Why do noobs ask so many questions?


Well-Known Member
I've only been using RIU for maybe a month (2) and I can't believe how many people ask the same, already answered 10,000 times, stoooop-id questions day after day after day. It DOES NOT make me feel like helping them after I answered the same question the day I signed up to this site's forums. It DOES make me wish I could reach out thru my monitor and smack em' upside their pin-heads!
Geeze . . . pay attention! It ain't rocket science. Grow a garden, NooBs.

Oh yeah, bow bow...


Well-Known Member
It's the back + forth. "When I grew mine they did this" and someone else had no problems and what they did....that how you learn.....
I know what you mean. It can be a bit annoying when someone asks you questions over & over. But people like that don't really want to help themselves..... they would much rather someone does all the leg work & they get the benefits.

If someone asks me something, I'll set them up with good info to get them to the next step..... but more often than not, I get them coming back asking the same questions because they didn't follow what I said before. These are the annoying ones, because they don't see the obvious answers for themselves.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. It can be a bit annoying when someone asks you questions over & over. But people like that don't really want to help themselves..... they would much rather someone does all the leg work & they get the benefits.

If someone asks me something, I'll set them up with good info to get them to the next step..... but more often than not, I get them coming back asking the same questions because they didn't follow what I said before. These are the annoying ones, because they don't see the obvious answers for themselves.

thank you,finally someone who understands and can give a related answer.


Well-Known Member
What about..... "I threw some seeds from a bag of compressed Mexican shwag into some dirt from my backyard and now they have popped out of the soil. What strain are they and how much will they yield?"


it's gonna be some late finishing sativa. you will yield between a 1/4 lb and a pound if started in june. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I want it to be known that i cant hardly stand any of you, like even less of you, :mrgreen:and am still more than happy to help with new growers probs. We have all been there. We should all be thankful that there is a place for the new growers to go and talk and ask for advice.
If we all stopped and checked for unanswered posts once in a while, even if we all only did one a day, we would be helping quite a few fellow growers that need it.
Fuck you, too, 40! :D



Sorry, that was a TOTAL non sequitur. :?


Well-Known Member
it's gonna be some late finishing sativa. you will yield between a 1/4 lb and a pound if started in june. :blsmoke::peace:
"Dude, it's not Sativa. It's marijuana. What a noob you must be!!! I got them in soil from the backyard,in pots under my big sisters incandescent desk lamp, in the back of my closet. How do I keep my paren.............roommates from finding them?"

(all in fun ,FDD I love you,man!:blsmoke::peace:)


Well-Known Member
"Dude, it's not Sativa. It's marijuana. What a noob you must be!!! I got them in soil from the backyard,in pots under my big sisters incandescent desk lamp, in the back of my closet. How do I keep my paren.............roommates from finding them?"

(all in fun ,FDD I love you,man!:blsmoke::peace:)

"HELLO? Why hasn't anyone answered my stealth question? This site sucks. Nobody helps. You guys suck!:sad::sad:"


Well-Known Member
The whole piont of this forum is the sharing of knowlege. I consider myself one of the more experianced growers here, but in comparison to some people here I'm a noob too.I learn new things here everyday, and , hopefully, I have some things that I can teach. Of course often the answer to a new members question is just "check FAQ's" but still sometimes I just answer if it's a simple fix, especially electrical questions where safety is an issue. I wouldn't have made this site my home if it wasn't for the really useful info here.
Amen brother:peace:


Well-Known Member
"HELLO? Why hasn't anyone answered my stealth question? This site sucks. Nobody helps. You guys suck!:sad::sad:"
guess because what you said before that made no sense to me ^^ and prob. to no one else... or maybe evryone's afk ^^

Think of it yourself ;)


Well-Known Member
We all start somewhere and being rude and burning new members with questions is bad for the site and not what smoking is all about which is helping each other and promoting it, the information is great but people get stuck along the way and do need help with many differant thing's, they just want what we all want big healthy plants, more knowledge and feeling satisfied with there harvest. And in turn when they know what their doing they will be helping others then, it makes the site and community go around and we should encourage it.


Well-Known Member
"Dude, it's not Sativa. It's marijuana. What a noob you must be!!! I got them in soil from the backyard,in pots under my big sisters incandescent desk lamp, in the back of my closet. How do I keep my paren.............roommates from finding them?"

(all in fun ,FDD I love you,man!:blsmoke::peace:)

when you are under 18 plants grow differently. you aren't under 18 are you? :-?:weed:



Well-Known Member
because at some point they were uninformed like you and didnt know what to do so they did the same thing that you did and looked for information via the internet or other sources. Im sure you didnt just pull out a hemp seed put it in some dirt and magically grow an amazing strain of weed where the plant had not a single deficiency or imperfection the entire grow. and Im sure you had help or asked questions whether it was online or from friends.

so.... you were a noob once too. NOOB!
Still no excuse to be lazy, And I never said that newbie's are not allowed to ask questions, some questions are not on faq's, Those are the questions you should be asking, the ones that are not on every grow book/site FAQ.

Tell me where is the logic in typing up a thread and ask your question so a "HUMAN" can answer and wait a couple hours or even a day (Ok, sometimes you get lucky and respond within minutes but how often is that when you are in dire neeed) or typing in a search box and getting your answer almost right away, maybe a bit of searching but still get your answer almost right away and learn a few other things when searching your original problem? I mean there are so many sections and sub-sections with search functions. And some still can't post in the right sections to boot!

I still stand by, " a 1st time grower such have enough info for there 1st grow until they hit there 1st nutrient defeciencies". Not to be confused with defeciencies caused by not enough light or growing in clear transparent containers or even not watering your plant properly and creating dry pockets in the medium. You think these people have read when they do shit like this?One of MY favorite is, "how do you know if its a male or female? and when every single frickin book and grow faq in the world has detailed pics and descriptions almost right in the beginning right after germination or vegetation section. Even seed catalogs tell you how/the best way to germinate and distinguish male or female. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! HUNNY, GET MY SHOTGUN!!!! WASTE OF A THREAD! Yes, you are right, they read, they read how to piss people off and waste internet space with bullshit questions.

And yes, I was a newbie but never a NOOB! big difference and a half. And since I said I WAS a "newbie" does not mean I am a pro now and know it all but, I do know how to grow,dry and cure pot that doesn't look and taste like shit.


P.S. As kronicsmurf said, the info is ALREADY there 95% of the time, just look 1st. I guarantee you you'd find it faster than typing a post and waiting for a reply where your most likely goin to get flamed and tell you where to go. (grow faqs)

if your question is not answered after searching all the pot sites or books that you can thnk of off the top of your head, THEN you ASK.
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Well-Known Member
i love the "is this a female threads". i really do.

so what exactly is a "question worthy of it's own thread"????????


Well-Known Member
i love the "is this a female threads". i really do.

so what exactly is a "question worthy of it's own thread"????????
I know where you are getting at FDD,really. I just think that questions that are not easily answered by the FAQ's or search function.

I've read instances where you help some guy out on a thread and then some guy asks the same question that you just finished helping the other guy out on the same thread to boot.

I notice that you are an extremely patient man FDD and thats probably one of the other reasons why you a staff/guru on here but I'm sure even you can only take so much, no?:confused:

I'm not saying don't ask questions. Example: For me, I do my best to avoid getting flamed and humiliated even though it is just the net, so I make sure that my question has not been posted already. I


Well-Known Member
WTF........my day starts with a cup of coffee, a smoke and "new posts" from riu. Never fails, every morning i either learn something or am able to dole out a little advice. NEVER woulda been able to do what i do without all the info i got from all of you. Ask away noobs......If i'm not mistaken thats what RIU is here for.


Well-Known Member
yes thats what RIU and all pot sites are here for, there is so much info on here you don't even have to ask, just search and read. I help people here too. Most of my threads are helping another person out or giving out suggestions. I help out all newbies. I know you guys think I'm an asshole but I just don't like stupid questions, I'm sorry.


Well-Known Member
I know where you are getting at FDD,really. I just think that questions that are not easily answered by the FAQ's or search function.

I've read instances where you help some guy out on a thread and then some guy asks the same question that you just finished helping the other guy out on the same thread to boot.

I notice that you are an extremely patient man FDD and thats probably one of the other reasons why you a staff/guru on here but I'm sure even you can only take so much, no?:confused:

I'm not saying don't ask questions. Example: For me, I do my best to avoid getting flamed and humiliated even though it is just the net, so I make sure that my question has not been posted already. I

i get these pm's "i hate to bother you but ......" then it's three to four days worth of back and forth questions and answers. sometimes i just want to scream LEAVE ME ALONE. but then i know in 2 hours i will feel like a total dick. it's hard, it really is. but then 4 or 5 months down the road i get a pm out of the blue, "look at my first grow. you helped." that's when i drop a tear. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace: