Kali and HazeSkunk in my backyard


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures through a 30x loupe. Kalichakra is putting out 7 fingered leaves, HazeSkunk is making 9 fingers. Note the alternate phyllotaxy on the branch in picture 3, gonna start flowering soon.



Well-Known Member
dude......move those plants into seperate pots before they kill each other...seriously, i speak from the experiance of my first grow, they will fight for rootspace and eventualy snuff each other out....ded....and if they dont, they will just be like 4 feet tall with like...5 nodes, super streched.

just looked at the newest pics, by now there rootbound to each other, dont look like they've been fighting much.......id personally transplant them into a 45 gallon drum to make sure they have lots of root space and avoid fighting.
there was a thread like....a week ago...that guy had 2x plants in a medium pot....they were 3 feet at 4 nodes :(

dont FIM or top, just keep bending them around the pot untill there is no room, then cut the head clean off so they stop growth hormones to the main head and redirects them to the singular heads (the ex-branches that eventually act as an individual plant) that usualy become full cona's.
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Well-Known Member
The pot's small enough to not be noticeable if it's in between a bunch of plants, however if I use a garbage can or a huge pot, that might not work out so well. The plants would have been bigger except that they only get a few hours of direct sunlight a day due to their location. So transplant into a large pot isn't very feasible, unless I find a green one that blends in with the plants.


Active Member
looking good bro. why dont u put them into the ground instead of pots. u could put them in a big pot then just bury the pot. or if u know that one is a male just rip it out.


Well-Known Member
looking good bro. why dont u put them into the ground instead of pots. u could put them in a big pot then just bury the pot. or if u know that one is a male just rip it out.
I'm thinking of doing that, but the pot is sitting on a bunch of live plants which would be hard to dig up.

I've been noticing small white spots on the stem for a while now, what could they be?



Well-Known Member
D'you know what they are, though? They wipe off easily, but I don't know if I should get them off of leave them.


Well-Known Member
deuce has a point there, just bust the bottom out of the pot and put it in the ground. the white spots are just water residue, im fairly sure anyone with trace calcium in there water has them so...no big deal.


Well-Known Member
i always thought that it was the spot where new roots would be coming out if the plant was further in the ground, but i could be wrong


Well-Known Member
yea, it will develop roots as far up the stem as you buried it....the white that develpos around wounds is salicylic acid, its what everything in nature uses as an initial healing process and plants use as a rooting hormone, when the stem is put underground the moisture causes damage, causing SA to be directed there, creating roots....but in your current situation more roots isn't necessarily a good thing. get them babies in the grownd so they dont fight, if they have the room to run they will, but if they dont they will fight....kinda like a cock fight, if forced to fight for survival they will kill eachother.


Well-Known Member
I agree, and most will, because otherwise you will have problems... but by all means keep them together, just because if you do I would love to see you keep tying them down around the rim of whatever you grow them in, in a spiral, that would be a trip! Even if you don't do that, I am! I think I already have everything I need!


Well-Known Member
I could probably get them in the ground, but they'd be more prone to insect attack then. The ground soil is also not usable. Would it still be worth it?


Well-Known Member
dig a 3x2x2 hole (hight x width x length) and fill it with 2 parts peatmoss, 1 part perlite and 1 part vermiculite.....it will only cost like $10-20, and be extremely beneficial. as for insect attack, find the recipe for veggie oil foliage spray...it nuked the deerfly infestation in my grow and since then there has been close to no aphid activity, so im fairly sure that its a general insect repellent.

but yea, if there is LOTS of root space keep those babies together, that could be totaly artistic to have the 2 plants growing together as one plant.


Well-Known Member
dig a 3x2x2 hole (hight x width x length) and fill it with 2 parts peatmoss, 1 part perlite and 1 part vermiculite.....it will only cost like $10-20, and be extremely beneficial. as for insect attack, find the recipe for veggie oil foliage spray...it nuked the deerfly infestation in my grow and since then there has been close to no aphid activity, so im fairly sure that its a general insect repellent.

but yea, if there is LOTS of root space keep those babies together, that could be totaly artistic to have the 2 plants growing together as one plant.
explain about this foilage spray? veggie oil and what??
and if it matters u meant to say depth not height cause ur diggin