whats wrong with my plant?

Matt P.

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my plant? Growing in soil. Pro-mix HP/bx and using general organics.IMG_20131227_171224_474.jpg

Matt P.

I know I picked them off cause couldn't get a good pic under the hps. Any way what's a good way to fix the problems?


Well-Known Member
i see mg def for sure. looks like some nute burn too. i would like to see the whole plant. if you have a halide bulb put that in and then take your pix. or use a flash. hps makes for a bad pic. i'll stop back:)


Well-Known Member
you're heading into mid flower and there are a few problems. if they had been resolved in veg you would've fared better. did you ever add lime to your mix? mix up 1tbsp lime to 1 gallon water and add it as a drench. Mg can be added with epsom salts. 1tbsp/gal water. spray that onto the leaves and add the remainder to the soil. the damaged leaves won't recover but you'll keep the problem from getting worse. don't expect a huge yield on this grow.

Matt P.

No I never added lime to my soil. Fairly new to this. Grew a few times but always trying to improve every grow. How often should I put the 1tbsp of lime and water???? Also how often with the salt and water? Should I add lime to my soil before I put my seed in dirt? Just asking because I don't know. Sorry if I sound stupid but that's why I'm here. Thanks


Well-Known Member
dolomite lime from any home improvement store. once a month is probably enough. the epsom salts are bath salts you can get from a drug store/pharmacy. that you can do about every two weeks for this grow. on your next grow put a tbsp of lime into every 3 or 5 gallon pot. add the epsom salts at the same rate. they go right into the soil mix. you probably won't have mag/cal issues again. even if you forget to add them into the soil mix you can put them on top of the soil surface and scratch them in.

Matt P.

OK, so on this grow I can put 1 table spoon of lime and salt on the top and scratch it in for the remainder of this grow to stop any more cal/mag problems. Then next grow I will do 1 table spoon of lime and salt mixed in soil when I put the baby plant from dixy cup into 5 gal pots. Now when I get to that point do I add the lime and salt 1 a month until harvest or as needed? Thanks again


Well-Known Member
you probably won't need to but if you have any bleaching in between veins just spray or scratch some epsom salts in as before. make sure its EPSOM SALTS.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 good info here!! check it out. I add wood ash in small amounts in place of lime, it has tons of micro nutes and just about every heavy metal cannabis uses. I like to start my seeds in good soil, promix perlite vermiculite lava rock green sand mycos compost worm castings. After a couple weeks I will add a little wood ash with a watering, every 3 weeks or so.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
jsut dont over do the wood ash!! 1/4 cup per gallon is a good dose and watch the ph, It will raise it to high if you use it alot or give them too much, mj plants use every heavy metal in small amounts. wood ash is great because its 100% natrural, and has all of the heavy metals in small amounts, just what mj is looking for.
Where do I get wood ash? And I have them in 5 gal pot so I would use 1 1/4 cup of wood ash?
wood ash is just as it sounds, ash from burnt wood, I'd start small when using ash as it will bring your ph up, not really a buffer like lime is. but the wood ash will help with nutrient lockout almost immediately, you can also add the ash to your water and do it that way, but id start small like a tablespoon or two per gal of soil