what am i doing wrong?!


Active Member
dozed off in chair while smoking not complaining because I hardly sleep..but had some thoughts do I nesecarlly need to expand to bigger res or will the one I have produce big enough yeild guessing because you will never know but by plant size possibly? If making any since to anybody please chime in before I waste stuff and possibly risk entire crop if it will work well ill build while they stay and start newbie in bigger once setup properly


Well-Known Member
I would recommend staying away from doing major changes mid batch unless it is an emergency and you really need to (because of current issues with what is growing).

Go through your current grow as it is, and make notes on what changes you want to make so you can implement the next time around. There is just to much risk of introducing stress to your plants, or cause more problems by making changes and often little upside.

One of the biggest challenges for a new grower can be to slow the hell down. You are much more likely to cause a problem from something you did than you are from something you did not do. I know you said you have ADHD, so, as hard as it might be, you need to try to take a wait and see approach. Let the lights sit about where they are now, keep your journal updated with pics when you can, and try to do as little as possible :)