What's good people of Rollitup ?


:leaf:Hello Hello:leaf:

Me llamo TwoSpirit

Let begin begin by saying that while I use a computer daily, I've never been one for social networking/forums. And while this is true, I've always found forums like this interesting to say the least ! Usually while I'm smoking at the desk top, sometimes I lurk through a forum like Rollitup to get new ideas (such as baking firecrackers or making hash oil) and sometimes just to get a good chuckle in the misc section. Then it occurred to me on this bored, stoned night... "why not just join ?" Also, while I'm in typing mode, I'll add that I just dosed on Morning Glory seeds about and hour and a half ago. I'm starting to feel really awesome and making this account seemed to be an interesting way to kill some time.

Hmmm.... What's some trivial shit I can add in here. I love every genera of music. Tool in particular has been my favorite band for 9 years. I enjoy a lot of psychedelic and counter culture literature. I've been really into Carlos Castaneda lately in particular. But I also like Tim Leary's stuff and beat poets like Allen Ginsberg. Stoned rants, drum circles, and acoustic jam sessions make up many of my weekends. Another hobby I have (probably considered odd by some) is cross dressing. I won't go too much into that out of fear I'll scare off new acquaintences. The only reason I mention it is because it lead me to come up with my screen name "TwoSpirit": which was a term that originates from the Native Americans.

So on that note, here I am ! :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
probably better off to leave you personal life to yourself but none the less welcome to RIU! hope you like it here!


Well-Known Member
i rather liked hearing about his personal life. i found it entertaining. post away my young friend...here's some rep to get you started


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU, TwoSpirit.
Do you just crossdress or do you do drag?
I go to drag queen bingo often with some friends. It used to be several different girls calling numbers but now it is just one. She is awesome though... It's so much fun. You just win free drinks, but she cracks everyone up the whole night. She's so funny.
She picks on the obviously straight dudes, relentlessly. All in fun. If you keep coming back though, she moves on to the next straight guy.

Have been going to more and more drag events. Shit gets crazy every time. Fun nights.


Thanks for all of the greetings and support, people !

Welcome to RIU, TwoSpirit.
Do you just crossdress or do you do drag?
I go to drag queen bingo often with some friends. It used to be several different girls calling numbers but now it is just one. She is awesome though... It's so much fun. You just win free drinks, but she cracks everyone up the whole night. She's so funny.
She picks on the obviously straight dudes, relentlessly. All in fun. If you keep coming back though, she moves on to the next straight guy.

Have been going to more and more drag events. Shit gets crazy every time. Fun nights.
Hank, that sound both fun and hilarious ! XD

I like to do full drag, however that's not my daily attire. The only time I do drag in public is when I'm going to a gay club/bar. : ] I do it at the house whenever I find the time and comfort. It's awkward to answer the door dressed as a woman when Mormons and salesmen come knocking at your door lol

For the sake of the forum though, I will try to avoid this subject unless it comes up in a thread or something.

The points and comments were much appreciated people :D