What Do You Think Of Texans?


Well-Known Member
I'm goin to put my Texan manners aside, and respectfully tell you to fuck off, if you are talking shit about Texas.

If you don't like Texas, that's ok, you are entitled to your opinion. A lot of people were of the opinion that Obama would be a good president - we learn from our mistakes.

I'm glad that most of the people on this thread seem to like TX. We pretty much just like to drink a lot, eat a lot, smoke a lot, and fuck a lot down here. Given our heritage we just so happen to be good at shooting things, and kicking ass as well.

We have some stupid people, who doesn't? All I can say is take a Horror movie.. Zombies..large monsters.. crazy flying things.. vampires and werewolves and all that shit - put it in Texas. Now it is a demo for Colt and Remington firearms.
Their are two kinds of Texans, which are you? Paul or Perry?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i am one hard core libertarian , yet i have faith in my gov. rick perry ...because my former govener ann richards was a democrat and i loved her she lead texas fearlessly


Well-Known Member
Their are two kinds of Texans, which are you? Paul or Perry?
There are quite a few Texans that don't like Perry (as well as a few kool-aid drinkers that love him just for the 'R' after his name). In 2008 there was a previously unknown candidate named Debra Medina who was doing great until she wouldn't answer her position on the 9/11 truther theories. After that it came down to a lesser of two evils type election. Perry dodged a bullet back then, but I don't think he'll be able to keep all his skeletons in the closet with this election. He's going to have to answer to things like the Merck HPV scandal, the Cameron Willingham execution, and several other issues.

It's important that we thoroughly screen the GOP establishment hacks (as well as any candidate) before the primaries to ensure we're not stuck with another round of two horrible choices.


Well-Known Member
Ha I live in Texas and I was watching a family guy and they went to Texas and I thought all the stereotypes were funny. So what do you guys think of Texas? Do you think everyone has a pistol, wear a giant hat, have a ranch, or drink moonshine all day?
don't flatter yourselves, i've never even pondered the subject.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
don't flatter yourselves, i've never even pondered the subject.
The funny thing is, he just described rural New Mexico with one exception. Substitute the moonshine with Tequila and you got it just about right. Only we call our giant hats, Sombreros. ;)


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is, he just described rural New Mexico with one exception. Substitute the moonshine with Tequila and you got it just about right. Only we call our giant hats, Sombreros. ;)
what's a "new mexico"?

don't care about texas, why would i care about new mexico?


Active Member
well aside from the harsh marijuana laws Texas is outright badass. we are the only state that can succeed from the union anytime we wish. I have lived in Cali, Arizona, Maryland, D.C., and Texas. Texas all the way!!!!!!!