waterfarm how do they work ???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Quick question which is generally missed out with most product descriptions. What is the noise like with them? I know how loud airpumps are, but with my DWC buckets, it's not the pump that makes the predominent noise, but the air going through the stone. This seems just like air being pushed through the line creating a negative pressure and drawing water up and out, so from the outset i'm assuming a fairly acceptable level. (my grow is 1 foot from my pillow alas)


Well-Known Member
iv read a few threads about the water farm now and from what iv read they are not noisy at all just the general air pump noise but i'm only going off what iv read so far


The airstones shouldn't be noisy at all.
I'm running a DWC in my closet about 5 feet from pillow and the only thing that makes it hard to sleep at night is the 60 gal pump runnin 24/7 and sometimes the fan (Big ass fan).

The water farm looks like a great system, I deff wanna check it out for my next grow, but wouldn't the roots eventually get caught on pump and clog it?
I got a girl right now 20 days into flowering and are roots take up more then 50% of the space in my 40 gal tank, then again my girl is a little bigger then 4 ft nowbongsmilie.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My airstones keep my flatmate awake at night. They make a hell of a racket, louder than the ventilation fans. The long blue aquarium stones are the loudest.

There is only an airpump in the waterfarms, it's not in any manner possbile for roots to get anywhere near it, it sits alone from the unit from the pictures. From what i see it seems it works either similar to a sea-vacum or possibly using the same physics as siphoning petrol. I was a bit surprised at first that it was just the airpump that drew the water upto the top but the physics all make sense.


Well-Known Member
anyone no where they sell the waterfarm in the uk with the big hoop not the blue ones with the small hoops for watering found on ebay and most uk grow shops