Wash over/In harvest

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ok then some have asked for pics. I guess I have gotten over the "fear" of photo's.

Here is some nice LA CONFIDENTIAL ladies with 2 days of wash to go. Note the removal of "shading" leaves around the buds to aid in the even finish by allowing light onto the other wise shaded bud sites from the HUGE shade leaves common for this type of Indica plant structure.

Here's another angle with more of the plant visible. These av. 36" tall and that's really getting about all the stretch I can on this strain's pheno I run.

OG KUSH (ghost cut) Yeah, your looking at an "OG". Really you are! This is a VERY sativa pheno that I kept from popping 10 beans. It started out mostly in the classic OG shape during early growth, but caught my eye as she morphed into this heavy Sativa pheno in flower. I keep this pheno going for it's awesome thc levels and has become my 2nd most requested strain by patients! (Yeah I still have the regular or classic style OG pheno's going from this ghost cut too.
Wish I could get a better shot of this one! But she's surrounded by others in the wash area.

One of my personal favorites! My heavy Sativa pheno of PINEAPPLE EXPRESS (G13) at 12 weeks.....around 4 more to go as she's just starting the bulking phase. Yup, the brown leaf tips tell you that I'm running her at the "edge". But no yellow out from the use of to much P&K!
Purple colors in plants you say? 15F temp drop at night with a 3. point supplement of K at 8 weeks for this one....at 4 weeks for the other 2.

Grow on friends!​

Update the Ghost later today as I can now reach it for better shots....harvest Friday