Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
oh man no worries 1puff that wasn't directed you personally it is just a general statement to an believer


Well-Known Member
i am glad you guys dont believe in god. the line will be shorter to get in and there will be more weed to smoke haha.


Well-Known Member
Thats funny, it reminds me of a bumper sticker "Try God, the devil will always take you back"... thought it was cute....

Good Smoking and God Bless........


New Member
wow...I just read this thread and I guess the non-believers chose not to chime in...according to poll anyway. I do have one question though, why do "religous people" worry so much about what other people believe or don't believe??:confused:


Well-Known Member
wow...I just read this thread and I guess the non-believers chose not to chime in...according to poll anyway. I do have one question though, why do "religous people" worry so much about what other people believe or don't believe??:confused:
the answer is yes.


Well-Known Member
I am not really religious per say, i think they are two different things, religion or being religous is "man made". It one thing being a believe and its quite another being religous and judging, scoffing, and thinking you are better than another just cause you go to Church and Read the Bible, that just not what we are here to do. But if you are one of Christ soldiers it is your job to help others find Christ (if they are open, willing and ready) congrigate and fellowship sharing equally yolked beliefs....


Well-Known Member
wow...I just read this thread and I guess the non-believers chose not to chime in...according to poll anyway. I do have one question though, why do "religous people" worry so much about what other people believe or don't believe??:confused:
I don't. It just seemed to me stoners were less likely to believe in God, so I wanted to see. According to the polls so far, this is correct. Only about half the people who voted believe in God or a higher power. With the general population that number jumps to 60-70%


New Member
which god? where? not one god has ever shown himself to you or your parents or anyone you know. god is an imaginary friend for adults.


Well-Known Member
Well hay, thats what you believe... you breath air, do you see it? does that make it non-exsitant??? If you are atheist thats you, but dont tell me what to believe and what is real or not, you dont know what i have seen....


Active Member
I do not believe in god or any form of higher power, but I have many friends who do. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, therefore I support them. I once had a teacher who stated nearly all wars were fought because of religious reasons. Whether this is true or not I am not sure, but it's just something to think about if you are bored. :roll:


Well-Known Member
'religion or being religous is "man made"' by 1puff

Exactly my point. The whole idea of a christian god with heaven and hell is man made.

I welcome anyone to prove this otherwise without quoting the bible.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe in god or any form of higher power, but I have many friends who do. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, therefore I support them. I once had a teacher who stated nearly all wars were fought because of religious reasons. Whether this is true or not I am not sure, but it's just something to think about if you are bored. :roll:
It's true... sadly... :cry:


Well-Known Member
Well hay, thats what you believe... you breath air, do you see it? does that make it non-exsitant??? If you are atheist thats you, but dont tell me what to believe and what is real or not, you dont know what i have seen....
No we don't see it but we know it's chemical composition, can feel it, know it sustains life, and has irrefutable evidence of its existence. God, on the other hand, you can't see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. The only reason we supposedly know about God is through the bible... :-|


Well-Known Member
No we don't see it but we know it's chemical composition, can feel it, know it sustains life, and has irrefutable evidence of its existence. God, on the other hand, you can't see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. The only reason we supposedly know about God is through the bible... :-|

Beautifully put. Also the bible was written by men and edited countless times to suit what they thought was a correct interpretation of what the other men wrote. :blsmoke:

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
hahaha I know exactly where this is going. Also, the bible is supposed to be the word of God through man in man's terms. Yet we know apparently from christian teachings that man is not perfect. Now why would God, a perfect being, allow his word to be misconstrued through the writing and teaching of man's, an imperfect being, interpretation of what God wants and teaches? It doesn't make sense. If God wanted his word to be known, shouldn't he have written the bible, such as he did the commandments, and then pass them to man?

This is just my speculation. I don't have anything to back this claim up but I think it poses a good question.


New Member
Well hay, thats what you believe... you breath air, do you see it? does that make it non-exsitant??? If you are atheist thats you, but dont tell me what to believe and what is real or not, you dont know what i have seen....
You said in a previous post that it was a christians job to convert non-christians..right? Have you seen god? If so you should probably go on Oprah or sumpn...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is everyone that is athesis, thinks they can tell me or any believe what true or not.... i dont try to change your mind or belittle your opinion or what you call "fact"..... I simply say I do Believe.... i could care less that you go to hell or not but if ever you wanna stop seeing things in black and white and realize there is a grey area of life, i am Alway open... again, its up to you and no maybe i havent seen God, but i feel Him and to me that is something that surpasses your SO CALLED fact!!!! EVERYTHING IS NOT EXPLAINABLE!!!! Have you ever thought that is was maybe cause you were too closed minded to seek and so you choose nothing, cause that way it makes you unaccountable??? And Rev dont switch my word around and half quote me, i said, i wasnt religous, but i believe in God all the way.... So you have your opion and i have mine you will NEVER change me, and i am not trying to change you. It all comes back to free will, God gave it to us, so we are free to choose and i choose HIM!!!!