I just might start shopping at Walmart


Well-Known Member
Is that cut and pasted loco post in post #110 for real? Really? That's fantastically ignorant!

I'd be ASHAMED if my father said that. Even if he paid for me to go to school. Ashamed. I'd also question my gene pool. Of course "dad" probably thinks a gene pool is a water feature owned by some dude named Gene.


Well-Known Member
Is that cut and pasted loco post in post #110 for real? Really? That's fantastically ignorant!

I'd be ASHAMED if my father said that. Even if he paid for me to go to school. Ashamed
I'm sure you're aware as everyone else is, it's a photoshopped screenshot. Don't be a douche like the perpetrator.


Well-Known Member
Unlike you, I don't get my thoughts and marching orders from websites and media outlets...sorry. I've seen suicidal used to describe the progressive agenda on countless conservative sites.
i just googled "suicidal progressives".

most of the links were to stories about assisted suicide, but the few that weren't read like this:


White Progressives are Race Traitors Committing Race Suicide

probably just coincidence though, right?


And of course, all MMGW skeptics got their ideas from David Duke.
a skeptic is someone who knows the evidence and is skeptical of the conclusion drawn from it. that is not you. you are a denier. you call it a hoax, and you claim it is a system designed to take our money, and you espouse the exact same theory as david duke.

You're supposed to support financial suicide and send your wealth to other countries because they're gonna have ten feet less of their sandy beaches upon which to frolick. Also, some 1%ers might have some difficulty with their vacation beach homes and you know how Libs love them some 1%ers.

Of course, that's if you even believe the horseshit theory that we're causing the warming. Eco-Loons gotta loon.
look how closely your particular theory matches davdi duke's theory! it's almost word for word!


Not only would Global Warming be used to extort money from big corporations; some liberals wanted to pay Third World nations for all the pollution caused by the industrialized world –a sort of Global welfare system. Once again White people were going to be punished and compelled to feel guilty about having a more advanced lifestyle than billions of Third World poor.

probably just another coincidence though, right?

Even your most repeated poll insult is based on a lie.
no it's not, you went on for months about how the liberal media was engaged in a conspiracy to skew the polls with "undersampling". i can quote the posts for that if you'd like.

I'm glad you don't mind being on ignore, I certainly didn't mind having you on it. Feel free to use new insults and argue the matter on the table. The very next time you use one you've used before, you're dead to me.



Well-Known Member
I'm sure you're aware as everyone else is, it's a photoshopped screenshot. Don't be a douche like the perpetrator.
yep, it's all just a conspiracy against you and you are totally not racist.

just like presidential polling was a conspiracy in 2012.

and global warming is a conspiracy and a hoax.

and liberals are committing a racial suicide conspiracy.

it's all just a conspiracy against you. right.


Well-Known Member
Post the proof
I figured you'd be smart enough to go figure that shit out on your own, but I guess not. Here, I will spoon feed you the information, halfwit.

2006–2008: Operation Wide Receiver and other probes[edit]
Operation Wide Receiver[edit]

The suspicious sale of AR-15s led to Operation Wide Receiver.[31]
The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty of Mad Dawg Global informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[31]

With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[12] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[30] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[6][31][32][33]

As the later DOJ OIG Report documented, under Wide Receiver coordination of ATF Tucson with the ATF Mexico City Office (MCO) and with Mexican law enforcement had been haphazard. Discussions of getting tracking devices from Raytheon were not followed up. ATF field agents and the cooperating gun dealer had been told by ATF supervisors that the guns were being interdicted before they could reach Mexico, but only 64 of the 474 guns had actually been seized. The kingpin sought by walking the guns, Israel Egurrola-Leon, turned out to be the target of a larger drug case Operation Iron River run by OCDETF. After Operation Wide Receiver was ended, several attorneys at the Phoenix USAO who reviewed the Wide Receiver cases for prosecution found the cases had been so poorly managed that they were reluctant to bring any of them to trial.[1]
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Please show where I said "racial suicide" Straw man much? Your words, never said by me, liar.

MMGW is a hoax and will fizzle and amount to nothing.

I've NEVER uttered ANYTHING that any sane, unbiased person could call racist. Hence the need for the photoshopped screenshot.

You and you halfwit fucktard minions ain't winning this little endeavor. Combined, you don't have the wit to get under my skin, let alone run me off. You'll leave this site LONG before I do.

That said, I won't tolerate boring repetition. It's too easy to simply make your idiocy go away.
According to you....



Well-Known Member
Please show where I said "racial suicide" Straw man much? Your words, never said by me, liar.
yes, we know. you're very careful about using your codewords and dogwhistles.

i've scoured the web now and only come up with two types of people talking about "suicidal" liberals or progressives.

the first group is those talking about the assisted suicide debate.

the second group is those talking about the destruction of "western civilization" and america's "european identity and judeo-christian heritage" brought on by progressives and liberals who don't share the right wing hatred of hispanic immigrants and muslims. they speak in conspiratorial tones about reparations and how the black people will take all of our money. so on and so forth. purely racist tripe.

well, you talk way more often about rounding up and deporting (if not executing) those hispanic immigrants (another view you share with the KKK) way more often than you ever talk about assisted suicide, so i have to assume you fall into the latter group.

in fact, i have even seen you warn us against reparations too!

Malcolm X Grassroots Movement: This group views the U.S. as a nation replete with racism and discrimination against blacks; seeks to establish an independent black nation in the southeastern United States; and demands reparations for slavery.
so how did you come to use that word so frequently to describe liberals? did you just come to the same rhetoric as white supremacists all on your own? is it all just coincidence?


Well-Known Member
yes, we know. you're very careful about using your codewords and dogwhistles.

i've scoured the web now and only come up with two types of people talking about "suicidal" liberals or progressives.

the first group is those talking about the assisted suicide debate.

the second group is those talking about the destruction of "western civilization" and america's "european identity and judeo-christian heritage" brought on by progressives and liberals who don't share the right wing hatred of hispanic immigrants and muslims. they speak in conspiratorial tones about reparations and how the black people will take all of our money. so on and so forth. purely racist tripe.

well, you talk way more often about rounding up and deporting (if not executing) those hispanic immigrants (another view you share with the KKK) way more often than you ever talk about assisted suicide, so i have to assume you fall into the latter group.

in fact, i have even seen you warn us against reparations too!

so how did you come to use that word so frequently to describe liberals? did you just come to the same rhetoric as white supremacists all on your own? is it all just coincidence?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What if we can't agree to not interact?
The person forcing the interaction becomes the initiator of aggression. They are using offensive force. (starting shit...in the wrong)

The person seeking not to interact has a right to repel offensive force with defensive force. (in the right)


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you're aware as everyone else is, it's a photoshopped screenshot. Don't be a douche like the perpetrator.
Point out specifically where the screenshot is photoshopped.

Are you saying I made up the entire post? Are you saying I edited something? If so, show us all where I edited the post.



Well-Known Member
He could have kept the USA out of World War II, but elected not to.

He also was a racist bozo, that prolonged the depression and incarcerated Americans in prison camps for the "crime" of Japanese ancestry.

A real douche bag.
Please provide uncontested proof of what you just said.

Thanks! And have a nice day!


Well-Known Member
In June 1941, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, which created the Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC). It was the most important federal move in support of the rights of African-Americans between Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The President's order stated that the federal government would not hire any person based on their race, color, creed, or national origin.