your total control instead of ahhhhh (explative) my babe's are yellowing and I don't know why or ahh what's these spots all the best grow guides preach against miracle grow here is my babe's after a week on the big just under on the lils
the miracle grow that he and i are using is organic ... it has no time release .... it doesnt burn your plants and its pretty dam good soil .... miracle gro organic choice check it out bud


Well-Known Member
the miracle grow that he and i are using is organic ... it has no time release .... it doesnt burn your plants and its pretty dam good soil .... miracle gro organic choice check it out bud
That's what I used my first year paid 8$ a bag at big Lots for the big bag with Gen hydro nutes and got a wooping 2 -4 Oz off plants from a strain known to yield over a lb


Well-Known Member
That's what I used my first year paid 8$ a bag at big Lots for the big bag with Gen hydro nutes and got a wooping 2 -4 Oz off plants from a strain known to yield over a lb
its just soil bro .... it carries the plant through the first few weeks until its established enough to handle nutes ..... peat is basically inert more or less , compacts/breaks down fairly easy and quick .... so perlite is usually added for drainage ..... lime is added to sweeten it up and balance ph since peat has random and wild ph swings usually on the acidic side ....... at this point youve basically made a soil ....which ive done many times since peat is so unforgiving at times my mixes usually have coco in them instead or mostly ...... ive used ffof and happy frog ...... dollar store seed starter and a handful of jobes organic general purpose granules gives the same results as happy frog ..... if everything is in the proper portions almost anything can be used ..... all bs aside the organic choice has been more consistent then ffof from what ive seen so far ..... only issue i had with it is it doesnt have perlite and thats not really that big a issue


Well-Known Member
Day 74... The Cash Crop is getting very sexy! I fed em this morning and that will be her last meal. Flush starts tomorrow...20151026_083818.jpg 20151026_083818.jpg 20151026_084532.jpg

The 2 Fast 2 Vast is 54" tall! ( 4 1/2 ') She is starting to fill out her buds now. She is eating 3/4 gal of food a day! I gotta get my other lights up and running., I know I can kick out some nice bud with my new set up. Shit when I grow up I wanna be like Elvis!


The Freeze Berry is turning into a sneaker... Didn't think she was gunna do that much but I am very pleased. She might go a couple or more oz's herself.. Her nugs are hard and solid. Starting to get a little sparkle...


Here is a little peak at one of my Pinkies ... They are kicking off themselves. She is a White Widow cross..

My Auto Ultimate are growing nicely. The one I topped kinda stopped. Don' t think I will be topping too many more... Same with the Euforia, growing nicely but the topped one kinda stopped.. Go Figure...20151026_102510.jpg 20151026_102516.jpg 20151026_102529.jpg

Here is a parting shot of that big 2 Fast... Notice that Pinkie is just about as tall as her. That is my only Amnesia cross that didn't drop nuts.. She's a little lanky but I am looking forward to her anyway.. :weed:
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Well-Known Member
Ran outa of pic space in the last post. Here is a group shot..(sorry bout the lighting. Hp lights suck for pics. When I grow up and as good as Elvis my pics will be better.
20151026_102629.jpg :weed:
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Well-Known Member
Phew. Merry freaking christmas^ lol shits huge! And likely still gonna grow. Great looking grows you got goin


Well-Known Member
Looks like I am going to have a few seeds on my 2 Fast from that hermie Amnesia x Pinkie.... Not many that I can see. I couldn't locate any on the Cash or the Freeze Berry. They were the farthest away from the hermie I guess with my ac and oscillating fan I might find a few more. Not a bad thing , I can grow the seeds if they mature. What would ya call em? 2 Fast Pinkie Amnesia ?? lol..:weed: