Worried Abour Helicopters.


Well-Known Member
helicoptors are the work of satan and they have no buisness flying over us if we were ment to fly we would have wings....say No to unnatural flight dont FLY OVER ME...its our sky and i dont fly


Well-Known Member
Yeah what is a basement? I feel your pain. I think the Queen has better things to do than send black helicopters over your house with a FLIR gizmo. Save some of the obvious big bucks you got to compensate the Barrister if you happen to get bursted and the local constabulary give you a knock and talk. If your real paranoid go get a permit and have your loft (thinking that is an attic but not sure) turned into another bedroom and bathroom (aka grow room). That should be not much of a step for a stepper.


mookie brown

Active Member
Work & only grow small amounts for yourself. Just remember that each person who knows that you grow will up your chances by 10% at getting busted. You say you have a partner right ? You now have a 10% chance at getting busted. I would never grow with a partner. NEVER !!

Mickey Love

Thanks again. Maybe time for a rethink. The section is lined with hardboard in a triangle shape. I've nailed it to the trusses. On the other side, the voids, I've lined the hardboard with fibre glass, on the inside we have the usual wall linings. I note that its best to grow alone, but my partner is my son, keep it in the family I say!!

Incidently, I intend to use the lights mainly during daylight, will this make any difference.


Active Member
there was a program on bbc3 the other week i think it might still be on the bbci player...it was showing the helecopter looking for grows and they showed the cam. they basicly said they really cant tell with a few lights they, do show up but they cant say if its a grow or not but they can tell when the hole house is being used because it proppa glows up...


Well-Known Member
Thanks again. Maybe time for a rethink. The section is lined with hardboard in a triangle shape. I've nailed it to the trusses. On the other side, the voids, I've lined the hardboard with fibre glass, on the inside we have the usual wall linings. I note that its best to grow alone, but my partner is my son, keep it in the family I say!!

Incidently, I intend to use the lights mainly during daylight, will this make any difference.
i always run my lights during the day 8pm off 8am on or 1am off 7am on, that way there isnt so much noise during sleeping hrs amongst other reasons.

Mickey Love

I can see this turning into a bit of a hobby, seems very interesting pass time :) I'm going to make the loft the most heat retentive in the history of the planet! Hopefully I won't get busted. Erm ,if I do what sort of time would I get for 300 plants...
Hey all, after working in a hydroponic store and hearing many of the stories that float around, an easy way to get busted without realizing why is from any ballast that gives off a strong RF (radio frequency). Many digital ballasts are easily detectable from the air, and that is why special RF jamming materials are always recommended with growing. To illustrate this effect though, if you have ever used a tri-meter with an electronic ballast in the room, it is an interesting experience. Many of them are not RF protected so the numbers jump by the 1000's in a matter of seconds and do not settle. Hope this helps and if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask :)
Here in the Us the helio's search the woods next to me ,but find nothing. I know it's there because I know the fellow that owns and tends it. I found out from a cop that they can't pick it up if they are higher that 200 ft. above. Trees are protecting this. They searched for 2-3 hours one week end ,but gave it up because the woods here is very dense. I've read they can detect it with infared,
rather legal or not. I wouldn't put it past them. Guess they are going to try dogs this season. butterflymary
Yes, they are RF protected, but they still give off a frequency that is strong enough to be picked up :P. The frequency is dampened though by thick walls, reflective films, etc. Hope that answered your question straight G


Well-Known Member
Erm ,if I do what sort of time would I get for 300 plants...

Lol. Woah! 300 plnats!? are you turning your whole house into a grow room now? How can a loft hold 300 plants? And it'd be a good amount of time. Here in the states at least, your time depends on the total weight of the whole plant I guess.. something like that.

And wtf. Why doesn't the UK have basements?......

Mickey Love

Well here I am in covered in fibre glass dust. Its totally encased in the stuff. Plus a couple of layers of reflective material on the inside and the hard board. I feel I'm getting a little obsessed now because I'm looking at the felt on the roof and thinking of putting a layer of something over it. I'd rather spend the money and feel safe. Going to add some of the things already mentioned in previous posts, thanks for the tips.


Active Member
Hey Mickey,

300 plants with 3 x 600W? WHY?! Even with a tight SOG set-up it would be way too many. I would do a maximum of 10 plants per light, rather 6. 100W/plant is a good ratio. Not sure about the laws over there but in many states in the US they prosecute by plant count... Less is more :D
damb, never heard of that, do you think a Lumatek digi ballast would be RF protected?

They actually are RF protected, as are most digital ballasts. However, even with the protection many of them give off strong signals, and Lumatek has the lowest RF signal. :) I prefer them to be honest because in addition to RF protection, they are extremely efficient and versatile in their uses