watering plants with coffee?


Coffee...... Well i have seen some genius things in my day, but coffee is a real stoner move. Whoa dude, I like coffee maybe my weed plant does too. LMAO

I would agree with the post above about flushing them immediately otherwise you could possibly have some serious consequences. I hope everything works out.


Well-Known Member
yo man flush that shit out!! we all see what coffee did to skeeter on doug! lololol.

*honk beep beep honk* "sup doug"


First off, every thing is good in moderation. the chemical make up of cannibus is Marijuana Arrests Investigator - Cannabinoids
NORML Audio Stash Marijuana Research Cannabis Facts
Cannabinoid Molecular Structures

CBD-Cannabidiol, Properties
CBN-Cannabinol, Properties
THCa-Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid

THCa-Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid :cry: is a what? "ACID">=coffee = acid?
in moderation coffee provides much needed nitrogen to the root and will stimulate growth, in "moderation" meaning like .05ml. per gal. with a cap of peroxide as a inhancer and root cleaner. Although this should only be done as a treat before water change in a hydro or once a month in dirt. you will be amazed if done properly, the shear strenth and over all health of your plant.:weed: yea...
As seen below is a Jim Diesel strain of NYC Diesel K.B. and on water changes you guessed it, coffee and peroxide. Can you see how it looks? like its reaching to the sky for light.
and in the green cup, clones from the southern lights plant in the far right of the last pic. with coffee as well.
lolipoped and vegging. fim'd at 32".

