Who is the real dishonest candidate?


Well-Known Member
All of the Democratic support showed up for the Primaries like good sheep should.

Not many Trump supporters wasted their time, they know what they will vote in November. Still their are no Hillary signs and I can`t find one woman in my area that supports or even believes her.

Your point is noted But that`s all it can be right now.

Remember, Hillary`s secrete weapon, the Native American, was predicted to slaughter independent Brown.
You'd know about a waste of time; you're an authority on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Launches millions worth of Tomahawks at a country we're not at war with, removes the leader, loses an ambassador... yay Hillary! Go Obama! Yay continuation of the previous Bush administration's war efforts!! Yay Uncle Buck


Well-Known Member
Hillary tells Cindy Sheehan and code pink to their faces deliberate lies about her vote for IRAQ. "warmonger!" "Lies!" "No Blood for Oil"


Well-Known Member
"scanning for signs of intelligent life..."
bloop bloop
bloop bloop
bloop booop
"nothing sir, just a wet blanket, named bucky"


Well-Known Member
With all this talk about Hillary's dishonesty, let's see how the actual numbers stack up between her and Trump.

PolitiFact on Hillary, truthfulness of statements:
True: 23%
Mostly True: 27%
Half True: 21%
Mostly False: 16%
False: 11%
Pants on Fire: 1%

Now lets see Trump (Awarded PolitiFact's Lie of the Year):
True: 2%
Mostly True: 6%
Half True: 15%
Mostly False: 15%
False: 42%
Pants on Fire: 19%

Annnnd finally, let's see how The Golden Boy Bernie stacks up:
True: 14%
Mostly True: 36%
Half True: 19%
Mostly False: 18%
False: 12%
Pants on Fire: 0%

Soooo, in case you're bad at math, Hillary is at LEAST as Honest as Bernie, possibly even more so. But lets see how people dispute this, since I'm sure some people are dumb enough to argue with the facts. I'm guessing it will have something to do with their favorite rallying cry of "BUT THE EMAILSSSSS"...
Obama is the most dishonest candidate.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Let`s not forget,....that`s the reason you know that, and them two liked it.
No one will take you seriously if you keep putting commas before ellipses. Also, when you put four dots in an ellipses, the word following it should start with a capital letter because four dots means the sentence ended. It might seem like a small detail, but on a certain level it is really indicative of a mental deficit on your part, and that seriously taints the ideas you espouse. I mean, if you can't even grasp the basics, it doesn't bode well for your ability to wrap your little mind around complex ideas like politics, let alone posses the faculties to contribute meaningfully to a discussion.


Well-Known Member
No one will take you seriously if you keep putting commas before ellipses. Also, when you put four dots in an ellipses, the word following it should start with a capital letter because four dots means the sentence ended. It might seem like a small detail, but on a certain level it is really indicative of a mental deficit on your part, and that seriously taints the ideas you espouse. I mean, if you can't even grasp the basics, it doesn't bode well for your ability to wrap your little mind around complex ideas like politics, let alone posses the faculties to contribute meaningfully to a discussion.

You need better weed guy. When I`m not smoking the dank,...I`ll dot my L`s and cross my B`s.

Complex idea`s like politics ? Maybe you do have good weed.


Well-Known Member
they don't bother me, they just show what a dimwitted fuck you are. and i enjoy pointing out that you are a dimwitted fuck.

Does this mean I can have your mom, she`s a hot blonde.

Ellipses..............abuse..........is ............!i (there`s a symbol in there for abandonedC)