Why Does Vapor Make Me Choke?


Well-Known Member
I have a convection style vaporizer with a capture bag, I actually love the design. I am careful not to turn the heat up enough to cause smoke, and I've learned not to fill the bag with much vapor. Yet it still makes me cough violently. By the time I'm done with the bag I am barely stoned and have a terrible, terrible headache from coughing. My roomie can take huge hits off the same bag and not cough once. In fact no one else seems to have a problem. I can take huge bong rips and not cough too much, my lungs seem to tolerate joints/bowls just fine. It's too the point that I might as well take the weed i'm vaping and just bong it. I get more stoned and no headache.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
what kind of vap is it?
Mine seems to make me cough more then other people, but i get stoned from it and it never gives me head aches. all my buds can take a hole bag and say it feels like nothing but i cough alot.


I've coughed off of all kinds of different vaps pretty sure it's normal just a cleaner, healthier, better tasting way to smoke


Oh and i think something may be wrong if your getting headaches from it. I'd go back to bong if i was having those effects


Well-Known Member
It's a vapir. I've had it for over two years. Really happy with the product, just can't use it. The headaches come from the coughing fits. One hit, even a tiny sip, sends me into a coughing spell for several minutes. Other people that use it may cough a little, but most remark how smooth it is. I guess my lungs just don't like it. Meanwhile I can pack the bong and take a huge rip without coughing at all.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Try drinking water between hits. I notice that some people don't notice their throat drying out when they inhale the dry vapor. - Then they get that phantom cough, where nothing is being coughed out it's just your throats reaction to the dry air. I give them a bottle of water and say, 'drink that inbetween hits' and they are fine after that.. :lol:

Also I vape between 365F-392F on my volcano (bag vaporizer)

what temps are you running


Well-Known Member
That's a good explanation Sr. Verde, sounds like good advice.

I noticed my coughing fits would get worse when I was smoking alone and giving myself less time between each hit.

Probably because of the reason you stated and now I smoke with a drink nearby and it helps.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
That's a good explanation Sr. Verde, sounds like good advice.

I noticed my coughing fits would get worse when I was smoking alone and giving myself less time between each hit.

Probably because of the reason you stated and now I smoke with a drink nearby and it helps.
Yeah exactly lol the more often your breathing the vapor in the more dried out your throat gets... if you leave it time in between it is easier on the throat but water or a drink works perfectly ;)


Well-Known Member
higher temps = harsher hits..... lower temps = smoother hits ......its the hot air thats causing the irritation... my volcano never goes above 360 usually vape at 350

if i vape at 370 i will cough my ass off ....same weed at 350 smooth as a babies butt

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
higher temps = harsher hits..... lower temps = smoother hits ......its the hot air thats causing the irritation... my volcano never goes above 360 usually vape at 350

if i vape at 370 i will cough my ass off ....same weed at 350 smooth as a babies butt
the air cools to room temp pretty much immediately in the bag...

the initial heat of the air doesn't really matter


Well-Known Member
I do my first burn at 376. If I reburn its at 400, but I rarely do that. I've tried taking a drink, but I will try again with some nice cool ice water. My only solution so far is to only let a tiny bit of vapor fill the bag and then finish inflating with just air. I don't cough this way, but it takes 4 or 5 bags to catch a buzz because they are mostly air.

unrelated but I found bubble hash does the same thing. Sends me into violent coughing spells. I noticed this only happens when I am smoking straight hash. If I place a little on top of some herb, everything is just fine.

Thanks for the feedback guys

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I do my first burn at 376. If I reburn its at 400, but I rarely do that. I've tried taking a drink, but I will try again with some nice cool ice water. My only solution so far is to only let a tiny bit of vapor fill the bag and then finish inflating with just air. I don't cough this way, but it takes 4 or 5 bags to catch a buzz because they are mostly air.

unrelated but I found bubble hash does the same thing. Sends me into violent coughing spells. I noticed this only happens when I am smoking straight hash. If I place a little on top of some herb, everything is just fine.

Thanks for the feedback guys
Yeah man hash and keif will make you want to cough more because its just DANK you know?

Drink excessively between hits and see if that helps man

Also start lower like 370 to start and try not going above 395


Well-Known Member
So is your cough from the throat or the lungs. I have this weed that expands so deep in my lungs that I can't stop coughing until that bit of deep fluid comes up and by then I've coughed the high out of me, yet when I smoke other weed I have no problem. I have a new vape in the mail that I should be picking up tomorrow and I'm hoping it's going to fix this problem because the weed is really good (don't know what strain it is). I bought a BC Vaporizer. http://www.bcvaporizer.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=PSF&Product_Code=BCV008&Category_Code=bcv

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Well-Known Member
If its bothering you its burning the plant matter. Ex: My volcano I can set even to max temp and that vape doesn't effect my throat like pulling vape out of vaporizer can.

Switching to a bag vaporizer should do the trick as they use hot air instead of hot metal to heat the herbs, so they can't really burn the herbs at all.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I've never heard of anyone having that problem with DaBuddha. I've had mine for a couple of years now and I wouldn't think of using anything else.


New Member
Any thoughts?
I know exactly what you are talking about. I don't think it has anything to do with temp, dry throats or any of that jive, I think it's about purity because I've noticed I get the cough from bubble as well and I've tried to describe it to friends as a feeling of my throat being coated in oils.


New Member
unrelated but I found bubble hash does the same thing. Sends me into violent coughing spells. I noticed this only happens when I am smoking straight hash. If I place a little on top of some herb, everything is just fine.
Damn should have read ahead. Well there you go it's the same thing I experience. Do you noticed that the cough is actually from a different place? Also I have asthma so I wonder if that could be linked because it doesn't happen to my friends or wife.


Well-Known Member
Damn should have read ahead. Well there you go it's the same thing I experience. Do you noticed that the cough is actually from a different place? Also I have asthma so I wonder if that could be linked because it doesn't happen to my friends or wife.
Yea it's a sort of different cough. More of a spasm from irritation in the back of the throat. I'm told I had 'a touch' of asthma as a child, though I've never had an attack or use medicine. Vaporizers are supposed to be preferable for people with asthma, and aren't breathing treatments often given in vapor form? Seems weird.


New Member
Yup same thing, like it's being coated. I just think that we're more sensitive to it for some reason. Don't think there is much we can do about it. I get by with a throat spray they sell here for soreness. seems like a protective coat but it wears off fast and I don't know who wise it is to use a throat spray a lot.