TSA Music Video


Wow, just wow. In Sean Pauls new music video the TSA is portrayed as sexy and the video itself is titled "She Doesn't Mind". Fck the people behind this bullsht. Watch it and see what im talking about, the sad thing is that it WILL actually help to make people believe that getting your genitals rubbed by strangers is nothing. TSA presence will become normal. Im sure there is plenty new material being made through big label artist to promote this sick sht, its only the beginning. Damn where will we be in 10 years, or even 1.



Active Member
IDK, heres to hoping more strangers become "OK" with me rubbing there genitals. maybe thats what we need to "loosen" us up some these days, some good free recreational sex with little bias and no societal repercussions. I think it would do everyone good =)

most religions (mine included - Baptist) operate along the thought line that this world/life is a precursor to the "real" world/life, in which we are being tested, punished, or just generally unhappy. Thus, they invented monogamy! And there you have it, a single thing that keeps almost everyone unhappy almost all the time.