What's Your Stance on Music?


The tunes of these past generations come just like cannabis... an ever growing variety of taste, emotion, and atmosphere. A complete spectrum, a natural way to harness the full capability of one of your less important senses.
When I hear the unfamiliar beat of somebody's music trailing a wanna-be tricked out Grand-Am, I don't discriminate based on the conflict of my interests vs. whomever may be blaring that mainstream noise... I mean, who am I to not only label somebody on their choice of music, but also to think that I have the superior advantage and knowledge when they could be thinking the exact... same... thing....

I've been called a faggot because i enjoy listening to Coldplay,
I've been told I have no taste because I listen to U2
I've been called a Juggalo because I was caught with ICP on my iPod
I've been labeled a 'Wangsta' when i would listen to Lil' Wayne or SPM
I've been called emo for being at a friends house, in which HE was playing good charlotte (dunno that band)
---Ha, but it's all good, in my opinion, if a certain type of music keeps a certain persons head up and entertained, then why the hell not accept the fact that you are not forced to listen to his/her choice of music, regardless if you hear it or not. No matter how much you hate their choice of tunes, they will continue to listen to whatever they want, so why judge? Instead of wasting your time dissin their interests, how 'bout we just not give a shit? How bout we turn down the hate, and turn up the volume,
and have ourselves a session? bongsmilie
Just my belief ig, how bout yours?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Yeah music is music...i listen to all sorts of shit depending on my mood

fuck people who hate on music choices


Well-Known Member
I can't stand crap, I mean rap. My wife loves that shit. I like heavy metal the good stuff like Dave Matthews band and bare naked ladies.
Ok seriously I only really like heavy shit. Danzig, dimmu borgir, moi dix mois. A lot of folks hate it. So what I got mine you got yours, just don't expect me to play yours in my car if your getting a ride.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I can't stand crap, I mean rap. My wife loves that shit. I like heavy metal the good stuff like Dave Matthews band and bare naked ladies.
Ok seriously I only really like heavy shit. Danzig, dimmu borgir, moi dix mois. A lot of folks hate it. So what I got mine you got yours, just don't expect me to play yours in my car if your getting a ride.
I'll take the first moment to say bahahahahahahaha, that has to be one of my all time fav lil clips from TPB :D shmack! gross but lolol

You also hit the nail right on the head in that last point. If you don't like it, well god gave you fucking legs alright... ominously motioning GTFOOMC!


Well-Known Member
My stance on music is that most of it is crap. That crap sells and that crap isn't going anywhere. It's here to stay and nobody can do a thing about it.

I don't judge a person by what music they listen to but it might determine how often I visit. Most of the time, I would just rather have silence. When Eminem leads in CD sales for the year, I'll take the silence any day of the week.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Anyone heard any of Matt and Trey's new musical? Touch to innaprpriate to send my dear mother but fuck if some of the lyrics don't have me gaggin for air :D

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Anyone heard any of Matt and Trey's new musical? Touch to innaprpriate to send my dear mother but fuck if some of the lyrics don't have me gaggin for air :D
You mean the Book of Mormon musical? I hear it's brilliant. The Mormons aren't too thrilled with it but.. oh well. Can't please everyone. :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's the one, got a copy last night but it's just a camcorder of a tv by the look of it, qualities fine but a screen in a screen so small. all i've seen is that it is of an unholy degree of greatness, rub it in if it's the subject eh :D but yeah, rather fiending to see a good copy of it, sounds like a bit of a riot. Get a good bit of hash oil keif and bud on the go before sitting down in that theater and bam, add that to the bucket list :p
I think music is an extension of the human soul. Whether it be some rap group, a killer fuckin thrash band (SLAYER!!! \m/), slow and soulful jazz, or even some hick-sounding country tune. It just depends on what tunes speak to your core. With me, it's heavy-ass metal and rock. And country music, to me, sounds even worse than nails on chalkboard, so I just don't listen to it. End of story. Just like if you don't like my tunes, I'm not gonna turn into a dick about it and tell you your taste in music is shitty.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their opinion on music, I've been called a faggot a couple of times for listening to some indie music. Fuck those people lol whos not grown up enough to not fight about something as stupid as music

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I listen to all sorts from Garth Books, Creedence, Rammstien, ICP, Q-Strange, Wu-Tang, Tim McGraw, Lamb of God, Seasick Steve, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Roy Orbison, Lionel Richie... All sorts of music... It makes no difference it all depends on what I'm in the mood for...


Active Member
Music these days is totally different, it's not so much about hard work and struggling on the way up, touring night in night out to get noticed and get that record deal. Youtube and social media has made most commercial music about that one hit that dominates Itunes or whatever for a while then fades into very distant memory. It's more about crappy, catchy singles and not about full albums anymore.

Maybe I am stuck in the 80s/90s IDK!

My tastes range from eminem to johnny cash, metallica to janis joplin, slipknot to sinatra, very freaking weird collection, but pop/one hit wonders/techno/dance... NAH


Active Member
ahhh gotta love the trailer park boyz !!!! I also listen to all kindsa shit .... been listening to a lot of acoustic stuff lately ... I play guitar and have a tendancy to listen to what ever I'm into learning at the time and Iv'e been an acoustic kick lately ... ie by all kindsa shit I really mean anything but counrty and gansta rap .....