What Do You Think Of Texans?


Well-Known Member
There's always been 'talk' about it since I can remember, nothing serious though. There's a nut-job group who have established their own government, etc... But are more or less harmless from what I've seen.


Active Member
Im from NY moved to Dallas 2yrs ago. and I think its toooo fuckin hot! were on like our 50th day of 100+, 15th casualty due to heat related death. with too many mexican's! Im not prejudice, but damn there is no reason that every fast food chain here is own an operated by mexicans(except taco bell- own by mid eastern oddly enough) imagine how frustrating it can be late night (after my meds) tryna order food with my fast talkin NY accent to a Slow pace Texan with mexican decent, Devastating! Traffic is Even worse, because you absolutely need a car. The only benefit is see is the MF'ers have money and it is 222 easy to make a living down here. Just my 2cent.


Well-Known Member
I think it will be cool if we can elect a president from Texas in 2012
please tell me you're kidding... Perry scares the hell out of me. I think I may have already posted on this board why, if you can't find it PM me and I'll start a post in the politics section.


Well-Known Member
Obama will still win 2012. as mad as it may make people.
Your right.
Ron Paul is the only one who might have a chance of beating him, But he won't get the nomination because the Republicans hate him and would rather lose than see him President and he won't win as an independant. Any the republicans put other that Paul will get smashed in the election. A Paul- Obama presidential race and Debates would be grate and I think Paul would win the election- But yeah your right about who will win


Well-Known Member
I'm goin to put my Texan manners aside, and respectfully tell you to fuck off, if you are talking shit about Texas.

If you don't like Texas, that's ok, you are entitled to your opinion. A lot of people were of the opinion that Obama would be a good president - we learn from our mistakes.

I'm glad that most of the people on this thread seem to like TX. We pretty much just like to drink a lot, eat a lot, smoke a lot, and fuck a lot down here. Given our heritage we just so happen to be good at shooting things, and kicking ass as well.

We have some stupid people, who doesn't? All I can say is take a Horror movie.. Zombies..large monsters.. crazy flying things.. vampires and werewolves and all that shit - put it in Texas. Now it is a demo for Colt and Remington firearms.