Why don't you like Ron Paul?


Active Member
Because he is a crazy liberal who doesn't understand basic reality. To believe you do not a strong military with bases around the world for first response is just nuts. To even think legalizing all drugs is a good idea makes him a looney basterd with no concept. Yes big government like Obama and dems like is bad and he wants less but he wants to basically turn the country into hippy land which leaves us way to open. He will give you 5 minutes of clarity then he goes off to looney land for the next 50 minutes. He claims to be republican but is actually a liberal with small government wants.
You must not understand basic reality... Puerto Rico has already legalized all drugs quiet a while ago, and it "worked" on a general basis. Teen drug use dropped, HIV rates dropped, and drug rehab saw a large increase.

There is nothing looney about legalizing drugs. Maybe you think legalizing means that corner stores would be able to sell drugs? Yes, that would be a bad idea, but that's not "legalization".

I'll tell you what is looney... locking someone up for putting a chemical into their own body, at their own free will. Looneys lock people up for crimes with no victim, such as putting a chemical into one's own body. Sane people allow others to consume chemicals at their own free will, without the threat of caging them.

If he goes off on 50 minute tangents of looney-talk, maybe you would care to elaborate on his loony ideas? He must be chalk full of them, so it should be easy for you to list a few...

I expect your list to consist of subjects that have not been manipulated and blatantly taken out of context, in favor of your distaste for the most logical candidate available.

And no, this country will not turn into "hippy land", nor is Ron Paul trying to accomplish that. That is a common belief among looneys though.

On a side note, what would be so bad about a "hippy land"? The ambitious would thrive and the "hippies" wouldn't, right?. A "hippy land" may even calm down society. You know how everywhere you go there are those people you see who are just on a rage fest, or think that their own little reality is the most important thing going, thus they have to rage at everyone? Those people that make their business your business, and you just want to shoot them in the face the minute you're around them... oh wait... now I'm raging at them... yea that type of hippy land where it stops me from wanting to rage back at the rageaholics. A hippy land, would be a glorious land, but no, that's not going to happen in America, home of the rage... and anti hipsters.


Well-Known Member
No, you are wrong and you don't know what your candidate's policies are.
Yes I do know what my candidates policies are, you imbecile. Read my posts.

I bet you assume to know who I am going to vote for too.
No and I dont really care. That's two things you've gotten wrong in your post.

Ron Paul wants unborn children protected constitutionally. He opposes Roe vs. Wade. It has everything to do with his personal beliefs. He is an obstetrician so he thinks he knows more than everyone else.
You sure can't comprehend a simple post of mine can you? Again Ron Paul wants the issue to be with the states. Period. He is pro life but doesn't want federal funding to go to his pro life causes. Period. That is his policy. Period.

His personal beliefs are pro life and that has nothing to do with how he feels it should be dealt with on a Federal Level. He would vote against abortions for the most part ON A STATE LEVEL. He does not want the federal government deciding on abortions. Period. Understand now? If you don't then you're either stupid or have agenda driven blinders on.


Well-Known Member
Who will buy this wonderful feeling? I'm so high, I swear I could fly. Me oh my, I don't want to lose it.
Where is the man with all the money? He's cheap at half the price.
Somehow I'll be strong, as long as he needs me.
I think you've already lost it. :)


Well-Known Member
i dont want to debate with anyone, nor do i want some asshole picking apart anything i post that he may or may not feel opposed to. if someone ruins every thread they post on and actually contributes nothing useful why should i have to read it? no tactics, no agenda, just simply celebrating the freedom of enjoyment again. seeing that dudes posts triggered rage for me and made posting in certain ares, a miserable experience for me. were talking about a guy who goes out of his way to irritate others, how is that acceptable and my enjoyment isnt? i think if you go out of your way to be an asshole you have no right to sympathy or courtesy. i know for a fact i am not alone in the way i feel about the guy and im not the only one with him on the ignore list.
Yeah, he's the only one on my list, the only member I have ever even considered blocking. Now half the posts in the politics section will disappear, and I won't have such a pile of off topic childish attacks to dig through. Today is a good day.


Well-Known Member
You must not understand basic reality... Puerto Rico has already legalized all drugs quiet a while ago, and it "worked" on a general basis. Teen drug use dropped, HIV rates dropped, and drug rehab saw a large increase.

what the fuck are you talking about? pot is not legal in puerto rico


Well-Known Member
homicidal maniac with clear PTSD warning. and we let people like this own weapons. what a nation.
I wouldn't say maniac, homicidal: Hell yes! PTSD: axis 1 chronic and severe TBI: chronic and severe, Weapons: not only own them but ive been trained on very many weapons systems to hunt people by your precious tax dollars, and now your tax dollars pay my retirement, which started at 25.. You keep slaving away and being a good little taxpayer, meanwhile i will kick back and enjoy the rest of my life care free..


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say maniac, homicidal: Hell yes! PTSD: axis 1 chronic and severe TBI: chronic and severe, Weapons: not only own them but ive been trained on very many weapons systems to hunt people by your precious tax dollars, and now your tax dollars pay my retirement, which started at 25.. You keep slaving away and being a good little taxpayer, meanwhile i will kick back and enjoy the rest of my life care free..
i'm retired as well, congrats.

i do sell treadmills as a hobby though.


Ron Paul calls himself a scientist, and yet he goes on to say he doesn't believe in evolution.... rofl, what cognitive dissonance that old fart has! and the guy i a doctor! you would think he had read a book on biology, and i'm sure he's ayn rands biggest fan so he understands what his social darwinist views entail.