Yet another Obama lawless action...


Well-Known Member
My understanding is this was the last piece of ammo available to challenge O-Care. This was a BS last ditch, hail Mary plan of desperation. Maybe now they can move on. Their Medical and pharmaceutical overlords are still in the 1%


Well-Known Member
well unclebuck, obviously for someone that talks about hugging people just to rub your weenie on them id say you sir are really misinformed or ignorant to the American peoples plight of justice and fairness..perhaps you are both and just don't realize very sad for you
The American people's plight of justice and fairness? What a kick, I mean we are all really suffering now, let's go back to 2006-2007 when things were really great. What you mean is the president is black and there is no justice or fairness in it for you. I mean after all you are white and didn't get to be president first right? It just isn't fair is it? A black man is better and smarter than you. You are a fucking idiot, you can always tell the Fox fucktards. They have this desperate pathetic whine of I need to shit in your mess kit and you won't let me. Wah! Wah!
SZ when they talk about people being too dumb to know they are dumb well, peek a boo.


Well-Known Member
I've become appalled at Scalia's rhetoric. In future decades he'll be seen in the same light as the KKK founding fathers. He'll be remembered as the ass that continued to rationalize inequality.

Please, do elaborate...


Well-Known Member
It's just disgusting. And now he's pouting, and creating his own new words to help describe how mad he is. He should be more like Clarence Thomas and shut the fuck up.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
10 million folks including me signed up and appreciate Obamacare.
Everyone of those people have a right to get with others on a voluntary basis and have things like Obamacare.

None of those people have a right to force others to though do they?


Well-Known Member
How come "affordable healthcare" is on average 4x moar expensive to the taxpayer than universal healthcare?
Why does the "Freedom act" do nothing for freedom? Why does the "Patriot Act" have absolutely NOTHING to do with patriotism? Why does the "Trans-Pacific Partnership" Have shit all to do with "free Trade" or any kind of partnership other than more money for already deep pockets?

If the Feds wanted to institute death camps for old people they would call this bill the "Octogenarian lifestyle freedom act" or something.
They need to make up names that make the shit that is in the bill smell all rosy.