Yet another Obama lawless action...


Well-Known Member
you have issues
Why does the "Freedom act" do nothing for freedom? Why does the "Patriot Act" have absolutely NOTHING to do with patriotism? Why does the "Trans-Pacific Partnership" Have shit all to do with "free Trade" or any kind of partnership other than more money for already deep pockets?

If the Feds wanted to institute death camps for old people they would call this bill the "Octogenarian lifestyle freedom act" or something.
They need to make up names that make the shit that is in the bill smell all rosy.

You guys both say the most obvious things! Everybody knows that. :lol:



Well-Known Member
How come "affordable healthcare" is on average 4x moar expensive to the taxpayer than universal healthcare?
this is a very good question with subsidy i was quoted the same policy which the year before was completely free.

saw doctor to get scripts renewed and prescriptions throughout the year..i'm low maintenance.

i was quote online $33/month, when i received the bill it was $77/month.

i can't afford that.


Well-Known Member
So I just went to process payroll for
my employees and had to change the check date manually to tomorrow because ADP told me that Obama decided July 3rd is a bankers holiday and business will resume on Monday July 6th.... So my employees wouldn't get paid until next Monday.

Lol, what the fuck? Apparently because July 4th fell on a Saturday?

The guy helping me on the phone started laughing and said Obama doesn't want America to earn back it's debt, he just wants everything to be free. No one should have to work if they don't want to! He laughed and mocked Obama for a moment more before saying "who knows, the guy sure sets a hardworking precedent for his people doesn't he?"

Smh.... Watching hard work dissolve into free shit lately has me scratching my head


Well-Known Member
So I just went to process payroll for
my employees and had to change the check date manually to tomorrow because ADP told me that Obama decided July 3rd is a bankers holiday and business will resume on Monday July 6th.... So my employees wouldn't get paid until next Monday.

Lol, what the fuck? Apparently because July 4th fell on a Saturday?

The guy helping me on the phone started laughing and said Obama doesn't want America to earn back it's debt, he just wants everything to be free. No one should have to work if they don't want to! He laughed and mocked Obama for a moment more before saying "who knows, the guy sure sets a hardworking precedent for his people doesn't he?"

Smh.... Watching hard work dissolve into free shit lately has me scratching my head
bill o'reilly from 2012 called, he wants his post-election meltdown rant back.


Well-Known Member
US Healthcare system sucks unless you're in the business of US Healthcare. As a business model, it's awesome. Captive audience of US citizens as pill-popping sheeple. Trillions are made as we're medically exploited.

Insurance isn't the problem. Big Biz + the FDA = The problem


Well-Known Member
US Healthcare system sucks unless you're in the business of US Healthcare. As a business model, it's awesome. Captive audience of US citizens as pill-popping sheeple. Trillions are made as we're medically exploited.

Insurance isn't the problem. Big Biz + the FDA = The problem
Insurance in this instance is also = Big Biz.

ACA was a reacharound (and even a kiss afterwards) for the insurance industry, Universal Healthcare costs FOUR TIMES LESS.


Well-Known Member
We make cash for harvesting. That's all we are. Little cash machines for them

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The guy helping me on the phone started laughing and said Obama doesn't want America to earn back it's debt, he just wants everything to be free. No one should have to work if they don't want to! He laughed and mocked Obama for a moment more before saying "who knows, the guy sure sets a hardworking precedent for his people doesn't he?"
Yep, and some people get it but few of them are posting with a voice of reason at RIU.

Greece's bankrupt situation is a perfect example of why socialism doesn't work. More dire than America you have a few supporting the masses. Guess they'll learn the hard way that to increase the tax base you have to work.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
US Healthcare system sucks unless you're in the business of US Healthcare. As a business model, it's awesome. Captive audience of US citizens as pill-popping sheeple. Trillions are made as we're medically exploited.

Insurance isn't the problem. Big Biz + the FDA = The problem
People like you are the problem, own it.

Always the victim, eh? Sorry, but playing the victim does not justify your lack of motivation to better yourself. There are no victims, only volunteers.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Greece was forced to take on EU debt. Google it. Debt is the shackle of the 21st century.
Forced my ass. They were given a chance, said "fuck you" and missed the payback deadline.

They're a collective bunch of lazy asses.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Fortunately, your isolated, ignorant opinions are becoming more obviously ignorant and isolated. In other words, you appear dumber to a larger audience daily. You support the establishment, and you are easily led by media and marketing.

In fact, I think loudmouths like Aunt Ben help the greater cause of the people. If all of the ignorance stayed quiet and hidden, it would persist longer. Bennie here helps push the liberal agenda by clearly demonstrating how primitive and undeveloped the conservative mind really is.

Fossil is an interesting word.

It's like people video taping cops. That brings police ignorance to the forefront, and helps marshal change.

Thanks Bennie! You make a great "before" picture.

'scuse me while I add to my Ignore List.


Well-Known Member
ACA was a reacharound (and even a kiss afterwards) for the insurance industry
yeah, i'm sure they love having to take on all patients, even those with pre-existing conditions, and being forced by law to lower their administrative costs.

Universal Healthcare costs FOUR TIMES LESS.
ireland spends $3424 per capita on health care annually.

the united states spends $7290.

that is not four times less, you undergrown dipshit. you can stop repeating the lie now.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Greece was forced to take on EU debt. Google it. Debt is the shackle of the 21st century.
Close, but not quite. Unwelcome debt is a symptom of a greater ill. Systemic force is the root of the problem.

Force, as in being forced to assume debt for another, is the shackle of the eons.