Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous! Respect? Of course that's why we do it?
If we weren't popular we wouldn't enjoy doing it!
Oh its just some member here that's clearly gotten all butt-hurt for some reason over the naughty thread and decided to come out cat-fighting like a seventh grader.

It must be a dude. Girls don't actually act like that outside of the Sweet Vally High, do they?


Well-Known Member
Oh its just some member here that's clearly gotten all butt-hurt for some reason over the naughty thread and decided to come out cat-fighting like a seventh grader.

It must be a dude. Girls don't actually act like that outside of the Sweet Vally High, do they?
Fuck em! They're boring anyway.

This one is yours!!!
A video that is so nostalgic I feel homesick between London and Thailand.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I don't think he can spell 'desperate'! Que divertido Tia !! Lol
Maybe it's that new Simba guy?

Either they are intentionally trying to have a lack of humour, thus acting like a woman in their minds eye...

Or, they really just aren't funny.

I can't think of anyone else.

Iron eyes is funnier. Most dudes that troll I assume are. I can't even think of a girl that would bother with a new account just to be all trolly pants.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Oh sorry, all the blood rushed to my lady boner and I forgot...

I was JUST talking about how I haven't been trolled on this thread, and in walks a mysterious lady troll...
What does that have to do with your bf liking your asshole and you taking fat shits? I'm kinda here for specific answers. I need something to get me over the hump, I need to ejaculate! images (53).jpgsometimes I'm a dirty birdie.

Goodnight babe!

Snake Plisken

Well-Known Member
And guesses who the lady sock might be?

I don't know. I feel like all socks are mainliner or iron eyes.

Haven't been trolled in this thread much really. Guess with the high view counts comes more wankers. Meh - it's all funny!
Not me! But, you are still all my little lads, and I will look after you! ;-)


Well-Known Member
I understand 100%.

Its something I'm sure I'll grow out of eventually. Maybe...


EDIT: I pre-apologize for all the extra work this thread may or may not cause the mods. Having to hunt for peen, and watches, and nips and stuff.

At least it's all in one spot though!

I'm trying to push the rules on folks. For some reason Weed smokers tend to rebel against the rules.

Go figure? haha
I can't imagine why..:lol:

Sorry Yessi, I'd show u mine if u were here! lol