I just might start shopping at Walmart

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You sir hit the nail on the head !! Scott walker will be our next president. Koch brothers own politics . Obviously money and greed fuel America . You want change? We need to reform the whole freaken political system .
If you reform a system that relies on coercion as its basic ingredient and don't remove the coercion from it, how will there be any kind of substantive and real change? Won't it just be a superficial change where the persons holding the gun change, but the process remains the same?


Well-Known Member
You sir hit the nail on the head !! Scott walker will be our next president.
Holy shit, we should be so lucky!

Think of all the nation killing, suicidal liberal bullshit we could wipe from existence with Walker as Prez and the Pubs controlling both Houses of Congress. Day one, reverse (not just end) every Obama executive order 180 degrees. More coal, lower regs, burn baby burn. Gut all the social safety net programs that have no Constitutional right to exist at a Federal level any ways. And on and on, so much progressive horseshit to unwind.

Maybe even nominate a couple of non-activist judges to the SCOTUS (unlike the two facking whack jobs Obama put in) and secure a return to sanity.


Well-Known Member
No. What government does is takes land and claims ownership over both the land occupiers and the land itself.
Gov't exists to serve the ruling class and protect private property.

No, I posted that because for a laugh and it kicked government. I always wear my government kicking boots.

You shine their boots or at least lick them so they will drop a check to you every month.

Your "anarchism" sounds like dependency on that which you claim to oppose.
You're so jealous of my Veteran's disability check, as evidenced by your thorough fixation upon it. Your "anarchism" sounds like feudalism.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, we should be so lucky!

Think of all the nation killing, suicidal liberal bullshit we could wipe from existence with Walker as Prez and the Pubs controlling both Houses of Congress. Day one, reverse (not just end) every Obama executive order 180 degrees. More coal, lower regs, burn baby burn. Gut all the social safety net programs that have no Constitutional right to exist at a Federal level any ways. And on and on, so much progressive horseshit to unwind.

Maybe even nominate a couple of non-activist judges to the SCOTUS (unlike the two facking whack jobs Obama put in) and secure a return to sanity.
Day two, revolution.


Well-Known Member
real patriot fail.

you can instantly fire anyone if you're in the right state..that however, does not absolve you from paying their UE.

i dunno why the right thinks they can fire employees (for any reason) and not have responsibility towards continuity of wage.

FTW: if this is truly a 'punishment' they will bring suit. that's every employees right.

that's why we have labor law.

the walmart employees are the 'real patriots'.
You can instantly fire anyone if you're in any state. Some states limit what grounds, but bad-mouthing the business is good in all states.

Most states, Florida being an exception, do not charge the ex-employer anything when they terminate an employee.

i dunno why the left thinks they have responsibility towards continuity of wage of someone who doesn't work for them.

They weren't denied that right.

That's not why we have labor law.


Well-Known Member
Some of the thoughts of other humans really scare me.

Abandon-C, you're a patient fellow wading in here. Not sure how you stand it.
Most of these people simply haven't through through the implications of what they say.

It's not a coincidence that we had the New Deal and high taxes on the rich and the lowest income inequality through the entire last century after the Great Depression.

In a perverse sort of way, perhaps Mr Obama's biggest mistake was in heading another one off...


Well-Known Member
Most of these people simply haven't through through the implications of what they say.

It's not a coincidence that we had the New Deal and high taxes on the rich and the lowest income inequality through the entire last century after the Great Depression.

In a perverse sort of way, perhaps Mr Obama's biggest mistake was in heading another one off...
FDR saved capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, we should be so lucky!

Think of all the nation killing, suicidal liberal bullshit we could wipe from existence with Walker as Prez and the Pubs controlling both Houses of Congress. Day one, reverse (not just end) every Obama executive order 180 degrees. More coal, lower regs, burn baby burn. Gut all the social safety net programs that have no Constitutional right to exist at a Federal level any ways. And on and on, so much progressive horseshit to unwind.

Maybe even nominate a couple of non-activist judges to the SCOTUS (unlike the two facking whack jobs Obama put in) and secure a return to sanity.
wow, i could have sworn i was readng a post on some white supremacy website when i read your post.

by the way, those judges you call activist just made it so police can't detain you and make you wait for a drug sniffing dog to come bust you for that pot that you have.

but of course i imagine a "libertarian" like you enjoys a more authoritarian type of governance. you hypocrites always do!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm not a fan of unions, at all.
Why , did you make low wages & receive low benifit packages at a union shop you worked for , or is your dislike based on indoctrination from your employer , one should only dislike & condem something they have 1st hand experience with .

I took home $200k a yr working at a union shop & my employees took home well over $100k , all the while our company remains in the top 10 most profitable Construction Companies in the world & does 10-50 billion dollars worth of work a yr .

My non union counterparts make 1/3 of my wages , you dodged the question what you do for a living but i'd bet your union counterpart makes much more than you , is that why your not a big fan of unions , or is it because unions spend money endorsing pro labor candidates that dont fit your political views .

I've been to dozens of meetings to determine if a fired employee was going to receive UE benefits. I can't remember losing a single one. Apparently, you don't know how it works in Virginia. Nuff said.
Errr wrong again , im well aware of how things work in VA , these so called meetins you attend are in truth Hearings with the UEC , your scab employer fights every last claim for unemployment in the hopes of denying UE to any employee , ever , for any reason ,im also very aware of your states Bias tword unionized workers & your states partnership with scab labor .

Just think a few yrs down the road when some young bucks come in & do your job twice as fast & your terminated , you'll get to attend a "Meeting" where your employer lies & does everything in his power to block you from getting unemployment , just remember to smile when you leave with no unemployment.

Ive worked in your state & am well aware of the millions spent there by the ABC lobby to keep workers underpaid & hungry for work .


Well-Known Member
Walmart is for poor people and rednecks. Some of the employees don't even have uniforms because the company is so cheap and only about profits. My buddy's mom (single mom) used to work there and she said she would have to clock out and keep working.

Call me crazy but I would rather spend the extra 3-5% and buy from a local business. Most of the time your spending comes with a genuine thankyou. It Feels good to support another small business and not give money to the monopoly, who's shutting down local businesses then supplying your city with minimum wage slavery
More like 20%-30% Doesn't feel that good


Well-Known Member
Only the ~19% hardcore libs and they're mostly weak, girly-armed cowards that will surrender once the first shot is fired. No worries.
again, i feel like i'm reading some whte supremacist talking about his white revolution! i've seen that on this site before, and you never condemned them as bigoted for planning out their white revolution! odd, i'd say.

anyhoo, you can keep dreaming all you want. the polls show that each and every one of the positions you just elaborated are nly held by a fringe group of extremists. radical wingnuts. kinda like your KKK-shared belief that AGW is a hoax! imagine that.

also, hillary is beating scott walker like a drum!


scott walker can't even beat hillary in south carolina for fuck sake! and his approval rating is underwater! he's losing to hillary by 12 points in his very own state!

anyhoo, good luck white supremacist guy.


Well-Known Member
I can imagine, filed under 'cautionary tales.' I'm not sure I'd trust the judgement of any modern politician who HASN'T read it. Have you? How about Animal Farm?

So tell us, how do you like the fact that the Koch brothers are picking your presidential nominee for you? They recently announced they were backing Scott Walker- with $900 million. Sounds like democracy to me... NOT!
So you're just assuming Scott Walker is going to be the nominee? You seem to be saying an assumption proves the Koch brothers are picking the nominee.


Well-Known Member
I can imagine, filed under 'cautionary tales.' I'm not sure I'd trust the judgement of any modern politician who HASN'T read it. Have you? How about Animal Farm?

So tell us, how do you like the fact that the Koch brothers are picking your presidential nominee for you? They recently announced they were backing Scott Walker- with $900 million. Sounds like democracy to me... NOT!
The ministry of truth,
Tell me what you think about George Soros, tell me also what you think about the Bill and Hillary and their foundation taking funds from Russia so that some Russian billionaires can have control of around 20% of the US uranium?
What do you think about slick willy leaving the presidency broke as Hillary says , but ends up being the richest American president?
Wouldn't you say if you a politician that takes large sums of money from people he did favors for when he was in office after he leaves office,Wouldnt you call that a merger of government and corporate interests?
Im just wondering if you would spit the same venom at republicans as you do democrats for doing more and worse than the republicans do? Or are you a typical left wing hypocrite that is do as I say and not as I do?Its ok for us to break the law and be corrupt but don't let the other side do it?
I do criticize republicans when they have it coming by the way, im not a hypocrite, If you wanted me to list shit republicans have done sleezy and fucked up I could do it for a long time, but the dems make them look like church boys and girls,
By the way ive seen some fucked up shit, Like NAFTA and GATT,signed by Clinton, I think this is part of what really piss's me off about unions, they constantly support the side that fucked them hardest.Not just them but everyone else.I don't like people like that who are screwing me all the time.
The worst ive ever seen a politician do is Obamao Hitler though, when he first come into office,(regardless of the the wacky doodles in here tell you) He and Holder where running guns to the Mexican drug cartels knowing they would murder people with those guns, If you or I did something like this you would be charged with hundreds of counts of first degree murder.
Another thing that really gets me going is obamao drone killing American citizens without due process of law or a trial.It is a clear violation of the constitution and the law.I don't mind that he is doing it to these dirt bags mind you,But there Is proper protocol .
I think this is why no one has said to much about it other than Rand Paul.
I could go on forever about this idiot we have for president, he is way worse than bush ever thought about being.
Buts its all cool because he is black and a liberal ? right?
You hold the opposition to a high standard of ethics and morals, ill grant you the republicans are the ones who hold themselves up of being to high moral and ethical standards then when one of them goes toe tapping around in mens bathrooms it looks pretty bad But do you hold your own side up to these same standards?