Woah, I ended up with a rare genetic variation in my grow.. Pink Pistils *PICS*


Active Member
Agreed neither have I .. I was weirded out by it at first.. still looks weird to me.. here's some updated shots:




and here's some macros to see the pink in action :)



Active Member
I'm sure it was some kine bud, not some "kind" bud as you think it was friendly or smiled at you or something.

I appreciate your grammatical correction, I'll be sure to use that properly in the future :). I've never EVER heard the term KINE instead of KIND.. interesting..

That being said, it wasn't really called ANYTHING except "nugs" which is the same generic term as KB, Beasters, Kind Bud (or Kine Bud as you pointed out), or Nugs.. It's all the same.. Not quite as good as the REAL top of the line, and not nearly as bad as mids. I got it in a bag that would run about $45 an eighth around here.


Active Member
Very nice picture quality. Most people on here take shots with camera phones, so it's nice to see someone with good quality pics!
yeah really, a lot of digi cameras will have a HQ mode or macro/super macro mode.

It will take up more memory on a card but the pics will look dank like this pretty much


Active Member
This is the real deal, macro lens on a digital SLR camera... no auto mode for me unfortunately, that would be too easy I guess :(

Okay guys, here's some more pictures:

Here's some bud closeups (look at that pink!)

Here's some REAL close macros showing some fine detail of the pink pistils, and new trichome growth

this looks really nice man. I would love to get something with some color in my plants. I am a lite smoker and the most fun for me is the growing, and colors are nice to see. I hope they stay pink for you all the way through.


Well-Known Member
Can you tell us the exact camera and exact settings and lenses needed? Super hot photo skills. Glad your growing skills match too. :-)