Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
I kinda lost track cus of rain/bad weather and they didn't really grow much for a week. Any idea how many weeks left on this?

Btw do you think hair browning early affects yield? I've had this problem on half my plants this grow and I can't figure out if it's because of under or over-nuting.

and this one? (are green hairs a sign of deficiency?)



Active Member
thanks FDD... love the information you post up here. I consider you reliable because you actually post pics along with very detailed instructions to back it all up.



Well-Known Member
I kinda lost track cus of rain/bad weather and they didn't really grow much for a week. Any idea how many weeks left on this?

Btw do you think hair browning early affects yield? I've had this problem on half my plants this grow and I can't figure out if it's because of under or over-nuting.

and this one? (are green hairs a sign of deficiency?)

green hairs means it's still growing. :)

looks like 10 - 14 more days on both those.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick response. Yea I thought 2 weeks too, but hopefully the Qleaner in the second pic swells up more cus the buds are kinda small.

You sure it's fine? cus I think the hairs have been green and curled like that since week 3-4. Actually I don't think it ever had white hairs.
Wondering if it needs more P/K or something.


Active Member
lemme kno wut u think? its been 6 full weeks since first day 12/12...

this is grapefruit

this is bubblegum



thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
hello, is this one ready yet? :) or how long


been flowering for long time (july 26th) but unstable photo conditions.

Dr. Pot

Just took a couple. They went to 12/12 cycle on 9/12/10. It's currently 10/28/10 (6 weeks)..man how time slows when you can't smoke and just get to sit and watch your tasty tasty bud get better and better looking.




Well-Known Member
yo what up man.. got some god bud on the left and purple ak on the right. both clones.
im thinkin 2 - 3 more weeks of feedin then flush em?
starting to smell like pineapple when i open the door.. lol



Well-Known Member
So what do you think about my plants? Ive had some pretty big issues with dryness coming on lately. One of my two plants is dead now. It dried itself up like a 212yr old lady. Now this plant is starting to show signs of dryness (as if you cant tell by those disgusting leaves) but the buds still have some moisture in them. If they arnt ready I will let them go, if you say they are ready, im chopping them tomorrow.

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
That plant in your last plant was too stressed, dont think it'll do much more so I'd say harvest that one at least. In the future realize the earliest most plant will finish is 8 weeks most will go 10-12 even some Indicas. Good Luck!