Why won't Romney release more tax returns

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Nope he doesn't..nor do people have to vote for him.
There shouldn't be any tax disclosure requirements at all.

One of Rommey's political stances is marijuana will kill you, make you eat faces and causes terrorist support.

What if one of Romney's friend or relative is a mmj patient and so he invested in a bunch of mmj co-ops.

Romney loses his anti-pot supporters and you still won't vote for him. It gains him no new votes and he loses many.

How is it right this happens? It's his business and not illegal. Doesn 't matter he lied.

I lie to several people claiming I'm not an atheist. If I donate to both church organizations and Richard Dawkins, that's my business. I grew up Lutheran. If I run for president in 2016, why can't I tell others I'm Lutheran. I shouldn't be forced to out myself as a vegan hippy pot head atheist with anarchy leanings if I decide to run for the Republican nomination.


Well-Known Member
There shouldn't be any tax disclosure requirements at all.

One of Rommey's political stances is marijuana will kill you, make you eat faces and causes terrorist support.

What if one of Romney's friend or relative is a mmj patient and so he invested in a bunch of mmj co-ops.

Romney loses his anti-pot supporters and you still won't vote for him. It gains him no new votes and he loses many.

How is it right this happens? It's his business and not illegal. Doesn 't matter he lied.

I lie to several people claiming I'm not an atheist. If I donate to both church organizations and Richard Dawkins, that's my business. I grew up Lutheran. If I run for president in 2016, why can't I tell others I'm Lutheran. I shouldn't be forced to out myself as a vegan hippy pot head atheist with anarchy leanings if I decide to run for the Republican nomination.
Dude WTF are you talking about. We talking about the man who can hold the highest office in the land. His choices can have a lasting impact on your life and your kids. This same man now totes his business experience as the reason why I should TRUST him to have the power of the POTUS. I say let me see how you made your money. His own father released 12 years of tax returns. What is he hiding. You fools will vote for anything just to see Obama gone...and you Canna are a person who votes against their very interest and then wonder why you are poor.


Well-Known Member
I have become poorer since Odumba took office.

And i know shit loads of people who are in the same boat.

At least i still had people coming in the door and spending money when dill hole bush was still in office.


Well-Known Member
I have become poorer since Odumba took office.

And i know shit loads of people who are in the same boat.

At least i still had people coming in the door and spending money when dill hole bush was still in office.
I know a shit load who says different..The last two years of Bush was horrible. I still made money but not much. Obama it picked back up and even allow me to open another laundromat. What business are you in that won with Bush but lost with Obama ???


Well-Known Member
I know a shit load who says different..The last two years of Bush was horrible. I still made money but not much. Obama it to picked back up and even allow me to open another laundromat. What business are you in that won with Bush but lost with Obama ???

High end home theater!!

Had more biz the last 2 years bush was in office than the next 3 1/2 with odumba....


Well-Known Member
I know a shit load who says different..The last two years of Bush was horrible. I still made money but not much. Obama it to picked back up and even allow me to open another laundromat. What business are you in that won with Bush but lost with Obama ???
Translation: You had 6 good years with Bush, but instead you focus on 2 bad ones. Guess what? You had more good years under Bush then you ever will under Obama.


Well-Known Member
Just so we all know the facts. Since the unemployment rate is actually higher under Obama than under Bush, it is factual that more people are poorer under Obama than Bush. Whether that is the fault of Obama is an entirely different debate.


Well-Known Member
Translation: You had 6 good years with Bush, but instead you focus on 2 bad ones. Guess what? You had more good years under Bush then you ever will under Obama.
No wise ass I spent some of Bush years serving this country before I was able to open a business. My time serving under Bush made me retire.


Well-Known Member
Among all of the stupid jobs I have done in a long life full of stupid jobs, I was a realestate appraiser during he later portion of Bush's administration, before that I maintained computer networks interestingly, quite a few for loan companies. Many of us knew it couldn't last.

Now I do biotechnology in a new company I started, I havn't yet made a dime and I am thinking that this company may not work out well for me if Obama continues his anti-marijuana crusade and it may not work out well for me if Romney starts his.

So far two of my most interested prospective clients have been busted by the Feds.

Anyone care to suggest which way I vote?

About Romney's tax returns. He is either embarassed about how much money he made (he shouldn't be - only the OWS crowd who would never vote for him anyway cares) or he is embarassed because he paid little or nothing in taxes. If he did, he will lose the undecided who paid 20 percent or more. There is a point of no return (forgive the pun) for Romney.

Very soon, if he opts to display his documentation he will look as though he buckled under pressure from Obama's people. If he hunkers down hoping it will all go away, it might but he leaves himself open to Obama to bring the issue up at any time and it will never be old news. "what's he hiding" is always a good smear because anyone can fill in the blank with anything they wish. As I watch this I am both exhilerated and disgusted by Obama's campaign. I am happy on the one hand that he has "taken off the gloves" and is smacking Romney around, instantly and with some force, something that Dems rarely do well. I am disgusted because Obama is bending the truth and even lying - something that I had hoped would be the in the sole domain of Romney.

- it's the coffee -


Well-Known Member
Given the choices I vote Obama. His second term he can really take the gloves off because he does not have to worry about getting reelected. Hopefully Obama has learn that sometimes you just can't work nor get along with some folks.


Well-Known Member
Translation: You had 6 good years with Bush, but instead you focus on 2 bad ones. Guess what? You had more good years under Bush then you ever will under Obama.
bush made sure of that by crashing the economy into the ground, the GOP is helping by blocking tax cuts for companies that insource (and any and every other jobs initiative obama proposes, even if it was their own idea to begin with).

romney won't release the returns until there is something else to talk about, he would just release them if there was nothing to hide.


Well-Known Member
Given the choices I vote Obama. His second term he can really take the gloves off because he does not have to worry about getting reelected. Hopefully Obama has learn that sometimes you just can't work nor get along with some folks.

Could it be possible that Obama is cracking down on dispensaries in order to get reelected? His pot smoking constituancies will not vote Romney (if they vote at all) so he may figure he has lost nothing but gained the anti- crowd. Perhaps he will settle down after he is reelected and leave us alone. Romney on the other hand will likely feel he has to show his resolve and strength by continuing to enforce anti pot ideologies.


Well-Known Member

Could it be possible that Obama is cracking down on dispensaries in order to get reelected? His pot smoking constituancies will not vote Romney (if they vote at all) so he may figure he has lost nothing but gained the anti- crowd. Perhaps he will settle down after he is reelected and leave us alone. Romney on the other hand will likely feel he has to show his resolve and strength by continuing to enforce anti pot ideologies.
Sorry I don't see Obama cracking down on weed... I don't see him making it legal just now either. Now i ask myself would I just vote for someone who wants to make weed legal. I say not. If we want weed legal it will be up to us to force Obama to do just that. Now ask yourself ( and be honest ) what have you done to help the cause. Why have you not made the news if you feel so strongly about this one issue. Do you give money to support the cause ?? Do you start non-violent protest to help the legalization. Have you even wrote your congressman. You will find that MANY can't even say they have done anything besides smoke it. Sometimes you have to fight for things you truly believe in...and if weed is that fight..then I suggest you get to it then. but again my vote for POTUS is not if he is going to legalize weed. Hell I already got weed..lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry I don't see Obama cracking down on weed... I don't see him making it legal just now either. Now i ask myself would I just vote for someone who wants to make weed legal. I say not. If we want weed legal it will be up to us to force Obama to do just that. Now ask yourself ( and be honest ) what have you done to help the cause. Why have you not made the news if you feel so strongly about this one issue. Do you give money to support the cause ?? Do you start non-violent protest to help the legalization. Have you even wrote your congressman. You will find that MANY can't even say they have done anything besides smoke it. Sometimes you have to fight for things you truly believe in...and if weed is that fight..then I suggest you get to it then. but again my vote for POTUS is not if he is going to legalize weed. Hell I already got weed..lol

If you will read my previous post about what business I am in you will see that our president's stand on weed is important. Two of my (prospective) clients were busted by the Feds in the last several months. His stand has a direct effect upon how I do business and what business I do. Now I grant you that any single issue is rarely important in a presidential decision. Those who make gun rights the pivot point in their selection are fools - Presidents have little influence in those sorts of things. Abortion is another one - in fact a vote for a president with the same social agenda as one's self is usually a piss poor way to vote - but it happens. It is like voting because one candidate has a better hair style.

Obama is indeed cracking down on legal weed, contrary to his election promises.


Well-Known Member
bush made sure of that by crashing the economy into the ground, the GOP is helping by blocking tax cuts for companies that insource (and any and every other jobs initiative obama proposes, even if it was their own idea to begin with).

romney won't release the returns until there is something else to talk about, he would just release them if there was nothing to hide.
you're not trying if you ain't cheating :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Romney wont release his taxes for at least one reason

How could he put 100 million into a IRA
When the law limits it to 30000 per year