Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


I would say two weeks for her. Alot of the hairs appear to still be white and not yet begun to recede into the ngz. the trichomes are also a bit underdeveloped. When she swells, hairs shorten and buds fatten, and, under a scope or macro image of the bud determine if your trichromes are milky in color, and around 1/3 of them with amber heads. This is peak harvest time. Begin the flush when this process begins. Check out my bud on the previous page, i just started flushing her. Gonna let her develop a bit more its worth it in the long run. Oh and my dood, it is wellllll worth the wait cuz everyday ur bitches are gettin sexier :) youl know when theyre ready to be plucked


Active Member
ip 041.jpgip 034.jpgip 040.jpgip 042.jpgip 032.jpgip 030.jpgip 039.jpgip 035.jpgip 033.jpgip 038.jpgip 037.jpgip 036.jpgip 029.jpgip 031.jpg hey there what do you think,just going on to 8 weeks flowering,swiss cheese,hydroponics.i was thinking of giving them a few more days but not sure? thanks.


Well-Known Member
Cant tell by look yet but I know That sour D is a sativa dom and gets very tall. Usually its about an 11 week flowering time. So that would mean another couple weeks.


Active Member
AQUANAUT - what kind of camera / settings are you using to get those Trich shots?? very nice by the way.

Now, my babies...only my second grow. 400w HPS - FF Ocean Forest soil - all organic ferts.. been on 12/12 since 9/10/10 ( 47 days ) how close do you think? Any other sage advice for a sorta noob?

heres a few shots of the whole setup

ALL.jpgALL (3).jpgALL (2).jpg

for some reason its not letting upload anymore pics in the post...will follow up


So what am I looking for when looking at the Trichs (crystals) in terms of colour? Haze? To tell when it's ready. Has anyone tried Advanced Nutrients Big Bud Bloom Enhancer? Thanks for any help! I will try to get a pic tomorrow for some advice on chop down time.

Also, how do you tell if you let it grow too long? I know they can loose potency if let past their prime. Thanks!