What's the longest beard you've grown?


Well-Known Member
Mine's maybe an inch right now, not sure how long I want to take it, but I like it so far.

Ladies, opinions on full beards? (what do you like?)


Well-Known Member
yup about an inch too for the whole stroking and yanking at the chin hairs. the ladies tell me i look 20 years younger clean shaven so i'm now always clean shaven, unless i fancy something, then i grow my beard so they see me with a beard, i run away home shave and next time she see's me i'm 20 years younger :D ... makes me feel great. I've always had a baby face mind you


Active Member
I go for the perma stubble look. #1 comb on the clippers. I'd shave but hate it with a passion. I rationalize that our species evolved without scraping sharp objects against ourselves and should stay that way. lol. But I never go longer than 3/4 an inch it just itches too much.


Well-Known Member
Im just now being able to grow a goatee at 21.
The longest my chin hair has gotten is about 3 inches before I cut it back.
My girl at the time didn't like it too much either

I'm just now getting sideburns too !!
They are awesome makes my fade look better


Well-Known Member
When I have a beard, people think i'm like 25. lol. But I always shave it because it gets itchy.


Well-Known Member
I just shaved my beard which was a good 4 inches long. I shaved all my facial hair. I look like a fucking 12 year old now. Big round faced idiot.
Im growing it back! lol


Well-Known Member
I had a beard from ear to ear last winter, that was about 2-3 inches long. Unfortunately though I can't really grow a mustache, so I sort of looked Amish. I shaved most of it though when it started to get warm, and only have like a half inch beard just on my chin now.

And Amaximus, I know that feel, bro. My brother-in-law had to shave his beard to take pictures for a work calendar, and I could not get over the fact how hilariously young he looked.


Well-Known Member
Full beard once, let it grow several inches. But it's so thick I looked like grizzly Adams....and I looked older. Past ten years I keep a trimmed goatee


Active Member
jeez...nowhere close to you guys...like 1/2 inch at most, because for my jobs i've always had to be clean shavem :(

but thats ok, if it gets too long it itches like a bitch. i hate shaving so much though :(


Well-Known Member
facial hair is awesome, but not a beard. I like the goatee, even like a well kept beard that's close to the face, but actual full beard i do not like.


Well-Known Member
My beard is surprisingly full.. Redish-orange, but full none the less.. It's gotta be some Irish shit in the past or something... I have brown hair but redish orangish brownish facial hair, green eyes...

Shit's like an inch right now, awesome!