WAR!!!! North Korea fires artillery barrage on South, 'Intentional, planned attack'..


Well-Known Member
Their not going to do anything. S korea and the U.S. will not do any large scale attack and N. korea isn't ready to invade the south.

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya its pretty sad, first thing we sould be bombing of thiers is kim jong ills house

hes got concentration camps in his coutnry where they bring whole families in for torture and shit, like if u do somthing to piss them off they will not only punish you but will get every living surviving relative and put them in a concentration camp in unspeakable conditions so there will be no one left to avenge you

best thing that could happen to the north korean people is for us to take down thier tyranical government even if it kills more than $1 million north koreans, atleast we would stop the cycles of starvation and misery for the rest of thier days

millions dieing in wars are pretty much a good investment if the said country ends up with free people with full stomaches and healthy for the forseeable future unoppressed

its easy to be against war and killing, but the thinking man can produce less suffering in the end if a little pain is put forth on the front end as a morbid investment


Well-Known Member
Korea has enough armed people to stand up and depose their own government if they so chose.
Why is it we in the west always want to decide what is best for other people... to suggest being willing to kill a million people makes me wonder who is more evil.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Korea has enough armed people to stand up and depose their own government if they so chose.
Why is it we in the west always want to decide what is best for other people... to suggest being willing to kill a million people makes me wonder who is more evil.

im only saying like if you know for a fact thaT if $1 million civilians die in a war that topples a despotic regiem creates a government truley for the people and end up saving $1 million civilians per year from starvation

wouldnt it be our duty to save so many lives as $1 million per year even if we have to first kill $1million

thats the way I mean it can be justified.

there is no way for them to win thier freedom, there are spies everywhere and if you do anything they will send you whole extended familiy to concentration camps.

its like would you shoot and kill 6 babies to save the lives of 60 babies, or would you just do nothing and allow 60 babies to die


Well-Known Member
you know US is gonna somehow get involved in this mutha
We already are involved with over 29k sets of boots on the ground... the lack of response will only embolden Dear Leader to escalate his provocations. I believe it his will that the US be drawn into direct talks before he dies....


Well-Known Member
Good thing I have my full survival pack packed up. Got everything I need to live for a good 5 years.. if an apocalyptic event were to occur suddenly.

You guys heard of those underground houses that are being built? Yeah, crazy shit. But you'd be perfectly safe in one. They're are people that are actually building these as we speak. They build them like anywhere from 25ft to like 1000ft under the ground. Simply build a skeleton out of re-bars and enclose the skeleton with wood or something similar.. then simply start filling the skeleton with concrete. I know there's more to it than that, involved in building an underground house. But you get the idea.

They underground houses, can be built as big as you need it to be. I've seen the ones from that show on Court-TV... think its that Jesse Ventura Conspiracy show.

You know whats really fucked up though? The fact that, if there were to be an apocalyptic event occur... did you know that the USA government is only going to allow the "important" and "very wealthy" people to enter into their "Apocalypse Shelters" that they've built all over the country?!?!?!?!

Yea! No BS either. In fact, they said that if an "Apocalyptic event" were to occur.. and people that weren't "invited" into the governments shelters tried entering the shelter... they have the "RIGHT" to use deadly force?!! That's fucked up IMO. I'm sure most of you would agree with me on that.

Anyhow.. just thought I would share that with everyone. Every bit of what I said, is absolutely truth and facts.



Well-Known Member
Good thing I have my full survival pack packed up. Got everything I need to live for a good 5 years.. if an apocalyptic event were to occur suddenly.

You guys heard of those underground houses that are being built? Yeah, crazy shit. But you'd be perfectly safe in one. They're are people that are actually building these as we speak. They build them like anywhere from 25ft to like 1000ft under the ground. Simply build a skeleton out of re-bars and enclose the skeleton with wood or something similar.. then simply start filling the skeleton with concrete. I know there's more to it than that, involved in building an underground house. But you get the idea.

They underground houses, can be built as big as you need it to be. I've seen the ones from that show on Court-TV... think its that Jesse Ventura Conspiracy show.

You know whats really fucked up though? The fact that, if there were to be an apocalyptic event occur... did you know that the USA government is only going to allow the "important" and "very wealthy" people to enter into their "Apocalypse Shelters" that they've built all over the country?!?!?!?!

Yea! No BS either. In fact, they said that if an "Apocalyptic event" were to occur.. and people that weren't "invited" into the governments shelters tried entering the shelter... they have the "RIGHT" to use deadly force?!! That's fucked up IMO. I'm sure most of you would agree with me on that.

Anyhow.. just thought I would share that with everyone. Every bit of what I said, is absolutely truth and facts.

So that's why theirs pot holes in the streets and the schools suck and why they only clean the trash of the sidewalks in the nice neighborhoods-good to know where my tax money is going


Active Member

its not bs smart guy, talk about uneducated and how ignorent you are, he waited till the lame duct congress was in session right before the elections during and after during holiday recess heres one of your little buddies, democrat screeming bloody murder about the way this was done, so you can piss off

you know i like most of the stuff you post, i think you are a cool guy
but when you get political its just crap

and you cannot be any more ignorant than spelling ignorent
if you are however saying ignorent to emphasize how the other dude is ignorant, then its dumb because its not NUCLEUR, ITS NUCLEAR

i could go through most of your posts showing terrible mistakes
don't call people ignorant when you can't spell


Active Member
best thing that could happen to the north korean people is for us to take down thier tyranical government even if it kills more than $1 million north koreans, atleast we would stop the cycles of starvation and misery for the rest of thier days
sure, like what you did in Haiti
and Iraq
and Afganistan
so many more

that just creates hatred man, don't you get it, you would create a perfect terrorist's breeding ground


Well-Known Member
US conservative favorite Sarah Palin is choosing sides in the latest conflict pitting the two Koreas against one another, but a verbal slip-up saw her make an unexpected pick.
“Obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies,” she said on the radio show of fellow conservative icon Glenn Beck.
The host immediately corrected her and Palin repeated: “Yeah. And we're also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies, yes.”


...you guys sure this cow is not related to bush?


Well-Known Member
Why the hell do all the politicians want to talk to China? I thought the rockets came from Korea? 24 hours and a few stealth bombers and Korea would not be able to send a rocket accross the street. Then if China had any thing to say, bring it on. Lets get the show on the road bring out the big guns.


Well-Known Member
Korea would not have fired those rounds without the blessing of china, it is the elephant in the room at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Why the hell do all the politicians want to talk to China? I thought the rockets came from Korea? 24 hours and a few stealth bombers and Korea would not be able to send a rocket accross the street. Then if China had any thing to say, bring it on. Lets get the show on the road bring out the big guns.
The reason we were not able to win in Vietnam and N. Korea was China


Well-Known Member
Think of it as the chinese israel, only closer.
Allthough with israel/usaI'm not sure who is the hand and who is the puppet.