Travis barkers jet crashed.. =/


Well-Known Member
"Originally Posted by BreatheSmoke
You crack me up MrHoward. That post definitely brought on the lolz.


I'm starting to think this Link fellow is just trying to make us laugh... Either that or he is 13."

Lol hahahaha Apparently ive been caught =P


Well-Known Member
and can someone go listen to the chink from dragonforce... HE truely does play insane shit on guitar.

I dunno his name though.. like Bangclapching or something

people really are effected by this "pwnd" word hahahahahahaha

Btw steve vai is overrated by dudes in thier 60s who cant get it up anymore..

Kirk hammett dang learned from the SAME guy good ol Joe lol. and is about the same age and is fuckin ROCKIN

and hes about to be inducted into the rock an roll hall of fame...

Wheres steve right now?

Last time i checked Metallica has the number 1 album. which btw wasnt as awful as i thought it was gonna be.

Its nothing compared to ride the lightining or master of puppets but its got flair but honestly I was over metallica years ago..

Marty from megadeths pretty sick.

Either way I belive I made my point about steve. Joe should give him somemore lessons on creativity.
Shit toki from dethklok kicks more ass than steve... and hes the shittier of the two guitarists... even though their actually just 1 person brandon small.. Go see Dethklok live !!! it was fucking awesome