US Department of Imperial Expansion


Believe it or not, the US State Department’s mission statement actually says the following:
“Advance freedom for the benefit of the American people and the international community by helping to build and sustain a more democratic, secure, and prosperous world composed of well-governed states that respond to the needs of their people, reduce widespread poverty, and act responsibly within the international system.

If only the US State Department’s meddling was confined to feckless secretaries squawking behind podiums attempting to fulfill ridiculous mission statements, we could all rest easier... <----The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - Chavez: Inside the Coup


Well-Known Member
I don't under stand why these MOFOs are worried about THE WORLD. This is America and the bastards should be worried about America. Trillions of dollars the US has give the world and the world still hates America. Is there something wrong with this picture?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
That's why we support dictators.
You get what you ask for. When you think you can give somebody a little bit of power over others and they will hold to that and ONLY do good things, you are asking more than "they" are capable of delivering. I suggest you stop enabling evil.

Government doesn't exist to benefit you, that is not the goal of government. When you say "we" support dictators, doesn't that tell you
something? Rather than blame a particular political party, why not go below the surface a bit more and recgnize that it's not the color of the bitches hair that need changing....that fat old ugly whore can change wigs all she wants...she's still a fat old ugly whore.


Well-Known Member
You get what you ask for. When you think you can give somebody a little bit of power over others and they will hold to that and ONLY do good things, you are asking more than "they" are capable of delivering. I suggest you stop enabling evil.

Government doesn't exist to benefit you, that is not the goal of government. When you say "we" support dictators, doesn't that tell you
something? Rather than blame a particular political party, why not go below the surface a bit more and recgnize that it's not the color of the bitches hair that need changing....that fat old ugly whore can change wigs all she wants...she's still a fat old ugly whore.
actually, the goal of the government is to work for the people. the government stopped governing for the people when we started a crazed de-regulation process which privatized services, and then those people in charge of those services are concerned with the bottom line, not the will or well-being of the people......

and we privatized services guaranteeing profits.... we sub-contract stuff like road-building and prison keeping, promising to pay cost-plus-profit. at a rate of we'll pay a company 140% of their costs, no matter if their costs get artificially inflated through accounting gimmicks (ever heard of Halliburton???).......

and you say that unions, that only want to guarantee a good paycheck, good health care, and good quality of life for the problems facing this nation.....

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
actually, the goal of the government is to work for the people. the government stopped governing for the people when we started a crazed de-regulation process which privatized services, and then those people in charge of those services are concerned with the bottom line, not the will or well-being of the people......

and we privatized services guaranteeing profits.... we sub-contract stuff like road-building and prison keeping, promising to pay cost-plus-profit. at a rate of we'll pay a company 140% of their costs, no matter if their costs get artificially inflated through accounting gimmicks (ever heard of Halliburton???).......

and you say that unions, that only want to guarantee a good paycheck, good health care, and good quality of life for the problems facing this nation.....

No, the goal of government is not to work for "the people". Oh sure they flip a bone now and then...of course they use the money they steal from you but why let facts get in the way of a nice fantasy....There is no Easter Bunny either. The goal of government is to grow
and assert control over it's subjects. Been that way for a looooong time too. What they say is their goal and what really IS the goal are two differnet things. Don't believe me? The quote below is from a guy that cannot tell a lie.

"Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is a force, like fire: a dangerous servant and a terrible master".
- George Washington

Haliburton is in bed with government. So? That makes them BOTH guilty in the middle east adventures wouldn't you say? Without the sleezes in government starting wars, Haliburton wuld have to provide actual services to exist wouldn't they?

I don't have a problem with people wanting a good paycheck etc. I have a problem with people being forced to support something they may not choose of their own FREE WILL to participate in. In a truly free society, people would be free to reject funding those things they do not use. In a "nominally free" society, like the one today, that option has been usurped.