What I've learned about growing and RIU

I'm pretty sure I read one of these on here but here is $0.01 of my $0.02.

1. There is A LOT of inaccurate information on RIU and forums in general that is presented as truth. The vast majority of what is posted should be taken with a grain of salt (including this thread ;-)). That being said I have found about five (yes, only five) people whose information I do trust.

2. Learn to read your plants to understand what they need.

3. NPK-Not much else needed than that

4. Feed veg and bloom nutes in flower (veg at a lower ratio to bloom nutes)

5. Cal/mag deficiencies were common for me so adding Calmag really helped :-P

6. Expensive nutrients/boosters are not worth the hype.(check out dynagro)

7. In a limited size space, fewer plants can yield the same (or greater) as multiple, crowded plants.

8. Formula for big yields - Bigger pots=bigger roots=bigger yields. Additional veg time can help here as well.

9. High PPM’s are unnecessary

10. Flushing is unnecessary at harvest (no debate needed)

11. Optimizing grow conditions is more important than more lights/nutes/etc.

12. Big lights require big fans

13. Pull air, don’t push it

14. DWC is easy if you can keep your res temp managed

15. Oxygen is your friend in the root zone. The more oxygen, the bigger and better your root mass will be.

16. At harvest, understanding where the hay smell comes from and how to prevent/overcome it is difficult the first few times.

17. Drying slowly in the summer can be a challenge

18. Top

19. Supercrop

20. Lollipop


Surreal :weed:


PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Some of this is correct.

Point 5 seems to contradict point 3. Hmm. Let's read point 1 again..


Worth every cent Surreal, + rep, good stuff. I have found the good news to be that there is a lot of experience out there that has been most beneficial for me as a newb. The bad 'read it on the internet so it must be true' advice is only bad if it is applied, right? The only bad that I've found is typical of the social networks, it brings out the worst in some people, but I sure have appreciated the folks that have taken the time to help out us old guys that have finally found a hobby that they love!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got it all figured out.

There are a million ways to grow. You have a list of opinions up there.

The line between an opinion and innaccurate info is not that wide.

There are additives that are worth the money, especially for newbies who will be overwatering and making other mistakes.

A Zyme is a good idea. Canna, Hygro, Multi, whatever. Like almost all nutes and adds we buy, you don't need to use as much as they tell you to. Root problems come around less often when they are used. A root booster/stress red is not a bad idea either. Newbies plants are frequently stressed.

These are my opinions. I'm just saying, those are 20 opinions of yours.

On your "no debate needed" opinion... i bet your smoke doesn't burn as smooth as mine. But, flush is a vague term. Flushing here is just cutting out the feed for the final 1-3 weeks, plain old ph water. Now dumping 20 gallons of water through a 5 gallon pot, daily for 2 weeks... i agree with you. that does more harm than good.

If you are saying that a plant with dark green leaves smokes the same as a plant with yellow leaves, then I say you have probably not witnessed the difference. but, "unnecessary" is a pretty vague word too when used in this way. I mean, a 1000 watt hps is "unnecessary" when there is a window with light coming into your room.

I'm just in an argumentative mood, nevermind me.


Well-Known Member
I think the best thing to do is read and then take other peoples opinions on better ways to grow as a collective and find your own equilibrium. Either way its trial and error until you figure it out. So far reading and watching videos has been best. You can always ask people for help but if you start considering everyone else s opinion then you'll just be unsure of your own on what you should do or know you need to do.


Well-Known Member
The trick to message boards is to look for accurate info by waiting for it to repeat itself. If you start to see the same answer from different people on the question you have at the time is when you can consider that the information is more likely to be correct.
MOST of ther time anyway, but not always. For instance in pictures of what looks like a deficiency, I see multiple people tell the poster that his problem is a deficiency in CA-MG when its very likely to look that way because its actually been given too much of it already and they are about to make the problem worse. Thats just one instance, but I think mostly when you see the same answer multiple times, its a good indicator.
Everything I know about growing I've learned by reading on the internet. Its just easier for me to access the wealth of information available over the oldtimers walking around with their well worn grow books.
I just took a couple hits in the afternoon heat so if this makes no sense either, just disregard.... :)