Where to buy butane?


Well-Known Member
Is butane safe to buy on eBay and have shipped home?!?! Or should I spend the extra almost Doublw money to have the tobacco shop buy it for me?!

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
The following brands are good to use. I know because I have used them. Honestly could care less if BHO is a felony; growing pot is as illegal as selling heroin so idgaf. Anyways here goes:
Power 5x
Power 7x
Yes you can order it to your house. NOTHING illegal about buying gas & shipping it to your house. Maybe you like to make a lot of creme brûlée....more importantly whatever you do do it outdoors. Be safe & happy extracting!!!


Well-Known Member
I hear there's a brand PURETAIN that is 9x. Google it. Says 99.998% pure on the blue and white can. I was going to get some but I can't figure out how to evap the stuff without a nineteen hundred dollar vacuum oven. I'm not spending that much and I don't trust anything else to get the toxic residue out. Guess I'll just keep screening trim leaves for hash for now. Love to try the butane thing though, sounds like a project for the future.


Well-Known Member
A lot of those other brands have slimey lube in them to run cigarette lighters smoothly, they didn't invent them to be a solvent for weed.


Well-Known Member
^^ person above me is half right..
go to smoke shops.. buy vector..

pure n-butane is very very expensive.
butane sold in cans is 30% propane
not to worry propane and butane are only an atom off on a molecular level.

but yeah.. local head shop..
go read my tek in the concentrate thread.. guranteed best results
Aren't carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide only off by an atom on a molecular level? Just sayin'. No freaking wonder so many people are blowing up rooms and starting fires. Lol.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
I hear there's a brand PURETAIN that is 9x. Google it. Says 99.998% pure on the blue and white can. I was going to get some but I can't figure out how to evap the stuff without a nineteen hundred dollar vacuum oven. I'm not spending that much and I don't trust anything else to get the toxic residue out. Guess I'll just keep screening trim leaves for hash for now. Love to try the butane thing though, sounds like a project for the future.
You don't need all that - you can build a vac purge much cheaper or even use a mityvac brake bleeder for personal size runs. My power vac was like $150 & I built a chamber out of a mason jar for next to nothing. I use a $14 heating pad & can purge a few g in a few short hours.
Aren't carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide only off by an atom on a molecular level? Just sayin'. No freaking wonder so many people are blowing up rooms and starting fires. Lol.
The only reason morons blow themselves up is because they do not do it safely or go outside where there is proper ventilation. Butane is fucking lighter fluid y'all- use caution or stick with no solvent hash but only an idiot would blast near an open flame or indoors. I've done a hundred extractions with no issues & my BHO is free of any contaminants because I de-gas it. Well purged BHO is less toxic than inhaling the ignited vapors from a lighter setting fire to the contents of your bong bowl.

Aury Ray

New Member
This guy knows whats up...try Blue Flame or Puretane

thats right... only use pure butane. also called N-butane or something like R600a
And it is very hard to find at a store, i suggest calling anywhere u think may have it first and they will most likely be sold at tobacco/head shops. also i believe most "cooking grade" butane will work but no matter what you use, MAKE SURE ITS NO LESS THAN 99% PURE!
You can test to see if it is safe by spraying some on a clean surface and when it dries in 10 minutes or so if it leaves behind a visable/sticky film that is the excess chemicals and means it is NOT pure and will probably give you a SEIZURE.
i am sorry someone who knows a thing or two on this website could not tell you that in time i had to make an account because i felt it was my duty to intervene in the hopes someone finds this safety tip

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
any smoke shop will have very good deals on case of butane . and never use butane less then ( 5X ) what you pay for is quality in butane the cheap butane has oils in it and it and its in your honey . the 5 x is very clean no left over toxins . if you don't plany on using at least 5 x don't do what your planning on doing . it is noted people had seizers from 1x butane .

Aury Ray

New Member
I hear there's a brand PURETAIN that is 9x. Google it. Says 99.998% pure on the blue and white can. I was going to get some but I can't figure out how to evap the stuff without a nineteen hundred dollar vacuum oven. I'm not spending that much and I don't trust anything else to get the toxic residue out. Guess I'll just keep screening trim leaves for hash for now. Love to try the butane thing though, sounds like a project for the future.
