White Widow Leaves Curling (PICS)


Well-Known Member
why are you watering it every two days? are you letting the soil get dry before you water her. it could be overwatered. she looks nice btw, im also growin widow.

CPT. Kush

The soil is dry in between watering, I use one of those meters to ensure the soil has dried out so that the roots can grow.

CPT. Kush

I have an oscillating fan on during the 12 hours of lights on with a box fan pulling air up to the attic. Temp: 74-77. Humidity: 37-43% (I'm in Vegas humidity is difficult) Ph: Has never over 7 or under 6.2.

CPT. Kush

I have now moved the lights up to 20" and began flushing the plant with distilled water. I will start feeding the plant with 1/2 the nutrient amount that I previously used, we shall see if this works.


Active Member
ph to low....when leaves go down means PH not correct and must up.
When leaves go up curl thats to many feed.

Why you have a blinking something behind the plant? why you have a WHITE ground collour?
the with is a reflection to the plants and will go down..........

firts flush theme and startover with low food


Active Member
Overfeeding the plants... thats the problem here..

Clawed leaves happen because of too much nitrogen.

Good luck.
clawed leaves to bothom is NOT overfeeding because when they overfeeding they will go up....just like a sigaretpaper.......overfeed will curl up and not down.
greets from HOLLAND


Well-Known Member
If you are in soil you need a pH of 6.5 to 6.8.

6.1 is definitely too low, at that pH you will lock out Magnesium and Calcium.

Here's a chart to help you see what gets locked out when, use the top chart for soil, the bottom for hydro:

View attachment 896526


Active Member
believe me, do NOT watch a diagram....reed your plants.....take it on 6.1 and see what happens.................. you'll be suprised.......greets again from Holland hehe.........