What Has This World Become?


Well-Known Member
I've heard that before about gettin high on life ... shit .. If could do that I'd save a ton of money ... the drugs just seem to work way better for me tbh ....
Yeah for me too :) It all depends though because you can take a drug, love the feeling and then get pissed off when it wears off. Or you can take the drug and learn valuable lessons/approaches to life and carry them over to the sober. Right now I`m supposed to be coming down from E but I`m about happy as Mr. Flower :D Made me realise I could be so much more empathic with my girlfriend :) Can`t wait to see her :)

I don`t smoke weed like I used to its just the odd period of a few days when I buy a bag :) It ends up a waste of money when you don`t grow it and can`t regulate your use when you buy a bag though. I can never hold myself off from weed they say other drugs are addictive but the temptation to have a spliff is the biggest ever :D Its propably because its such an innocent drug you just have it like a cup of tea :D


Active Member
yea .. my lack of regulation on the weed is what got me growing in the first place . I like how you get lessons from your buzzes - its just not that mystical for me anymore . It's more like comming home from work and just letting all the downers of the day melt away with a good buzz ... I'm always stressed by the time I get home ...... I dont mind going to work but that 8 hour wait to go back home just stresses the shit outa me ...... nothing works better than a fat joint or a good bowl or three to let it all go .....


Well-Known Member
you can go to jail for spanking your kids.

kids have no respect anymore.

when you can smack your kid upside his head, he WILL respect you.

old school. :)
I entirely agree with that Fdd! All this modernized crap... 13 year old kids are kicking people to death in public transport these days. They have no fear like they did! Its as if we are supposed to treat them like grown ups! Why do we have to treat them like grown ups when most of them don`t have what it takes to be one.

I can imagine how hard it is for most parents when they come back stressed from their job and can`t even get their children to do simple things. A simple slap says what 1000`s of words can`t :D

Moral of the story is fear and respect are interconnected!


Active Member
you can go to jail for spanking your kids.

kids have no respect anymore.

when you can smack your kid upside his head, he WILL respect you.

old school. :)
ok... i didnt understand it that way... i thought it was more of a random joke..... but yeah, i agree that kids these day a really fucked up and ungrateful......


Well-Known Member
ok... i didnt understand it that way... i thought it was more of a random joke..... but yeah, i agree that kids these day a really fucked up and ungrateful......
i don't really condone "beatings", but damn if some kids don't pop off these days.


Well-Known Member
Yeah for me too :) It all depends though because you can take a drug, love the feeling and then get pissed off when it wears off. Or you can take the drug and learn valuable lessons/approaches to life and carry them over to the sober. Right now I`m supposed to be coming down from E but I`m about happy as Mr. Flower :D Made me realise I could be so much more empathic with my girlfriend :) Can`t wait to see her :)

I don`t smoke weed like I used to its just the odd period of a few days when I buy a bag :) It ends up a waste of money when you don`t grow it and can`t regulate your use when you buy a bag though. I can never hold myself off from weed they say other drugs are addictive but the temptation to have a spliff is the biggest ever :D Its propably because its such an innocent drug you just have it like a cup of tea :D
Yer all a bunch of fricken addicts!! J/K!! of course!

I don't really have a 'lack of regulation' I keep my consumption at about 14g every 20 days. Somehow it just worked out that way. I don't really get 'blasted' stoned anymore, I just smoke to where my shoulder and back stop hurting. Usually 2 or 3 hits and then come back in about an hour or two for another 2 or three hits. Every once in a while I fill the big bowl and get blasted, but the bowl holds just between 1/16 and 1/8 of well ground weed, so I only do that maybe once a month usually with a friend or two. I don't have a job, I take care of the baby and work on my masters degree so I don't have to worry about employers.

Pretty much everyone in my class blazes between classes and what not, so I just go chill over at one of their pads while in school. Every once in a while my major professor gives me a knowing 'look' since I always smell like weed. He hasn't said anything, last semester got a 4.0 and the semester before that 3.3 which could be why he hasn't. I've also heard he smoked once upon a time. Can't argue with potentially graduating with honors for my masters.


Active Member
i don't really condone "beatings", but damn if some kids don't pop off these days.
thats why i said wtf.... but yeah... kids.... just make me laugh..... im 19, and those damn kids make me look bad every time i go to a store.... the damn owners follow me and and ask me at least 7 time, do you need help ?? its not paranoia when the ask you 7 times in 25 minutes. they do some stupid shit these days.....(i was at a god damn pharmacy)


Well-Known Member
oh hell yeah, some kids need a beating!!!!! there are soooo many spoiled brats these days. I loved it when kids were normal and were happy with what they had.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
oh hell yeah, some kids need a beating!!!!! there are soooo many spoiled brats these days. I loved it when kids were normal and were happy with what they had.
Things are too fucked up anymore....i remember when my parents would kick my ass, and so would neghbors if you fucked with thier shit....now kids sue you lol cuz they took video of you kicking ass on thier blackberry and posted it on youtube.

And people wonder why the world is fubar today...ban cell fones and limit the retardeness on tv..and things might go back to good a lil bit


Active Member
Things are too fucked up anymore....i remember when my parents would kick my ass, and so would neghbors if you fucked with thier shit....now kids sue you lol cuz they took video of you kicking ass on thier blackberry and posted it on youtube.

And people wonder why the world is fubar today...ban cell fones and limit the retardeness on tv..and things might go back to good a lil bit
nice you can count to potato...... LOL
but im not for talking all day with cell phones but when your in a ditch after your car accident and you need someone to call the cops... it could be useful.... they should just allow cellphone for contacting people for "very important" matters..... not to ask your GF for nude pics.... or to tell your friends you took a shit on twitter......

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
nice you can count to potato...... LOL
but im not for talking all day with cell phones but when your in a ditch after your car accident and you need someone to call the cops... it could be useful.... they should just allow cellphone for contacting people for "very important" matters..... not to ask your GF for nude pics.... or to tell your friends you took a shit on twitter......
i wish it was that simple lol...the more the public is provided with...the more they have to abuse

if people did what you jus said then it wouldnt be 1/2 as bad

and it took me along time to count to pota .....pot......po...pota...potoa...potato!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So none of this stuff is really new for those who realise it. My question is, what do you think the outcome will be? Pesimism and negativity aside, do you think we are heading towards a natural disaster or WW3, or do you think we are going to reach abundance in everything we need (a.k.a Venus Project) and be just fine?

Its all my opinion here, but I don`t think we are going to solve this without a major incident, where people pop up and say they all knew it was going to happen in 2012 from mayan times ;)


Active Member
i think that WW3 will arrive before the end of the world.... i think that the general human thoughts are much wrst than our actions.... we fight over religion, money and all the shit we should learn to share, or not have at all...... sometimes i wish that people werent born with stupidity, egocentricism, racism, religion, money....

after just writing that..... i dont know.... i really wonder what we will become... our ways of acting with money, and oil, could easly be replaced with one thing..... HEMP... you could print money, make biofuel, and hemp cement which absorbs large amounts of CO2.... which could help slow global warming, me could make ropes for dipshit kids that arent happy so they can kill themselves, and well thats it for solutions for now....

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
It will be sorta crazee if the world is faced with a survival task....the sad fact is prolly 60% of the people will die in the first week/month due to stupidity and lack of common sense. 20% will rely on the other 20% that actualy know WTF to do...but that 20% will more than likely shoot and kill that 20% for tryin to leach off them.

Outa that 20% maybe 5% will sucomb to weakness and die off...the rest will survive and breed a sensible race of people:mrgreen:


Active Member
id be greatly happy for all the stupid/law governing/idiotic/ people that dont know shit about life dying in there own turds....(sorry step mom (selfish egocentric piece of shit)) XD
i hope the homeless and the contented survive
piece of shit community XD
im gonna try and spend a week in my life with a homeless in the streets.....see what those dudes live everyday....


Active Member

i hope venus project fails..... we need an apocalypse...(it would be cool if it was a zombie apocalypse....(just my imagination))....how are we supposed to learn if something is bad if we just go around the problem without consequences.....how do we learn from our mistakes if nothing really bad ever happened....


Well-Known Member

i hope venus project fails..... we need an apocalypse...(it would be cool if it was a zombie apocalypse....(just my imagination))....how are we supposed to learn if something is bad if we just go around the problem without consequences.....how do we learn from our mistakes if nothing really bad ever happened....
If you think Sci-Fi enough, humanity isn`t going anywhere good. I`m serious, ever look at humans? We are primates supercharged with brains which give us massive power over the surrounding world and animals and all we can think to do with this is feed our pleasure centers. We are malfunctioning. I am malfunctioning and so are you on the scale of efficency. The mormons act upon this but then again, there is no reason to be a fucking mormon!

I often think of all the things humans do, eat shitloads of food out of greed and go for jogs to not get fat so they can attract and bone a few chicks here and there :D

Just get whats best for you out of life and quit worrying :) Your at the point in life where all this stuff blows your mind and you have a negative attitude (weather you realise it or not) towards the whole thing. We are just fine man, the biggest + is no natural predators! Anything beyond that for a specie is complete and utter spoiltness and thats our problem! All these wars are about our pleasure centers! Just hop on the bus of society and keep going, I don`t advise being too much of a rebel... its not like your going to gain anything :)