Water Treatment Experiements


Active Member
This is my first post, so please be gentle.

I was on a test run in a new ebb & flow unit and noticed the leaves were getting yellow. They cleared up when I substituted distilled water in place of tap. My tub holds too much so buying distilled water is not a viable option. A reverse osmosis filter would do the trick, but it's pricey.

I'm gonna do the poor mans distilled water.

My plan:
Use rotating buckets of h2O that have set out at least 24-48 hours or until the EC reaches acceptable levels. From my research the acceptable EC to start with is 0.6 or 300 ppm. Once EC reaches acceptable levels pour buckets into collection reservoir (probably just a trashcan with lid.)

To find the most economical and efficient during my experiment I'll be using 2 different methods
1. Plain bucket just sitting, EC checked daily
2. Plain bucket with airstone, EC checked daily.

Expected finished plan:
Create a bucket rotation and storage solution for viable water for hydroponic use.

Day One:
Bucket Only: 1.09



Well-Known Member
Dude, if your tap water has too much chlorine in it , just get a cheap carbon filter
or just add a little aquarium water conditioner from your local pet shop.

Yellowing leaves are usually a sign of nute deficiency, make sure you deduct the
EC or PPM of the plain water from your nute level when adding your ferts to get
your TRUE PPM.


Well-Known Member
I Done A Good Test A While Back Now If You Got Crap Water Leave For 24 hr And Then Add tetra aqua safe and easy balance for optimal water add nutes ajust ph and itl hold for a good week and a half i just checked mine still 5.8 same as last monday the s..ts Crazy Member to leave for a half hour to an hour after adding tetra aqua and that give it time to get the chlorine down and balnce it self out befor adding nutes i use this method and i got wicked water round here the plants love it tho


Active Member
I gave up on letting the contaminants evaporate. I then went to a Glacier Water vending machine and took an EC sample. It was 0.03. A lot better than the tap. I bought some 5 gallon Home Depot buckets with lids and went back to h20 vending machine. 1.25 per 5 gallons is worth it in my case. It makes mixing the nutes a lot easier. Rocks, res, pumps, hoses and air stones cleaned thoroughly. Mixed the nutes in the 5 gallon bucket, adjusted the EC according to directions, balanced Ph, added to the res. Repeated for the 2nd 5 gallon bucket. This water thread is closed.


Well-Known Member
If anything letting the water stand is going to increase the EC/PPM. Water evaporates at room temp, but the solids in it mostly do not. So you'd just be concentrating them, therefore increasing the EC/PPM.

Guess it doesn't matter in your case since you found a better solution. Just figured I'd drop that bit of info anyways in case someone stumbles into this thread.