Lets Discuss the Real Ratings


Well-Known Member
So you hear it time and time again "Fox News is better, they have more ratings than all the other news networks combined!"... (forgetting most of them have openly admitted Fox "news" isn't a valid source of "news" to begin with, and "they don't claim to be news!").. So what do these conservatives mean when they say "better"? Are these stations more entertaining? Are they more informative? More honest? I think it's an important distinction, because what do ratings really mean? Ratings mean how many people tuned into the program. That doesn't really tell you how many people approved of it, agreed with it, or believed it.. Fortunately for us, we have actual numbers that do tell us these things..

So what do we see when we turn to cable news?

Pretty clear, FNC is dominant...

Why is that?

"Authoritarian people have a stronger emotional need for an outlet like Fox, where they can find affirmation and escape factual challenges to their beliefs." -Alternet

To address the cable news network issue, the Brookings Institute stated;

"In other words, the Republican Party is extremely polarized among its news choices while the Democratic Party is scattered among a number of networks."



So to conclude, the situation is very clear; Older Americans obtain their information primarily from old media, traditional cable news networks on TV and newspapers. Younger Americans obtain their information primarily from new media provided by the internet. Old media relies on ad revenue to survive, new media doesn't. Old media has to pander to their audience in order to sell the ads, new media doesn't. Old media is therefore reliant on said ad revenue to survive, selectively determining the stories with the highest chance to sell the most ads, not the most important/most relevant or pertinent to individual American interests.

In other words, young people don't watch cable news, they use the internet. Old people do watch cable news, and they don't use the internet. To say therefore the cable news numbers, specifically Fox News, represent "the best" source of "news" available, is an outright and demonstrable LIE. Fox is the best when discounting the internet. The internet is the best while considering the FNC in all outlets.

This is why Net Neutrality is such an important issue, and why both organized religion and GOP membership is on the rapid decline in America, especially among the youth.

All thoughts welcome
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Well-Known Member
Who said Fox was the best? I have never heard anyone ever say that. I have heard them say it was the highest rated, or most watched, but never heard anyone say it was the best.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
You should just quote him saying it was the best. After all you just made a claim on what was said on this forum, how hard could it be to back up your claim?
I don't really care to go dig through quotes to prove it, multiple members have made the claim Fox News is the best source for news on cable that it seems redundant to waste time looking for a quote, but if you're making the claim that nobody has claimed that I will


Well-Known Member
I don't really care to go dig through quotes to prove it, multiple members have made the claim Fox News is the best source for news on cable that it seems redundant to waste time looking for a quote, but if you're making the claim that nobody has claimed that I will
Anyone that says fox is the best is just giving you their opinion. Its subjective.

BTW the search feature on RIU is powerful, so I did a few searches.
DesertDude never said that Fox was the best. There are only 2 posts of his in which those 2 words (and all variations of them) even appear, but read the post and its clear he never once said fox was the best.

This is an example of assumptions being made. I see it happens quite a bit around here. One guy says Fox news is the highest ranked network and other people read it and then assume that he means it is the best. Emotional thinkers tend to make assumptions based on what they THINK another person is trying to say, and do not dwell on what is ACTUALLY said.

I don't think you purposely lied about what someone else said, you just made an assumption and you were wrong about it, not a big deal as long as you own up to it.


Well-Known Member
DesertDude never said that Fox was the best.
unless he has heaped higher praise on any other network, then these quotes prove that desert rat thinks fox news is the best.

Fox news will undoubtedly continue on with honest reporting
This is why Fox news (yes, news) is dominant, because they are mostly fair and balanced, just as they claim.
in fact, i can dig up quotes of him condemning every other news station there is.


Well-Known Member
I hate TV news. I don't watch TV at all, except when football or NBA playoffs is on.

CNN is too far left. Fox is too far right. IMHO.

I'm an internet junkie. There's where I get all my news.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Fox news is the best! It is fair and balanced!! Fox news viewers are smarter, better educated, and they don't smell of dependence, regret and poverty. Fox news viewers don't live in their mom's basement.

If you prefer the communist opinion network, then go watch MSNBC!!!



Well-Known Member
Fox news is the best! It is fair and balanced!! Fox news viewers are smarter, better educated, and they don't smell of dependence, regret and poverty. Fox news viewers don't live in their mom's basement.

If you prefer the communist opinion network, then go watch MSNBC!!!

That pic of Sarah Palin is beggin for a thought balloon of "Duuuuuuhhhhhhhhh whaaaat?"


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
they all use the catch phrase "fair and balanced" just as fox would have them..they eye candy basically tells you, the audience they wish to appeal to..similar to "asian massage" in a strip mall.
Please DO show where i have EVER said "fair and balanced" about fox or any news outlet.
You going to make claims prove them and show the post or posts.
You do see how masterbater2 could not come up with any.


Well-Known Member
FoxNews is the only right leaning major news source available, it does not take a rocket surgeon to figure out why they dominate the ratings game.

And even though the FoxNews channel is the only source of right of center news, the left has become apoplectic regarding the very existence of a right leaning and sympathetic news source.
If it were up to the so called progressives, FoxNews would be rendered into non existence.
So much for fair and balanced, as the lefties have demonstrated time and again, they have zero tolerance or desire to adhere to any concept of fairness, let alone balance.
They would all so dearly love to eliminate FoxNews from the cable and satellite menus.
No choice for you!

Here is an interesting take on the state of MSNBC vs Fox by the Baltimore Sun's media critic.

The Baltimore Sun media critic concluded his critique of MSNBC by arguing that the network has become such an “embarrassment” that it has started to hurt the entire NBC News brand:

You know, everybody says what’s Andy Lack, the new president of NBC, or chairman of NBC News going to do with Nightly News and Brian Williams? No, what is he going to do with MSNBC? He’s got 24-hours a day of mess over there. People don’t watch it. It’s unwatchable. Even if you were an ideologue you can’t watch that channel anymore.

And I've been saying this for years about MSNBC. They took a really wrong turn, Phil Griffin the president over there, took a really bad turn in trying to go hardcore ideology. They didn't know how to do it and they have lost the news credibility and I think it hurts the NBC brand, as well.

- See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jeffrey-meyer/2015/03/16/media-critic-msnbcs-24-hours-day-messunwatchable#sthash.i71fWJTd.dpuf

And for the record, I do not watch Fox or any other television network for my news.
It is all simply infotainment and a waste of my time.


Well-Known Member
FoxNews is the only right leaning major news source available, it does not take a rocket surgeon to figure out why they dominate the ratings game.

And even though the FoxNews channel is the only source of right of center news, the left has become apoplectic regarding the very existence of a right leaning and sympathetic news source.
If it were up to the so called progressives, FoxNews would be rendered into non existence.
So much for fair and balanced, as the lefties have demonstrated time and again, they have zero tolerance or desire to adhere to any concept of fairness, let alone balance.
They would all so dearly love to eliminate FoxNews from the cable and satellite menus.
No choice for you!

Here is an interesting take on the state of MSNBC vs Fox by the Baltimore Sun's media critic.

The Baltimore Sun media critic concluded his critique of MSNBC by arguing that the network has become such an “embarrassment” that it has started to hurt the entire NBC News brand:

You know, everybody says what’s Andy Lack, the new president of NBC, or chairman of NBC News going to do with Nightly News and Brian Williams? No, what is he going to do with MSNBC? He’s got 24-hours a day of mess over there. People don’t watch it. It’s unwatchable. Even if you were an ideologue you can’t watch that channel anymore.

And I've been saying this for years about MSNBC. They took a really wrong turn, Phil Griffin the president over there, took a really bad turn in trying to go hardcore ideology. They didn't know how to do it and they have lost the news credibility and I think it hurts the NBC brand, as well.

- See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jeffrey-meyer/2015/03/16/media-critic-msnbcs-24-hours-day-messunwatchable#sthash.i71fWJTd.dpuf

And for the record, I do not watch Fox or any other television network for my news.
It is all simply infotainment and a waste of my time.
you're an idiot.

nice copy and paste.