try figure this one out


Well-Known Member
Three people go to a restaurant and order a meal the meal costs thirty dollars so they give the waiter thirty dollars then the waiter comes back and says its only 25 dollars so they have five dollars left over they tip the waiter 2 dollars then they each keep 3 dollars so they only spent 9 dollars each and the waiter two dollars

9x3 = 27$
tip for waiter = 2$

27+2= 29 where did the one dollar go ?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Three people go to a restaurant and order a meal the meal costs thirty dollars so they give the waiter thirty dollars then the waiter comes back and says its only 25 dollars so they have five dollars left over they tip the waiter 2 dollars then they each keep 3 dollars so they only spent 9 dollars each and the waiter two dollars

9x3 = 27$
tip for waiter = 2$

27+2= 29 where did the one dollar go ?
the 3 people put in 10 bucks each
the waiter comes back with 5 bucks. the 3 take a dollar back to make it 9 bucks each for a total of 27 bucks. the waiter keeps 2 bucks.
25 for the meal 2 for the waiter = 27 total.


Well-Known Member
The even bigger question is where the hell do you live where 3 people can eat at a restaurant for $25?


Well-Known Member
you paid 25 dollars. so each meal costed $8.33333333....
you gave two dolars to waitress and toke back $1 each.

$8.333333333..... X 3 = ~$25
1 X 3 = $3
and two dollar tip.

25 + 3 + 2 = 30.

but how the hell meal can cost $8.33333?!?


Well-Known Member
There is no missing dollar. They gave the waiter $30, he gave them back $5. They each kept a dollar and gave him a $2 tip (shitty tip, by the way).

Meal= $25
Tip = $2
Change = $3

Total = $30


Active Member
There is no missing dollar. They gave the waiter $30, he gave them back $5. They each kept a dollar and gave him a $2 tip (shitty tip, by the way).

Meal= $25
Tip = $2
Change = $3

Total = $30
Funny that a lot of people on here couldn't figure out that simple problem lol. I think it was mainly because the original post was wrong and people were using false info from it.


Well-Known Member
Only time I go there is for the grand slam breakfast.
In phoenix(not sure if it was everywhere else in the u.s.a) Denny's was giving away free grand slams. Seriouisly all you had to do was walk in and order a grand was awesome but the line was fucking massive(I got there right when they opened:D).

every time i go their i will get a moon over my hammy`s..
but i always end up gettin diarrhahl from it..
damn i go through alot of tolite paper...:lol::lol:......:peace:
Damn that sounds good. Thats the egg/ham/cheese sandwhich thing right? fuck denny's is so chill.


Well-Known Member
They gave away free grandslams all over the USA. I swear there was a line through the parking lot. The sad thing is if they were giving them away for a nickel nowhere near as many people would of been interested.


bud bootlegger
if all three of them would have been triplets, they all could have went to denny's and paid nothing for their meal, so long as they had gone on their b'day.. then they would have had the thirty dollars left to spend on a bag of weed, and they wouldve been full and hapy, as weed makes everything good, or atleast better.dont know how much they would've tipped the waiter though if they got the meal for free.. maybe they could atleast have waited till he got off of work, and smoked him out..

indy kuh

Active Member
to put it in perpective

the meal cost 25 dollars

they were handed back 5 dollars

they tipped 2 dollars

they now have 3 dollars left over

everybody keeps a dollar